


San Antonio, TX

Sunday June 13, 2004

     9:52am  I am leaving my mom's house. I am going to take one last hike through the woods to the Walmart. Oh yeah, my mom pisses me off. Her whole attitude. She's always bitching. She's crazy and doesn't see anything wrong with killing the world. It pisses me off.

                   Dude, I really need some traveling weed today. Some traveling weed would be really nice. Please Love, grant me some bud for my journey.

     9:14am  I am walking down Braun Rd. I've been walking down it for a while. I haven't been making entries. I'm going to walk up to the Bandera Community Church and talk to that Andre guy. He had told me to let him know the next time I was going to leave.

     9:22am  I walked to the Exxon on Bandera/Braun. I'm going to wait around and bum a cigarette. Then I'll go look for Andre.

     9:27am  This guy just went in and bought a pack. When he comes out I ask him for one and he just ignores me and gets in his car. I yelled at him, "All you have to say is no. You don't have to be so ignorant."

     9:32am  Christine gave me a couple cigarettes at the Exxon. Thanks Christine. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:42am  I am going to walk through the woods. My last nature-hike to the Walmart. Andre wasn't there. They told me he'd be there around one.

     10:00am  I ran into Sarah and Lacy in the park. I told them my story and they were really interested, but their leash rang and they got called off. I got through my whole explanation with them. They loved every second of it.

                     One was and

     10:21am  I am passing Snarlwood and the wall. And the legalize herb sign.

     10:35am  I ran into these two dudes who had wrecked their truck on a trail back here. They had been there since last night. Just waiting around to see what would happen, I guess. The truck wouldn't go into gear anymore. They were just driving through the woods(that's a no-no) and they wrecked it. I asked them, "So what are you going to do?" One guy told me, "I don't know. We've been here since last night." I told them, "Well, if you really don't have anything to do, you can always walk up to the Walmart and play videogames for free, hehe." That's where I am going. The Walmart is really close to here.

                     I had asked them, "You guys don't have any weed, do you?"

                     First thing I asked them was, "Did alcohol have anything to do with this?" He told me, "Nah, just overconfidence."

     10:39am  I am at the Walmart now. I'm going to go see what the letter of the day is for the buses today.

                     O, for Orange. I am at the bus stop now. I went inside and bought me a double cheeseburger at McDonald's.

     11:07am  I ate my burger and smoked the cigarette I bummed at the smoking cabana. When I had gone to bum the cigarette, this girl told me, "Yeah, but you owe me ten cents." I reached in my pocket and the girl says, "I'm just kidding." I told them, "You guys aren't going to see me for a while. I'm taking off soon." They asked me where I was going and I told them, "On my way to save the world."

     11:21am  I got off the bus on Wurzbach and Medical. I'm going to walk to the Lodge apartments and go see if Sarah and Adam are home. Maybe they can spare me some traveling weed. I'm taking off tomorrow.

                     Neither Adam nor Sarah are home. I'm walk to the hospital.

     11:36am  Oh yeah, I walked to University Hospital and I tried to bum a cigarette off this guy. He showed me his rolling tobacco, thinking that would make me not want one. I told him, "Well, can I roll one?" He told me he couldn't afford cigarettes. I told him thanks anyway.

     12:32pm  I'm downtown already. By the Greyhound station. On Martin and St. Mary's. I'm going to go to Travis Park and get some weed.

     1:05pm  Nobody had any weed at Travis Park, so I'm going to walk all the way to the SAMM's shelter.

                   Oh yeah, I saw Victoria. She had her baby.

     1:11pm  I'm walking towards SAMM's. Going to buy me a joint. Oh yeah, Adolf hooked me up with a cookie. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     2:22pm  This brother is hooking me up with a cigarette under the bridge.

     2:47pm  I came over where all the homeless people are at the SAMM's Shelter. I came over and told my stories and showed them my pictures. I've got some believers here. Oh yeah, I see this cute girl lying down asleep. I'm going to wait until she wakes up and tell her my story. Maybe she'll come traveling with me. I don't know, hehe.

                   I think I've met her before. I'm sure she's heard about me.

     2:52pm  This dude hooked me up with some barbacoa. I was hungry. I appreciate it.

     3:14pm  Haha, I had my marker so I started writing "Victor the Liberator" on the wall. I'm all stoned so I messed up and misspelled it. Then, this cop drove by and honked at me. He saw me writing on the wall. I walked over to his car and he asked me, "What are you writing on the wall?" I told him, "Victor the Liberator. Can I tell you a really interesting story?" I told him how the world's greatest problem was ignorance. Right then he cut me off and told me, "But if you are writing on the wall, you're going to go to jail in this city." I told him, "Understood, officer." He said, "Okay, so don't write on the wall. Please take off. I respect you. I respect what you are doing." I told him to drive carefully and he said, "Good luck on your mission."

                   Hahaha, that was soooo sweet! He didn't listen to me, though. So thanks for proving me right, copper. I am fearless!

     3:35pm  Whoa, this family just pulled up in a truck and is feeding all the homeless people here under the bridge. I'm going to go ask them what their name is.

                    The Luna family. How very generous of you guys. It'll come back.

     3:42pm  Jesse me dio mota para mi viaje mañana. Gracias. Te lo agradezco. Todo mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

                   Y tambien me dio un cigaro.

                   That was so awesome. How that random family just pulled up in a truck and started feeding.

     3:48pm  Tony hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the SAMM's Shelter. I appreciate it, brother. I'll save it for later.

     4:26pm  Señor Casablanca me dio un cigaro en Travis Park. Muchisimas gracias.

     4:31pm  I got back on the 91. Going back to Medical Center. The driver hooked me up, his number is 6502.

     4:37pm  I'm sitting on the bus and right when we get to Cypress, where the 91 and 92 usually turn left on, I notice the bus not turning. Oh shit, this isn't the 91. It's the #4. Hmm, this one goes out to North Star Mall, so I might as well just go there and check it out. I never have plans, hehe.

     4:55pm  I got to North Star Mall. I'm going to go get me some water. I'll bum a cigarette at the bus stop.

     5:01pm  Laura was standing in front of the door to the mall and I hit her up for a cigarette. She said she didn't have one, but I could have the rest of hers.

     5:04pm  Just walked into North Star Mall.

                   I walked into the Discovery store and a girl working there said, "Hey, I know you." I asked her, "Really, where do you know me from?" She asked me, "Didn't you walk out to this girl Lindsey's house a long time ago?" Oh yeah, when I walked out to Bulverde and these kids picked me up and took me to this party out in Boerne. That was a hell of a long time ago. Back in 2002. That was rad I got recognized randomly again. I'm going to walk around this mall for like an hour just to get seen.

     5:35pm  The guy driving the #4 saw me and told me, "What's up, Victor?" Ha, they all know me.

     6:00pm  I'm out here in front of North Star Mall at the bus stop. I'm just here scraping resin hits. The 534 just came.

     6:15pm  We are finally leaving North Star Mall. Going to Medical Center.

                    I just got off on Wurzbach and Gardendale. I have to be at the hospital at 7:15 to catch the last bus out to my mom's. I was playing with the idea of walking to all my friends' houses, but I am leaving tomorrow morning. I have to go home.

                    Let me stop by JP's and see if he can spare a nugget for traveling weed.

                    I'm going to walk to JP's and see if he's home.

                    I saw this black dude and this other dude walking up to JP's. I didn't see JP anywhere, though. I went to the front door and knocked. Nobody answered. I went around to the back and banged on it. Some guy came out and said what's up. I asked him, "Where's JP?" They told me he wasn't there, that he stepped out for a minute. I asked him, "Well, can I come in and chill?" He said, "I don't know. It's JP's place and he's not here." I told him, "JP is cool with me. I helped him move all that stuff in there." He still said no.

                   Hmm, that's just really weird. I hope those guys hadn't broken in and were robbing JP.

     7:00pm  I'm going to have to walk all the way to the hospital. From Gardendale and Wurzbach. That's an awesome hike. It shouldn't take me fifteen  minutes to get there. I am already at Floyd Curl/Medical. I'll get a cigarette at the hospital. Just watch. Aww shit. I won't have time to look for tennis balls.

     7:15pm  I got on the 610 and the driver immediately told me don't worry about it.

     7:42pm  I just got off at the Citgo at Old Tezel and Guilbeau.

     7:55pm  Sue hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Citgo. I appreciate it, Sue. Everybody gets credit in my game.

     8:19pm  Bruce hooked me up with a cigarette at the Citgo. Everybody gets credit.

     9:50pm  I went to my mom's house. I asked her, "Hey mom, think I can get a pack of cigarettes for my trip?" She tells me yes, gives me the money and I take off in her car. When I first walked into the Citgo I saw this cute girl wearing a tie-dye shirt. I thought, "Cool, I probably know that girl." I went inside and asked Vicas for a pack of cigarettes. The girl walks in from outside and says, "Hey, do you remember me? You saw me on the bus one time and we gave you a joint, I think?" I told her, "Kind of, refresh my memory." I vaguely recall it, but I can look it up. Jessica is her name. She asked me if I could buy her some rolling papers and I said sure. She's only sixteen. Not only did she give me the change, but she's smoking me out too! She followed me to my mom's house. I dropped off the car and we are driving around getting stoned now. She's going to go get her sack. Cool, cool, things happen for a reason.

     11:05pm  I am hanging out here with my new friend Jessica. A girl who I ran into at the Citgo earlier. We are just driving around, smoking weed and I'm telling Jessica my stories. I told her my Brewster County Jail story and my odyssey story. She is going to tell me a story she's making up as she goes. She's free-styling, hehe. Go ahead, Jessica.

                     Jessica: "I'm going to tell you a story about a swordfish I knew. His name was Martin. He grew up a pretty cool swordfish and everything, you know. He had friends. He wasn't a loser. He could do cool stuff. He was a pretty cool guy. Then, when he turned 18 he had to leave, you know. That's what you have to do when you turn 18. He was all, "Where am I supposed to go? I was never that bright, but I got by because people liked me. I was talented in art class, but I can't make a career out of that." So Martin was like, "What am I supposed to do?"
     So, he went to his friend Evan. Now Evan was not a swordfish at all. He kind of hung out with some of the swordfish every once in a while, because they would think alike. So anyway, Martin went to Evan's place and Martin was all, "Man, I don't know what to do." Evan was all, "Here, go to this address," and he gave him a little card. Martin was all, "Alright, what do you I have to lose?" So he goes to this address. It was a real bad scene there. The whole place was just trashed. Nobody was there. Martin was like, "What do I do now? This is like the only thing I had going." I asked Jessica if Evan was a swordfish and she told me no. She said, "You know those goldfish with the big balloon eyes? He's one of those." He hung out with some swordfish, but he had to be careful about that shit. Evan was nice to the swordfish and gave him this address. Well anyway, back to Martin. He was cruising around and whatever. Not much was going on. He was all worried about it. Then he ran into an old friend. Like this friend he knew from way back in second grade. But he recognized him, because they had say next to each other in class. This guy was like, "Hey, do you believe in God?" Martin was like, "No, not really. I always thought it was a bunch of bullshit." This other guy, his name was Dave, the guy he ran into. Dave was all like, "No, God is the way. Come with me." He took Martin to this fish church. They were non-denominational, so any kind of sea creature could go, as long as they're cool. Well anyway, they hooked him up with all this food, a nice place to stay and Martin was all, "Hey, this is badass. Like I don't have to do anything. They just hook me up with everything." And so after a while they were all, "Hey, do us all these favors. We helped you out, remember? Do it for Jesus. Jesus did all this stuff for you." Martin was like, "Well, this kind of sucks, but what am I going to do about it?" He didn't have anywhere else to go, and at least here he had a home. Things got worse and worse as time went on and he had to do all these favors. Favors he didn't want to do. He had to do them. It got to a point where Martin couldn't even choose to leave. He was imprisoned by this cult, this fish cult. Martin was all, "What am I going to do? I wish I had some direction in life and not meander around wildly and been scooped up by this cult of fish."

                     That was the last thing we heard of Martin, so that's where that story ends."

     11:49pm  Man, I am back here alone on the back porch of my mom's. I'm about to smoke. I got some traveling weed! Right at the last minute. What an angel Jessica was. She's sixteen. Like I say, the kids are taking over soon! Yay! I got some traveling weed! I'm going to leave tomorrow! I'm going to leave tomorrow!

     1:02am  Man, I am so ready to go. I just packed up all my shit. I'm going to take my boots and my shoes. I tied my bootlaces together and they'll be hanging off my backpack while I walk. This is so awesome. I can't wait. Man, it's going to be so rad with these shoes. All the time I've walked before, I always did in boots. Those boots weigh so much more than the Nikes. I'm going to fly. Thank you so much little brother for giving me wings.

Next day..

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