


San Antonio, TX

Monday June 13, 2005

     5:52am  I woke up at 5:30. I'm going to get on the computer again.

     10:55am  It's Monday, 6-13. I'm going to leave tomorrow. Oh yeah, I've been typing all morning. I'm already on the 9th. I'm almost caught up. I'm almost finished. Then I still have to format all the text files and burn the CD's. I'm going to be on the computer all day. Right now I have to run off to my dentist appointment at 11:30. My mom forgot about my appointment and had taken off to pick up my little nephew. I'm going to walk all the way to the dentist on Mainland and Guilbeau. It's not that far. I have an appointment with Dr. Covert. My mom said she would show up eventually. I'm going to walk up there now. Then I'll come back and finish up. I've got a lot of work to do.

                     This guy will be a miracle worker if he can fix my tooth on such short notice. My prayer is going to be answered. I remember I had made a prayer to have my tooth pulled, at least(6-6-05, 9:37pm). Let's see if my mom can get this taken care of for me. Praise Love. I'm wearing my Let's Go Bite Some Yankees shirt. I'm going to walk all the way there with my stick.

                     Oh yeah, did I tell you yesterday my mom took me to Old Navy and bought me a new belt! I am being equipped to perfection here.

     11:59am  I just got out of the dentist's office. My tooth is fixed! Like, I don't have to worry about it ever again now. I'm going to take off traveling tomorrow. Guess what, Dr. Covert hooked it up! He's not charging us! That's awesome.

                     It was a totally painless process. I barely felt anything at all.

                     My mom: "He did that for me. And I just met him, Victor. He's not even my friend, tu sabes."

                     His name is John L. Covert. D.D.S. P.A. 210-647-0477 At Mainland and Guilbeau

     12:08pm  I'm already back home. That didn't take long at all. He didn't even charge us! I talked to him a little and showed him my 2004 traveling list. He had told my mom before that he wanted to meet me. She had told him I was a traveler. He even recommended I read Into the Wild by John Krakuer.

     12:27pm  I burned like twenty CD's already. I had scavenged all these slim-line CD cases from my mom's house. I thought I was going to use them to hand out CD's as I traveled. Then I also found these paper CD envelope things. If I had lots of those the plastic CD cases wouldn't weigh me down as much. I scavenged like ten of those. I need to burn enough CD's to last me to California.

                     I burned a lot of CD's. I have like over thirty burned already. I'm going to pass them out like crazy. Oh yeah, I went to Walmart and found out they sold those CD sleeves. Those paper sleeves that will reduce my weight a lot. I'm almost ready. Right now I am stealing my mom's car. She's asleep and doesn't know I'm taking it. I'm going to go to Bo's and see if he has any weed. If not I'll go to Olivia's. I should probably go to her house first. That's what I'll do.

     8:07pm  Olivia seems to be asleep or something. She's not answering her door.

     10:30pm  I'm back home. I didn't get any weed. That sucks.

     10:40pm  Oh shit, I just realized that on all thirty CD's I just burned, after it installs on other people's computers, it doesn't put a shortcut on the desktop so people can start my webpage up again. Damnit, damnit, son of a bitch. I can't believe I burned thirty CD's and I forgot that shit. Argh, that pisses me off.

     12:56am  I burned the entire fifty-pack of CD's. I've got fifty CD's to give away. I even got multicolored sleeves for it at Walmart.

Next day..

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