

                                   San Francisco to Los Angeles to Pomona to Claremont, CA

Wednesday June 13, 2007

     9:09am  I have boarded the bus to LA. Let's see, last night around midnight, I think, I walked to Golden Gate Park and crashed. I woke up this morning around six. I walked to Haight/Cole and asked all these cops at the coffee shop where the Greyhound station was. They told me and I caught the bus. Courtesy ride, of course. I walked to the station. When I first walked in I walked straight to the desk and told the lady I had a confirmation number. She told me I had to wait in line, like everyone else. Duh, I was all stoned too, hehe. I lucked out because I got a good listener to kill the wait in line. I gave the lady my confirmation number and got my ticket. Oh yeah, I weighed my pack and without the clothes I am wearing it weighs approximately thirty three pounds. Oh yeah, right outside, when I got to the station I found a dollar bill on the ground! Thank you, Love. I still have like forty five minutes to wait, so I stood outside holding my WPTMJ sign. I was screaming at people hardcore. I was all yelling, "Will you check out my webpage? It's free. Why wouldn't you? Damn, have you always been that ignorant?" Oh yeah, yesterday I forgot to mention that yesterday it dawned on me that I will be arriving in San Antonio on my old departure-date of June 14. Back when I first took off in 2002, I would stay out for six months, then come back for six months. I left on June 14 three years in a row. Hehe, it is my persistent-consistency that will ensure the success of this mission.
                   I swear I didn't plan it like that at all. Remember I was in Arcata doing my thang. I was waiting for the Endeavor to give me a bus ticket home. All of a sudden I get a hold of my mom and she offers to pay for the bus ticket. I said okay. Well, it just so happens that in all my adventures hitchhiking to San Francisco, through Laytonville, Ukiah, Santa Rosa, Berkeley, etc, that I am going to end up getting back to headquarters on June 14, the same day I had left before...until I was slowed down at a failed attempt at a relationship, stupid me. It's alright, though. I am eternally grateful for the experiences and locales I ended up with, with Carol. I will always love you, Carol. I am sooo excited right now. San Antonio is going to be so awesome. Sooo many people are going to be so proud of me. We just got to Oakland on the Greyhound. I am going to see if I can get off and smoke a cigarette.
     2:03pm  The bus stopped somewhere for forty five minutes. I went inside the Burger King and bought me two burgers. I ate one. Outside the BK I was able to scrape up some resin and noticed this pretty girl with beautiful splotches on her left arm smoking a cigarette. After the bus left again I went back to my private couch I have in the very back. Three empty seats all to myself. Anyway, I layered down and approached that pretty girl with my story. She had already been reading a book. She agreed to listen and I sat down next to her. She listened to me superbly. At every single point I made she would say, "Uh -huh," to let me know she was following me. Beautiful eyes. I told her my whole Odyssey. Now, I am going to read my Don Juan book. Oh yeah, her name was Carrie. ::muah::

     2:50pm  I am on the bus still. I was able to scrape up yet another resin hit and I took it in the bathroom. I was able to tag the bathroom. Let me take a picture.

     5:51pm  We are just now getting to Los Angeles. I have like an hour layover here. Oh yeah, pretty close to me is this other beautiful girl sitting with her boyfriend. She listened at first. When I said, "Don't worry, it will be a peaceful revolution," she said that wasn't possible. She said she really doubted me(little does she know I want her to, hehe). Her stupid cellphone went off and she told me to hold on. She never let me finish my story. Man, nobody wants world peace! I didn't even bother to ask her to do me the two favors. Seemed like she already was. Damn the ignorance in this world. This girl is fine(looking only).

     6:21pm  Holy shit, the motherfucking piglets at the Greyhound in LA. I was holding my big WPTMJ sign and this....
                    Conoci Horacio y Guillermo.

     7:50pm  Oh man, what an ordeal I have had at the station. Ugh, the fucking rent-a-cops. Anyway, the driver of the bus saw me holding my sign and yelled, "You can't take that on the bus. There's little kids in there. You have to put it underneath." I said, "Oh, you don't want world peace?" I put the sign under the bus and got on. As I was boarding the bus I told him, "Good little slave." Hehe, you know me and my rebuttals. He got all mad and told me to get off. He called the security guards. Right when they showed up I yelled, "Okay, now I am going to call the real police." While they were dragging me off the bus I was all yelling, "Why does everybody have to fuck with the guy trying to bring world peace?! Nobody wants world peace! Why must history repeat itself?!" They wrestled me to the ground and slapped handcuffs on me. They were being all rough and hurt my wrists and twisted my arm bad. I was in agonizing pain. They were all trying to scare me, but I was yelling back at them. "TOUGH GUY BIG MAN DO WHAT YOU CAN!" They dragged me to their interrogation room and handcuffed me very uncomfortably to a wooden bench. They actually tried to recruit me for the Marines! I was going off on them telling them how this country ain't worth dying for at all. This one guy got all heated up telling me people were dying for my rights and I didn't care. Shit, if they wouldn't have been so damn ignorant and let me tell them my story, they would see how much I care. And how little they did. These stupid asses were all trying to scare me, telling me they were going to call the police and that I was under the influence because my eyes were all red. I told them, "If you don't call the cops, I sure as fuck will. Give me the phone." They finally let me go, but told me I couldn't ride the bus. Oh well, whatever. I had asked them where the next Greyhound station was and they told me Claremont. So I will simply ride the city bus to Claremont and catch the Greyhound there. I told them, "I don't give a damn. I'll hitchhike. Everything happens for a reason. You can't stop me. You can just get in my way."
                   I walked outside and scored me a badass little audience. They listened to me good and this girl hooked me up with a little weed! Hell yeah, then the security guards came outside and told me, "Victor, you have to leave." Haha, they're sure as hell never forgetting my name. This older lady who was listening to my story told me I was really smart.

     8:46pm  Oh yeah, at the city bus stop in front of the Greyhound the first lady didn't give me a courtesy ride. Just then this black dude offered this other guy his daypass. The guy didn't want it, so I asked for it. The guy told me, "For you it's a dollar." I called him a greedy ass and walked off thinking, "I need my dollar for the bus." Stupid ass me. I realized my folly and made the exchange. The 62 pulled up and I got on with my pass. The driver didn't know what bus to tell me, so I asked him if there was a transfer terminal on his route where I could ask some other drivers. I got off on Spring Street, I think, and caught the next bus. I remembered that in 2004(I think) I had ridden the city bus to Fontana. Turns out the city bus does not go there anymore. I was telling the driver my dilemma and said I needed to get to Claremont. This passenger overheard and told me I had to catch the Silver Streak in front of the courthouse. When the Silver Streak pulled up I tried getting on with my daypass, but he wouldn't let me. I pleaded with him to give me a courtesy ride, that I needed to catch a Greyhound there. He finally said okay, but just this time. So here I am on my way to Claremont. Man, it sucks that I lost my bigass sign. It's still under that bus. I suppose I am not meant to have it right now. I have to follow the signs. It was the perfect piece of cardboard. I scored it one morning when I woke in Berkeley and was walking towards Telegraph. It's a flap to a Uhaul box. Real sturdy, double-layered cardboard. At least now I know where to find the cardboard for my next sign. What an interesting day. Man, there is sooo much more I wish I would've told those piglets. I should have called their bluff from the start. They secretly liked me, though. I can tell. :)

     10:11pm  I rode the bus to Pomona. This beautiful girl named Christine, when the 480 bus came the driver didn't give me a courtesy ride. I walked over to her and vented a bit. She was smoking a cigarette so I asked her for one. She promptly gave me the last half of hers. Some change for the bus too. She is sooo beautiful. I asked her if I could take her picture and she told me, "Sure, but if you're going to put it on the Internet just know there are better pictures of me on there already," and smiled. Whoa, hot stuff. I should've asked her for her website. She's got mine, so she's going to email me and tell me(being positive-assumptive). I am crossing my fingers, hehe. Anyway, I am now on the way to the Greyhound station in Claremont. I hope there's some way I can still get to San Antonio tomorrow. Yeah fucking right.

     11:01pm  I never told you I got in front of the Greyhound in Claremont. The bus station is closed so I guess I am going to pull an all-nighter until it opens at seven. I came to in front of the 7-11. Oh wait, I see a Denny's. I am going to stand here and try and tell my story until they run me off, then I'll go spread the word at Denny's. I'll probably even get hooked up. Just watch.
     12:03am  I had some great presentations in front of the 7-11. This guy named George listened to me great.

     1:23am  Oh yeah, the cops finally showed up. They patted me down and thoroughly searched me. I told them how I was waiting for them. That I had told myself that I was going to stand in front of the 7-11 and solicit my story until the Mexican dude inside called the cops, and then I would try to tell the cops my story. That really was my plan. It worked out perfectly. It took them like two hours for them to respond. The stupid cashier inside had come out and told me that I couldn't stand out there. I told him, "I am not doing anything wrong. I am trying to bring world peace with the internet. Didn't you see that girl who listened to me for like half an hour? I have to stay up to catch a bus in the morning, so call the cops if you want me to leave." I figured I would wait for the cops and try and tell them my story. The one cop at first wouldn't listen, but then his backup arrived and he liked me. He asked me if I had been taking my medication and I told him, "I don't do drugs. I smoke weed." He said, "Oh, you smoke weed? That's cool." He asked me if I did any other drugs and I said no. He let me start my story at first, but then he became a bit ignorant. I just skipped to the Wouldn't You Work For Free part. He said, "You know all the beautiful skies you see, all the marvelous things that happen to you..." I cut him off, "If you're trying to give me that bullshit excuse that there needs to be bad for there to be good, I don't buy that at all. There is absolutely no reason we cannot learn from the bad and stop doing it. If excuses were money you would be rich." I told him that was just a big cop-out. Well, I didn't really tell him the cop-out part. But I should have. Pun intended.

                     The first time they came up and told me I had to leave I said, "Okay, I was just waiting for you guys." They asked me where I had planned to go. I didn't tell them that I had planned to go to the Denny's after the cops showed up. Sure enough, the cop recommended Denny's himself! He told me that there was this cute girl who would listen to my stories all night.

     2:07am  Badass, Hannah is hooking me up at the Denny's.

     2:31am  That was a great burger and fries. Thank you, Hannah. I love you.

     2:46am  I went inside the Denny's and asked Stephanie, since I had to wait until tomorrow for the Greyhound, that if it would be inappropriate for me to catch some zees on the couch at the front. She told me that the morning crew came in at five thirty and that they wouldn't be down...but, she said I could crash in one of the benches at a table near the back so the customers wouldn't see me. She's going to wake me up at five thirty.

Next day..

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