


Warfield Truck Terminal to Odessa, back to truckstop to El Paso, TX

Saturday June 19, 2004

     2:56am  I just woke up from a nap on the table. Actually, Yvonne woke me up. I told her to wake me up in three hours so I could score that ride.

     4:20am  I still haven't gotten a ride yet. That guy stood me up, damnit. That sucks.

     5:51am  Jim hooked me up with a cigarette here at the truckstop. I appreciate it, Jim. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     6:08am  Man, I had a great presentation to start the morning off. Some guy came up to me and I told him all my shit. In the end he was all, "Man, I hope I see you again." I told him, "You will, I promise. I am everywhere." It was so cool. He came up to me and asked me, "Do you know Jesus Christ is your savior?" I busted out with my story. He listened to most of it, then he had to go. I told him about the spirits.

     6:11am  John, the guy I had just told my story to, came over and gave me four dollars. Just like that.

     6:15am  John's giving me a bible quote to look up. What is it? Zephenia, Old Testament, Chapter 3.

                   Also look up the Omega Code.

     6:42am  Arnold hooked me up with a cigarette here at the truckstop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     6:58am  I got a guy to take a picture of me and all my stuff. With my sign that says, "West? On my way to save the world." I hope he got that sign in the picture.

     7:21am  Clint just hooked me up with two dollars. I didn't even ask him. I was just sitting there all falling asleep. Everybody gets credit.

     8:02am  I made friends with this truckstop dog!


                    I took a picture of him. He's cute. I chased him around. He chased me.

     8:21am  Umm, I just counted all my money and I have a twenty dollar bill in my wallet! That guy must've slipped in the bill when he told me he was only giving me four dollars.

                   That's so awesome. I got money.

                   I have $31. It might be enough for bus fare. 

     8:51am  Manny hooked me up with a cigarette here at Subway. I appreciate it, Manny.

     10:12am  I got another cigarette from Manny. Thanks, bro.

     10:26am  Jeff listened to my story and he hooked me up with a Dasani water. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:32am  Yet another great presentation.

                     Earlier I made another New Mexico? sign because I had lost my last one. I walked in front of all the trucks carrying that sign. They all told me no. That sucks.

                     I've been here for three days now. I've got thirty dollars for some weed money. Oh yeah, I found out it's eighty four for a bus ticket to Ruidoso, so forget that. It's weed money now. Maybe I can score at the Greyhound station in Midland. I wish I could get a ride to New Mexico. There's probably some weed there.

     10:41am  Carl hooked me up with a cigarette here at the truckstop.

                     Whoa, Carl gave me three!

                      That dude came out and told me, "Man, I like your colors." I went, "Hey, can I tell you what I am doing?" I told him my story and he volunteered three cigarettes!

     11:27am  Manuel me acaba de dar dos dolares por nada. Te lo agradedsco, Manuel. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

                     Badass, I went across the street to the Chevron to look for weed, when all of a sudden this guy in an 18 wheeler calls me over. I thought he might give me a ride, but he asked me, "Do you need some money?" He handed me three dollars! Just like that.

     12:08pm  Okay, they ran me out of the Chevron. Back to the truckstop. This punk came out and told me, "You can't be out here asking for money." I told him, "I wasn't. Have you always been so quick to judge?" He said, "You can't ask for anything. Now leave the premises."

     12:14pm  I asked these kids if they knew where I could score some traveling weed. This other girl walks up and immediately tells me, "Umm, no thank you." I should have told her, "Have you always been so quick to judge? I'm not begging for shit."

     1:14pm  Andres just hooked me up with a dollar.

     1:32pm  I was standing there at the truckstop. I was twirling my stick around showing off to the people eating inside, hehe. I was doing my Tai-Chi stretches and everything. I dropped the stick and my compass broke on it! Damnit! I need a Walmart so I get me a new one.

     1:44pm  Diane gave me a cigarette in front of the truckstop. I appreciate it, Diana. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   I'm going to try and get a ride to Odessa. I'll score some weed there and come back. When I asked everyone in Midland and the truckstop where I could get some weed, they all told me that Odessa is where it's at. That's where I'm going to go.

     2:25pm  I have to make an update. I was going from the front of the truckstop to the back, watching for customers to come out so I could ask them for a ride to Odessa. I figure if I come back to the truckstop with some weed and ask truckers for rides, that then I could offer to smoke them out and my chances would improve. Anyway, I went up to Cecil, the manager. I asked him if he was the manager and he said yes. I extended my hand and told him, "I just wanted to thank you for being so cool with us travelers." He asked me if I had found a ride yet. I told him, "No, I'm thinking about going to the Greyhound station in Odessa and catching a bus to Pecos. I might be back." I told him that I had to work on asking truckers for rides to Odessa. He thought for a minute and said, "Give me a couple minutes and I'll drive you there." Badass. Cecil is going to give me a ride to Odessa. Oh yeah, Odessa is like ten miles away. The truckstop is basically in between Midland and Odessa.

     2:37pm  Cecil, the manager from the truckstop is hooking me up with a ride to Odessa, like I mentioned before. I appreciate it, brother.

     2:44pm  I just got dropped off at the Greyhound station in Odessa. It was awesome. I had a good presentation with all these people from LA. They didn't have time to listen to the whole thing.

                   Odessa is a little cooler than Midland. It's still real ignorant. Like, there's car dealerships everywhere. I'm walking down 8th Street right now.

                   I asked this guy at some gas station if he knew where I could get any marijuana. He told me, "No, thank you," and got in his car and drove off. Just like that bitch at the truckstop told me. I didn't offer you shit, man. And it's not like I want people to just give me weed. I got some cash, damnit.

     3:06pm  I came to this carwash. There's tons of minority thug kids washing their death machines. I thought for sure I could score some weed there. The minute I mentioned marijuana they were all hush hush and telling me no.

     3:10pm  Cool, a taqueria! I'm going to try my luck at this Jalisco Mexican Restaurant.

     3:14pm  Tony hooked me up with a fat taco. Thank you, Tony.

     3:25pm  I scored at the Jalisco place, just like I called it. Some other dude sitting there eating saw me log the generosity and he gave me two dollars! I guess he saw the peace tattoo on the back of my neck. Wow, this guy hadn't even heard what I was doing. Awesome, awesome.

                   Oh yeah, I asked them if there was a Walmart in town and they said there was! Awesome. I'm going to get a new compass because I broke the one I had at the truckstop.

     3:30pm  James hooked me up with a cigarette at the 7/11. I appreciate it, brother. James is the cashier.

     3:45pm  There's tons of churches around here. I'm going to stop in this one. The Lutheran Church of the Risen Lord. I'm going to see who I can talk to in there.

                    I opened the door and saw all these ignorant white people, so I just turned around and walked off. Ahh, I don't know. Who am I to judge? Maybe they would have listened to me, but I'm burning daylight. I need to walk to the Walmart.

                    I've been giving the peace sign to all the cars, but barely anyone waves back in Odessa.

     4:05pm  I came upon some tennis courts at the Optimists Park. I'm going to see if I can find me a tennis ball.

     4:08pm  No tennis balls anywhere. Not even in the trash can.

     4:11pm  Cool, they have H.E.B.'s in Odessa.

     4:18pm  I came over to the Target which is closer than the Walmart. I'm going to see if they have my compass. I can buy some tennis balls.

     4:30pm  I went in the Target and bought a 4-pack of tennis balls for three dollars. $3.75 actually. I got a quarter in change. I opened the can, cut the tennis ball and put it on my stick right in the aisle. I'm going to walk to the Walmart now. It's like a mile down the road. I'll buy my compass.

                  Cool, while I was walking past the Target parking lot I spotted these kids turning the corner going towards the back of the store. I caught up to them and hit them up for some weed. One of them told me maybe, but the other one said that the person he could score from wasn't home. They were walking back towards these apartments behind the Target.

     4:51pm  I am at the Walmart already. I hope they have my compass.

     5:10pm  I am coming out of Walmart. Problem solved. My stick is intact once again. It has a compass on top and a ball on the bottom. Perfection. Even in Odessa, TX. Never been here before. How awesome.

                   There were hordes of people at the Walmart, like there are in San Antonio. They were all giving me weird looks. I just walked in with all my bags and they didn't tell me shit. It was so crowded. As I was walking out, this gay security dude asked me, "They didn't check your bags when you went in?" I told him, "No, you can look in them if you want. I have nothing to hide." He just opened them up and closed them back up. Barely looked in them at all. He told me, "I appreciate you letting me look."

                   Oh yeah, the Walmart is after the Music City Mall. I'm tempted walk in there, but I have to find some weed first and go back to the truckstop.

                   There is this huge lagoon here. It's a man-made lake, I think.

     5:36pm  I got to the Target again. Right when I walked into the parking lot I see this guy and a girl driving by in a pickup truck. I give them the universal looking-for-weed sign, two fingers to the mouth. He pulls over and I ask him, "I'm just traveling through. Know where I can score some traveling weed?" He told me, "Yeah, what do you want?" I say, "Well, what are the denominations you guys sell in Odessa?" He tells me, "I can get you anywhere from a joint to two hundred pounds." I smile and say, "Wow, look what just fell into my lap in Odessa, TX." This guy introduces himself as Turtle. He gives me directions to some house close by, over close to those apartments behind the Target. I repeat the directions to myself and take off walking. Well, like thirty seconds later Turtle pulls around and tells me to hop in the back of his truck, that he would take me over there. At first I was all scared that they had noticed me taping myself and would be scared I was a cop. But they didn't mention it.

                  Man, what a cool house this was. Like three or four people lived there and they had tons of weed. I busted out with my story and I blew their minds good. I put on a good show. With all my visual aids and pictures I just brought the truth to life. I even showed them my grievance form story.

     6:42pm  Red is reading my grievance form and he told me he was in TDC in San Antonio for years. He read the grievance form and said, "That turtle Morales?! I know him!" That's so crazy. What a coincidence how I ended up here and the correlations. How this guy knew Officer Morales. Cool, he's giving me a cigarette too.

                   Hemotep. That's their cute little dog's name. I just took a picture of Hemotep with their big bull frog.  

     7:32pm  I am back at Warfield! That was awesome! I can't believe all that cool stuff happened to me in Odessa! I got all I needed for my stick, got hooked up with food, got a twenty dollar sack of weed and I got a ride back to the truckstop! Callin' the shots. Callin' the shots. I'm back home. One of my many homes away from home.

     7:48pm  I just thought of a really good quote. I wrote it down. "The less I have, the less I have to worry about. Except for knowledge. Knowledge is there for the taking. You can never know too much. This world is ever-flowing with knowledge. Just tap into it and it's yours."

                   Hehe, I even explained to Cecil when he was giving me a ride to Odessa, "I have enough money to get to Pecos, TX, but then I would be in the middle of nowhere. My chances are higher of me getting a ride all the way to New Mexico at your truckstop. Therefore, if I can't round up the bus fare to New Mexico in Odessa, would I be welcome to return to Warfield?" Cecil told, "Yeah, sure you can come back." Man, after buying all that stuff, I even have ten dollars left. I'm going to buy me a pack of cigarettes.

                   Man, today worked out just as planned. I even got back. I had told myself I was going to go to Odessa and score some weed, come back and offer to smoke a trucker out and get a ride. I got to Odessa and my stick was in need of maintenance. I went to the Target and bought some balls, then to the Walmart for the compass. And to top it all off, marijuana fell into my lap and I got a ride back to the truckstop. I got everything done. The universe provided for me. When I was giving my presentation at Turtle's I had me a captive audience. I was practicing on my story-telling too, giving eye contact to both of them during the story. I usually just looked at one person when I was talking to more than one. They got all into my shit. In the end, when they brought me back to Warfield. I had offered to give them two bucks for gas. When we pull up I hand the dude sitting in the passenger seat two dollars. He goes inside and then Turtle tells me not to worry about the two dollars. I told him how I had already given them to the other guy and he said, "That's cool. I'll get those back for you." He gave them back. I bought me a hotdog and some cigarettes. And, I even have a five dollar bill left over. What an awesome time I had.

                   It's really going to happen to me. I can't believe it. I am going to bring world peace.

     8:34pm  Man, the girls who work at the truckstop have really nice butts. They wear tight jeans. They got good lookin' girls here.

     8:45pm  I just scored my ride to El Paso!

     9:12pm  Dude, not half an hour after I get back I get my ride! I was here for three days for a reason, damnit. I saturated this truckstop with my scripture. All these truckers will be driving around America telling their friends about that crazy dude from Warfield who said he was going to get weed legalized and bring world peace. I am penetrating. I am getting out there. I am jumping the ignorance barrier. This has been a huge boost. Warp speed to freedom, engage!

     9:13pm  Jimmy is the trucker who's hooking me up with my ride. Finally, after three days. The universe provides.

                   I had just been sitting there with my New Mexico sign asking people as they walked by. I asked this one guy if he was going towards New Mexico and pointed to my sign. He told me he wasn't going that far. He walked off then all of a sudden came back and told me, "I can get you to El Paso." I told him, "That would be perfect." He said, "Okay, I'm getting a tire fixed over there. It'll probably be like fifteen minutes. If somebody doesn't give you a ride before then, I'll take you to El Paso." I look at him and say, "Umm, I have been here for three days." He laughs and says, "I will get you to El Paso, come on." He told me, "We can keep each other awake." I told him, "Umm, I've been up since 3am. Let's see how much longer I can stay up."

     1:40am  We have arrived at Jimmy's house in El Paso. Earlier he had offered that I come to his house and crash. He said he would drop me off at a truckstop tomorrow.

                    It's cool, you can see Ciudad Juarez in Mexico from here. There's tons of lights. It's an ocean of lights. Millions of people.

                   We stopped at the corner of Giles and Acapulco Avenue.

Next day..

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