

                                                     Montgomery to Hurricane to Huntington, WV

Thursday June 19, 2008        

       8:36am  This morning I woke up and I was hungry.  I haven't eaten, but I'm going to go hit up the Mexican place because I am leaving today.  Anyway, I went to Jamilyn's this morning, but she wasn't home.  She said she had a digital camera that she could give me.  I should take her picture.  I have a disposable camera in my pocket.  She's beautiful. 
                     Anyway, right now I came to give back Nat's laptop.  I was so glad I was able to use it.  I totally hooked him up too.  It was all virused and I formatted it.  I was able to download Windows XP on Jamilyn's laptop and I totally fixed Nat's perfectly.  I had a great working workstation to type my shit up on, not to mention a house full of stoners to do my typing at. 
                    This morning I was going back and forth to Jamilyn's.  Crystal was there, but she was in a bad mood, she always seems to be lately.  I was bored so I played Soul Caliber 2 with Alex.  I told him my AOL stories and shit.  On the random chance I went to go see if Jamilyn was there, sure enough she was!  She gave me the camera!  It's really old.  She said it's been dropped a couple times.  I got pictures again!  That was the only thing tying me down to Montgomery, so now I am free to leave.  I'm going to play with it now.

      10:12am  I went back to the house and packed up all of my shit and did some paranoid-checks.  I've got everything.  I did lose my carabineer that my sandals hung off my pack with.  I can put them at the top on my pack, so now nothing is hanging.  I've got my boots on and I am ready to go back to Charleston.  I'm going to go hit up El Jalisco.  I'll tell them it's my last day here.  I've got busfare in my wallet, three tickets. 

                      Damnit, I forgot to get a picture of Jamilyn!  That sucks.  Jamilyn, if you read this, email me a picture of you, please.  Post it on my MySpace. 

      11:21am  I'm going to go hit up the Mexican Restaurant, El Jalisco.

                      Neo en El Jalisco me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradezco, seƱor.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. 

      11:28am  Man, I am so stuffed.  I got hooked up at El Jalisco.  I'm going to go wait for the bus now. 

      11:49am  Heather just gave me a cigarette in front of D&J's.  I appreciate it, Heather.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.

      12:19pm  I'm standing in front of D&J's waiting for the bus.  What was your name?  David Atkins hooked me up with a cigarette.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks. 

      12:24pm  I was standing in front of the D&J's.  Hmm, it was getting close to ten minutes until the bus comes.  I threw on my pack and started walking across the street.  When I swung my pack on my battery charger fell out.  I unloaded and turned around and picked it up.  Just because I turned around and exposed my shirt this guy who had gone inside before saw my shirt.  He told me, "Hey man, that's a badass shirt."  I immediately offered him my website.  He gave me a cigarette and let me hit a joint, hell yeah.  I'm all stoned waiting for the bus now.  I've got a cigarette too.

      12:37pm  I forgot to tell you.  I'm on the bus to Charleston.  I tried telling this girl with a big pink cast on her leg my story, but she wouldn't listen.  She was drunk when she broke her leg. 

      1:10pm  We're on our way to Charleston and Okey hooked me up with a cigarette on the bus.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  He listened to me sing the lizards song too earlier. 

      1:38pm  I just got back to Charleston.  At the transit mall there was an ambulance and police and somebody on a stretcher.  I wonder what happened.

      1:58pm  I sat down to read my book in front of Kaifu Japanese Restaurant.  Tim just walked by and volunteered me a dollar.  I appreciate it, brother. 

      2:38pm  Whoa, you'll never believe this.  Mission-accomplished.  Remember that empty office building I crashed in last time I was here?  Remember how they sealed the door off, but I was able to climb up the billboard on the side and went in a window?  Remember how I said I wanted to come back here and take pictures once I had a camera again?  Well, the parking lot was packed with cars, but I unloaded my packs, climbed up and went inside and followed through.  I took some pictures and I am back out and down already.  I'm going to take a picture of the back door now, it's all sealed. 

      2:48pm  Ok, I have to catch the South Bridge bus to the end of the line to go towards Huntington.  It comes at 3:15pm  I hope he lets me on for $1.35.

      3:18pm  Cody hooked me up with a cigarette at the transit mall.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks.  Cool, he gave me two.

      3:52pm  Plot changes.  I was supposed to catch the bus, but these kids saw me and offered to smoke me out.  We just walked through the mall.  This girl wanted to get something to eat, so we rode the escalator up to the food court and I took off my bags and waited.  I got some great publicity with my shirt.  I gave out my website out a lot.  People were coming up to me and telling me they loved my shirt.  I told them I had them for sale...or trade, if you know what I mean.  We came to smoke, alright.

      4:05pm  I have to make an update.  I ran into these kids.  I was waiting for the bus at 3:15 to St. Albans.  These kids invited me to smoke weed, so change of plans.  We came to the Civic Center and we're smoking weed behind these bushes.  Erica, Cody and Kyle.  Thanks for the burn, guys.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.  We tagged the wall good.

      5:22pm  Alan en Rio Grande me esta dando comida.  Te lo agradezco, Adam.  Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias. 

      5:32pm  I got on the 3, the Nitro bus.  It's crowded. 

      6:32pm  I have landed at the Pilot Truckstop at Nitro.  I'm not even going to go inside and ask permission to ask for rides.  I'm just going to put my bags down in front and go look for a cigarette somewhere. 

      6:57pm  I got off at the Pilot at the end of the bus route.  Paul walked by and smiled.  I hit him up for my story and he listened to my whole platform.  He just volunteered me some money.  I appreciate it, man.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot.  He gave me five dollars, hell yeah!

      7:00pm  That was awesome how I blessed with five dollars.  What a bonus.  I'm going to go stand on the onramp now that I've got food.  I got cigarettes too. 

      7:35pm  I got tired of thumbing it on the onramp.  I came back and Lee called me over to his car and volunteered me three dollars!  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

      7:46pm  In no-time.  See, I got tired of thumbing it, so I came back to the gas station.  I had a great presentation with this Christian dude.  Sid saw me walk by while he was pumping gas and he has agreed to give me a ride to the next gas station.

      7:57pm  Winfield exit.  I just got dropped off at this TA by Sid Allen.  I'm going to stand out here and show my shirt off some more. 

      8:22pm  This nice girl just gave me a dollar.  I appreciate it.  She volunteered it.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. 

      10:23pm  Georgia Dowg hooked me up with a little cash so I could get me something to eat.  I appreciate it, brother. 

                       Sweet, that guy gave me seven bucks! 

      10:34pm  I went upstairs to take a leak and what was your name, brother?  Joe the Bible Guy.  He saw me in the bathroom and asked me where I was going.  He said he'd get me a ride!

      10:54pm  Badass!  The bible guy got on the radio and I already have my ride to Huntington!  This one trucker dude walked up to me and asked, "Are you Huntington-bound?" 

      11:02pm  Jared is the nice brother who is giving me a ride.  I appreciate it. 

                      That was at the TA in Hurricane.

      11:36pm  I'm in Huntington!  I just got dropped off by the trucker, sweet.  I'm at the GoMart, I don't know where. 

      12:30am  I finally made my bed.  I'm laying down in the woods right here next to the highway.  I was trying to find a level piece of ground to lie on.  I found one.  I'm going to bed.  Goodnight, everybody.

Next day..

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