


Tularosa to Weed, NM

Saturday June 21, 2003

     6:05am  I just woke up at the church and I'm walking in the same neighborhood I did yesterday. I'm at Granada street and 2nd street over by the Tularosa United Methodist Church.

                   I came out here by the Subway where I scored yesterday. The donut shop shouldn't be too far.

                   I'm at the donut shop now. They told me the name of the place is Yum-Yum's donuts. Yet, I don't see that name anywhere on the outside of the building. On the front it says, "Home of the Green Chili Burger, The 5am barbeque green tamales." It says they are open eight days a week, hehe. I told C's wife how good their donuts were.

     8:32am  I'm here at the donut shop talking with, what was your name again, brother? Sean. Sean is 43.

     10:04am  Whoa. This Sean guy is rad. He has the same kind of boots I do. Ever since I found these boots, I haven't seen them anywhere. I tell him my ideas and he agrees with the majority of them. Yet, he doesn't think it will ever happen. I told him that it's negative attitudes like his that will ensure it never happens. Sean and I hit it off pretty good. I asked Sean if he lived in Tularosa and he said, "No, I live in Weed." I said, "Weed, NM! I have to go to Weed, NM." I asked Sean if I could tag along when he was leaving. I told him I could go crash in the woods or something. You people don't understand. It's a sign. I didn't even know there was a Weed, NM. I have to go for my book. I just must.

     11:08am  Dude, I'm on my way to Weed. We are in Alamogordo right now. Sean is cool as shit. Now, Sean had been shot in the leg when he was younger, therefore he is always packing a handgun. He's all about guns. At first, I was a bit wary getting in a car with this gun-toting guy I just met at the donut shop. Especially since he had all these "Elect Bush" stickers on the back of his car. But, the more I talked to him and saw how similar we were, the more I didn't care about the gun or his political stance. He is very open-minded. I'll accept him how he is. It seems he is returning the favor. Everybody thinks he's crazy too. Just like me. I am among brethren.

                     Sean has the same pair of boots I got on. I had no idea where they sold them and I desperately needed to find out so I could replace them when they die. Dude, I thought for sure they would cost over a hundred dollars. They're some damn good boots. I thought I would have to go through the military to get some more. Lo and behold, Sean told me they sell them at Walmart for $40. They're Brahma boots. Model is Commander IV. Oh yeah, I wear a size twelve if anyone wants to donate me a new pair, hehe.

     11:24am  We came to Walmart. Sean needs to get some stuff. He is now loading stuff into the truck, so I guess we are going to leave real soon.

     11:28am  The town the Walmart is in is Alamogordo. Cool

     11:50am  Man, these canyons we are driving through are beautiful. It looks straight out of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon. We just entered the tunnel on highway 82 going to Cloudcroft. Wow. This is awesome. Haha, you people have to slave away at your jobs and I get to see all this stuff. Haha, I retired before you.

                     This is so awesome. I'm seeing New Mexico, of all places. I thought New Mexico was just that little short hop on I10 between Texas and Arizona. I'm going right through the belly of it. I can thank that trucker who broke his company policy and gave me a ride to Roswell. Man, I wish I had a videocamera.

     11:55am  I'm going to help Sean with laundry.

     1:52pm  We just finished doing laundry at some laundromat.

     2:06pm  Man, this place is so awesome. I am having the time of my life and I owe it all to me and my decisions. I can't believe I am visiting a mountain top in New Mexico. Man, this is awesome. I can hardly contain myself. Yeehaw. I'm all stoned, hehe. You can have your cake and eat it, too.

     2:35pm  Man, I am just being blown away by this scenery. This is beautiful. It's like heaven, Eden even. I wish I had a videocamera.

     2:54pm  We have arrived in Weed, NM. This place is beautiful. I would love to live out here someday. When I legalize weed we can grow it in these here mountains.

     3:15pm  I'm out here outside of Sean's house. He took me over to show me his own private water tank. It's spring fed, so he has no water bill. I told Sean about how I went hunting for the spring in the mountain in Oregon one time.

     3:36pm  Sean is showing me his place. It's really cool. He's sitting in the lap of luxury up in these mountains. Sean owns this little pocket of freedom and peace up here in this serene mountain. Oh yeah, and Sean has this awesome maple walking stick. It's perfect.

     5:20pm  Sean and I have been out by the grill. Sean had left some drumsticks thawing and now he's making lots of barbequed chicken. He's drowning each one in barbeque sauce. It smells delicious. We are just chatting out here in the beautiful mountains of Weed. How fitting a name for such a nice place. Now, if we just had some weed it'd be a little bit better. Actually, I've got a couple hits left. I can get us stoned.

     8:21pm  Sean is showing me the travel trailer I'm going to crash in. It's really cool. It's like the travel trailer from Oregon I crashed in. Cool.

     9:10pm  Sean and I are sitting here having some good conversations. Sean is like a professional knife-sharpener. He has all these different stones. I had been meaning to somehow get a sharpening stone for my cheap wannabe Swiss army knife because it's getting duller every day. Wow, Sean is going to sharpen my knife for me. Even though it's cheap Chinese steel.

     9:40pm  I'm sitting here and Sean is sharpening my knife while we converse. He just suggested that I listen to Arlo Guthrie's song and album called Alice's Restaurant. I'll download it.

     10:47pm  Man, I'm dead-tired. I ate a shitload of chicken. I'm full as hell. Man, I had like a good twelve or thirteen pieces. Now, I get to crash out under this warm blanket in this cool trailer. It's a nice trailer. It's got a table with a bench around it. A bed with tons of blankets and pillows. Man, this is so awesome. I'm having the time of my life.

                     Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. Sean handed me these badass camouflage pants. They're not like cargo pants. Just real thin pants with the same design as jeans. He told me, "Here, these are way too long for me." Guess what. They fit me perfectly! Man, I'm 6'6", it's hard to find pants that are long enough to begin with. Another vital addition to my uniform. The universe provides once more. Praise Love.


Next day..

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