


*** Now talking in #sanantonio

<shweet> hey whats up

<SDV> jeje 10x

<Rich329> hi shweet

<shweet> hey rich

<shweet> hey, i need a ride anyone close to vance jackson/huebner?

*** kurtis` has joined #sanantonio

<Rich329> not by a long shot

<Rich329> sorry

<kurtis`> sup yall

<shweet> do you burn rich?

<shweet> hi kurtis

<MikeAustn> Comp is

<MikeAustn> I think

<shweet> yeah, hes in med ctr

<shweet> but he hasnt responded..

<shweet> and im not sure if he even has a car

<shweet> check this out

<SDV> word up!

<shweet> my destination is bracken, tx

<shweet> 2-3 miles outside 1604..on nacogdoches rd

<kurtis`> word up

<kurtis`> fool

<shweet> i was thinking about walking it

<shweet> and i just might..if i have to

<Rich329> at this time of night?

<shweet> yes, i have become pretty much nocturnal

<Rich329> ahh

<Rich329> because of the internet?

<shweet> no, not at all

<SDV> ice ice baby

<Rich329> just because?

<shweet> i go to sleep around 5am...and crash out around noon

<kurtis`> haha

<shweet> because i hate crowds

<kurtis`> yeah fuck crowds

<shweet> people suck

<shweet> so i rather be up when everyone is asleep

<shweet> i just might hitch-hike

<shweet> while i walk

<Rich329> hmm

<kurtis`> shweet you're a character

<shweet> you see, i extended my "vacation" from west telemarketing another weekend

<shweet> so this is my last weekend of my vacation

<Rich329> ahhh

<shweet> and i wanna travel somewhere

<Rich329> i was thinking about going to apply there

<SDV> do be do be do

<Rich329> but its far from me

<shweet> see, ive been talking to this girl on aol

<shweet> and she lives there..

<Rich329> how do you talk to her?

<shweet> so i told her, ok, ill walk out there one of these days

<shweet> with aim

<Rich329> the SA chat rooms in AOL?

<shweet> no

<shweet> shes picture perfect

<shweet> here, ill show you her pic

<Rich329> ok

<shweet> shes 6', 20 years old

<shweet> and shes depressed too

<SDV> \\//\\//hatever!

<shweet> i just recently came out of a suicidal depression myself..

<shweet> so i can think i can help her

<shweet> and shes too cute as well

<Rich329> ahh

<shweet> recently, ive become the biggest walker

<shweet> you get used to it after a while, and it doesnt become a burden

<shweet> we were designed with two legs for a reason

<shweet> and it wasnt to push the gas and accelerator

<shweet> since i started walking so much and drinking water like a camel

<shweet> every aspect of my life has imrpoved substantially

<Rich329> thats cool

<shweet> water is truly the elixir of life..

<MikeAustn> shweet....Most of us have already hurd this...We're glad your enjoying yourself...but we all have limits

<SDV> as if...

<Rich329> are you going to send that picture shweet

<Rich329> ?

* MikeAustn gives SDV more tranquilizers

*** YlwRose is now known as YlwSleepN

<Rich329> LOL Mike

<shweet> dont think of them as limits..see them for what they really are..

<shweet> a challenge..

<MikeAustn> Ugh

<MikeAustn> You arn't listening

<shweet> i am hearing loud and clear

<shweet> youre the one not listening to reason

<MikeAustn> Then shut up already :P

<Rich329> well when you gotta be across town in 30 minutes...a car isnt that bad

<shweet> the human body is a marvel of can repair itself, no matter what the ailment..

<MikeAustn> Limits as in nobody wants to hear about all this again

<shweet> all you have to do is stay active and walk

<shweet> i dont recall ever reading you these scripts..

<MikeAustn> I havn't had a car in 6 months....I know the advantages of being active

<shweet> maybe you heard it from someone else..

<SDV> de plane boss, de plane!

<shweet> then you should be in total agreement with me then

<shweet> and like me, should want to spread the word and help mankind

<shweet> lol sdv

<shweet> rich, can i send you some dissertations of mine?

<shweet> i plan to make a big difference pretty soon

<shweet> change the world..

<shweet> save the planet even..

<shweet> end pollution

<MikeAustn> So this shit is a script?

<shweet> i make my own scripts

<MikeAustn> Well I've hurd this all before

<MikeAustn> in here about 2 days ago

<shweet> if the words i choose to describe my thoughts express them perfectly, why would i want to change the way i say them?

<MikeAustn> You said save the planet even... and I said..You work for Hard Rock?

<SDV> nyuck

<shweet> yes, i remember, but i did not elaborate to the same extent..

<Rich329> lol

<shweet> ignore me if youd like..

<shweet> you decide what you regard and disregard..

<MikeAustn> why not tell rich your story in private

<shweet> because im not talking to rich

<MikeAustn> instead of flooding the channel trying to get attention

<shweet> this is a chat room, an open forum for discussion

<shweet> this is also america..

<Rich329> but it has rules

<MikeAustn> right and I have ops

<shweet> where i have the right to speak my mind

<Rich329> and the ops make those rules

<Rich329> you can

<MikeAustn> This is the internet

<shweet> people set unecessary rules for themselves..

<shweet> life just isnt that complicated..

<shweet> all this mainstream thought just undermines the values set forth in our constitution..

<kurtis`> whoa

<Rich329> which unnecessary rules do you mean

<shweet> we have free will

<Rich329> ?

<SDV> something is afoot at the Circle K!

<shweet> do what you want, be happy as youd like

<shweet> lol sdv

<MikeAustn> right on sdv

<kurtis`> hmm

<kurtis`> what if i liked killing?

<kurtis`> should i do that

<shweet> of course not..

<shweet> you were given life, you shouldnt take it

<shweet> or it should be taken from you

<Rich329> why not

<Rich329> if he likes it

<Rich329> if he prefers it

<Rich329> by ur thought

<shweet> respect

<kurtis`> hehe

<Rich329> he should be able to do what he pleases

<Rich329> oh

<shweet> if hes happy killing people..i cant do anything about that

<Rich329> so now respect limits us

<shweet> to each his own

<shweet> but i dont have to agree with it either

<kurtis`> i'm just playin man

<shweet> im not

<shweet> it just makes sense..

<kurtis`> ok

<Rich329> our world needs rules

<shweet> make your own rules..just dont infringe on anyone else..

<Rich329> it would be chaos otherwise

<Rich329> whether you believe it or not

<SDV> "Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned for Sega" -Brodie

<shweet> no, goodness will rule this world

<Rich329> you already said

<Rich329> why place rules on yourself..

<Rich329> you are contradicting yourself badly

<kurtis`> hmm

<kurtis`> what rule should i make?

<Rich329> i have to say

<shweet> thats not the question

<shweet> why place unnecessary rules on yourself

<shweet> no, i make my own world..

<shweet> where my rules apply

<MikeAustn> Ok...All I'm saying is....This is a chatroom....we like to chat...If you want to talk about your little via adventures, fine....but at least do it in person, not just replay the same shit over and over again....

<Rich329> who is to say what is unnecessary and what isnt

<shweet> and like i said before, i can if i want to

<kurtis`> whats a rule people place on themselves

<kurtis`> ???

<shweet> you dont have to listen to it, or even stay, if you dont

<shweet> youre free to do what you want too

<Rich329> or we can kick you for flooding

<Rich329> cause we have rules

<MikeAustn> No you can't....THis is not america...this is the internet...there are no rules hear accept the ones I or another op set

<shweet> oil well, this isnt the only channel on irc

<MikeAustn> You have the rights I choose to give you...

*** stef03 has joined #sanantonio

<SDV> +is magicaly delicious.

<Rich329> hey stef

<Rich329> we missed you

<shweet> see, irc is the free, global chat service..

<MikeAustn> hey stef :)

<kurtis`> hey stef

*** SLMB sets mode: +v stef03

<shweet> a @ doesnt mean shit

<shweet> and ill probably be kicked for saying that

<stef03> hi

<shweet> but oh well

<shweet> no more sa room

<shweet> boohoo

<MikeAustn> ugh

<shweet> this shit just isnt real life

<Rich329> now you are getting defensive

<MikeAustn> Duh

<shweet> you ops got sucked into it

<Rich329> if you dont like it

<MikeAustn> So why are you being such a spaz about it?

<Rich329> leave

<shweet> i am making sense of my opinion, not defensive at all

<shweet> because i can

<shweet> because i dont have to

<Rich329> when you have to cuss to get ur point across

<Rich329> thats defensive

<Rich329> theres no need for that

<kurtis`> lets just all be friends

<shweet> ooh, did you not know what i was talking about?

<SDV> you're one sick little puppy!

<shweet> actually, you got my point better because of the words i chose

<shweet> just like i meant it

<Rich329> i didnt listen cause of the words you chose

<shweet> you cant listen to text..

<Rich329> i even forgot what you said already

<shweet> see, there you go again thinking this shit is rel

<shweet> +a

<shweet> true, the web may emulate real life...

<shweet> but it just isnt

<shweet> its a man-made creation

<MikeAustn> You are the only person in here taking any of this seriously shweet

<kurtis`> yes it is real life

<Rich329> then why are you on here?

<shweet> just like god and jesus

<shweet> because i see the web as a tool

<MikeAustn> god and jesus...those are words I love to hear

<MikeAustn> haha

<Rich329> ahhh

<Rich329> so use the manmade creations

<shweet> i use it to express myself..

<shweet> and my logic

<Rich329> but strike them down?

<shweet> because i feel it just makes sense

<Rich329> dont bite the hand that feeds you

<Rich329> ever heard that

<Rich329> if you use it

<Rich329> dont bash it

<Rich329> geez

<shweet> i paid hard earned money for my computer

<SDV> +looks around

<shweet> i plan to get my money's worth

<Rich329> haha

<Rich329> another man made creation

<Rich329> money

<Rich329> why have it?

<shweet> yes, an evolutionary step

<Rich329> are you gonna bash money too?

<MikeAustn> hehe

<shweet> i never said man never has anything to do in creating reality

<Rich329> cause personally

<MikeAustn> bash it into my bank account please

<Rich329> i like money

<shweet> actually, man has everything to do with it

<shweet> every man creates his own

<Rich329> LOL mike

<shweet> he has the choice to

<shweet> i think money is the root of all evil

<Rich329> really?

<shweet> i plan to get the ball rolling on phasing it out

<Rich329> them give urs to me

<Rich329> ;)

<shweet> i dont have much, because i dont need much

<Rich329> we can split it mike

<Rich329> half half

<shweet> money truly cannot buy happiness

<shweet> i know suicidal millionaires

<MikeAustn> I know suicidal white trash too

<MikeAustn> Nobody ever said money buys happyness

<MikeAustn> not in here

<shweet> whats your point? mine was clear

<Rich329> i know suicidal homeless people

<Rich329> so what?

<shweet> i never said anyone did

<MikeAustn> But I would much rather have extra in the bank than not enought

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<shweet> tweak your life so you arent dependant on it to be happy

<shweet> take shortcuts

<MikeAustn> I'm not

<shweet> master the game

<Rich329> oh

<MikeAustn> and I don't take shortcuts in my life

<Rich329> now take shortcuts?

<MikeAustn> I live my life to the fullest

<shweet> make your own rules

<stef03> hi mike

<La_NaNa^> HELLO


<Rich329> i thought you were the walker

<La_NaNa^> WHAT'S UP?

<shweet> good for you, if you are happy then i am all for your way of living

<shweet> for you only though

<La_NaNa^> OK

<La_NaNa^> BYE

<Rich329> shortcuts would be a car or other transit device

<MikeAustn> I'm quite happy...I don't need anything to keep myself happy sept me


*** KingZero has quit IRC

<Rich329> if you are happy with our way of living

<shweet> yes, and because i walk, i exercise, i stay active, i dont have to go to the gym

<MikeAustn> But I do gain pleasure in having nice things

*** La_NaNa^ has left #sanantonio

<shweet> to have full-body muscle tone

<Rich329> then why are you in here lecturing us on how you think the world should be?

<shweet> dude, you need to come over to my apt and see all the nice things i have

<shweet> a lot of shit i find walking

<Rich329> why do you have them?

<Rich329> ahhh

<shweet> because i am resourceful

<shweet> i dont waste

<Rich329> i see

<Rich329> ur wasting ur time in here

<shweet> people throw so much shit away that still has value..

<shweet> no im not, im being entertained

<MikeAustn> Yup

<shweet> i like watching myself type

<MikeAustn> People can do that if they want

<Rich329> ahhh

<shweet> its just practice, ill just type faster the more i do it

<Rich329> you dont need a computer to watch urself type

<Rich329> just the keyboard

<shweet> yes, but one is nice

<shweet> and i like having nice things

<Rich329> i see

<Rich329> a computer you bought

<Rich329> man made creation

<Rich329> to entertain yourself

<shweet> a tool which i utilize to the fullest

<shweet> i put my computer to work for me

<MikeAustn> You are in here waisting your time and everybody elses

<shweet> it was an excellent investment

<Rich329> i see

<shweet> ill only waste your time, if you let me..

<MikeAustn> your are majorly not utilizing anything

<shweet> and like i said, i am doing so much by being here..

<Rich329> i see

<shweet> well, you know what they say about opinions and assholes

<MikeAustn> anoying people?

<shweet> you could just ignore me

<shweet> disregard what im saying

<shweet> or if you can go on one of your op-power trips

<MikeAustn> yeah...but what fun would that be

<shweet> and ban me

<MikeAustn> haha

<shweet> you always have options

<MikeAustn> I don't go on op power trips

<shweet> its the ones you pick that define who you are

<shweet> i never said you did, just saying you could

<MikeAustn> I just think its funny seeing how transparnt your personality is

<shweet> if you wanted to

<shweet> and you have every right to that opinion

<shweet> funny is a personal attitude..

<shweet> unique in every person

<MikeAustn> get off it dude

<shweet> get me off it

<MikeAustn> You are not all knowning and all powerful

<shweet> i dont pretend to be..

<shweet> i dont care

<MikeAustn> Yes you do

<shweet> how so?

<shweet> copy and paste where you see me as being like that

<Rich329> you seem to think you know what the world needs...

<shweet> i know enough to live my life well

<shweet> thats all i need to know

<Rich329> how can you if you have not seen it all?

<shweet> i know what i need

<shweet> i keep an open mind to any new thing

<shweet> thats how

<shweet> i accept the diversity in this world..

<shweet> i give it rights

<shweet> even though im not religious or believe in god at all

<shweet> i follow the golden rule to a tee

<Rich329> then accept the fact that this channel has rules

<MikeAustn> bbiam

<shweet> i do unto others how i would like done to me

<shweet> i have accepted that, what rules have i broken?

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*** Tekeyla sets mode: +o rollzaway

<shweet> apparently none, since im still here talking

<shweet> thats your cue for the kick op

<Rich329> our choice man

<Rich329> you seem to think you know what is best..

*** roli has quit IRC (*.net *.split)

<Rich329> if you did

<Rich329> you would be an OP

<Rich329> just our rules....AKA opinions...

<Rich329> im bored

<shweet> being an op doesnt mean shit

<shweet> can kick and fucking what?

<Rich329> haha

<shweet> its not like this is the only channel on irc or anything

<Rich329> there goes mr defensive again

<Rich329> its not the only channel

<shweet> i am just defendin what makes sense to me

<Rich329> but its the only one ur in

<shweet> why doesnt it make sense to you?

<shweet> the only one i need to be in, until i have to go to a different one

<shweet> but until then, im fine right here

<Rich329> ahh

<Rich329> i see

<shweet> just makes perfect sense doesnt it

<shweet> do you burn rich?

<Rich329> if you think so

<Rich329> burn?

<shweet> to me, and thats all that matters 

<Rich329> as in?

<shweet> to me

<shweet> ok, let me be politically correct

<shweet> do you smoke marijuana?

<Rich329> oh

<Rich329> you mean blaze

<shweet> or that

<Rich329> nope

<shweet> yes

<shweet> just wondering

<Rich329> no drugs or alcohol

<shweet> i dont do drugs..i just smoke weed

<Rich329> i see

<shweet> in moderation like everthing else of course

<shweet> cuz even something as innocent as sunshine can burn if you get too much..

<shweet> you can burn out on the natural stuff too

<shweet> if you dont want to hear my shpeel on marijuana let me know

<shweet> i dont drink alcohol either..well i dont get drunk or drink beer

<Rich329> free country by your words...why are you asking me?

<shweet> im trying to be respectful..

<shweet> and if no one is going to listen to me, i wont waste my time

<shweet> im kinda getting tired of typing already

*** stef03 has quit IRC (Broken pipe)

<Rich329> ahhh

<Rich329> STEF!!!

<Rich329> is Austin tonight?

*** stef03 has joined #sanantonio

<Rich329> welcome back

<shweet> mark my words, my name is victor

*** SLMB sets mode: +v stef03

<shweet> you might hear about me soon

<stef03> thanxs

<shweet> :]

<shweet> yall have a good night

<Rich329> your welcome

<shweet> and drive carefully

<stef03> hi shweet

<Rich329> you too

<shweet> hi stef, ol buddy ol pal o mine

<stef03> are you the one with the dog 

<shweet> = doesnt even know stef

<shweet> yes

<shweet> have you seen his pic?

<shweet> my son stuart

<stef03> that went on the bus

<shweet> yes! how did you know?

<stef03> i was on here when you told the story


<shweet> have you seen the pic of him?

<stef03> no

<shweet> lemme send then

<shweet> if thats cool

<stef03> ok

<shweet> accept stef

<shweet> stef you there?

<shweet> well hey, i might start walking soon, anyone live near huebner/vj and wanna give me a ride as close to 1604/naco as possible?

<shweet> if not its cool..ill start walking

<stef03> didn't go through

<shweet> maybe ill hitch-hike

<shweet> :]

<shweet> lemme try again

<stef03> lol...again

<comp23> 1604/Naco?

<comp23> way the fuck over there?

<shweet> yeah

<comp23> for what?

<shweet> ill walk down huebner to 1604

<shweet> then when i get to naco, just 3 more miles north

<comp23> umm

<shweet> this is the last weekend of my vacation, i want to travel

<comp23> it's alot further than that

<shweet> :P

<kurtis`> i want sex

<comp23> Naco is near 35

<shweet> you dont know where my destination is

<Rich329> everyone does kurt

<shweet> i know where it is

<Rich329> :)

<kurtis`> hehe

<kurtis`> tomorrow i need to go meet some women

<shweet> im aiming for bracken, tx

<comp23> heh

<comp23> ah

<shweet> you know bracken comp?

<shweet> i hear the pop is like 75

<comp23> never been there

<kurtis`> fuck that

<kurtis`> 75

<kurtis`> everyones probably related in some way

<shweet> ive been talking to this aol chick that lives out there

<shweet> and i told her i was going to walk over and hang out with her

<Rich329> you never sent her picture by the way

<shweet> i should be there by morning

<shweet> oh yeah

<shweet> i forgot

<stef03> lol

<shweet> damned head-injuries..

<shweet> :]

<shweet> (universal excuse) 

<shweet> hmm..the webpage its on seems to be down

<shweet> i vaguely remember saving it from the page, let me search my hd

<kurtis`> whats the most exciting thing to do in this city?

<stef03> oh so what happened?

<shweet> alcohol is demon-spawn

<Rich329> well you were feeling a bit frisky

<shweet> smoke weed, get high on life

<MikeAustn> ugh

<shweet> i could be a vegetarian if i wanted to be

<shweet> but im not

<comp23> forgot about them

<Rich329> it was the best food i had tasted in a while

<comp23> they're just right down the road

<Rich329> there you go bro

<shweet> i eat real healthy now, and because of that..i can afford to eat a little red meat once in a while

<shweet> but i usually eat natural shit

<comp23> dah

<Rich329> LOL @ natural shit

<comp23> damnit

<comp23> looks like whataburger

<comp23> heh

<comp23> I don't have any cash on me

<Rich329> get the chicken strip combo

<shweet> just like i can afford to smoke cigarettes..because i walk and stay healthy

<comp23> heh

<shweet> and drink lots of water

<comp23> that doesn't do anything for the lungs

<MikeAustn> I even tried to tell him that

<shweet> it does wonders for my immune system

<comp23> you're still throwing tar on them

<shweet> I feel like it makes a difference..

<shweet> so its real to me..

<shweet> my body is better prepared to fight off the tar

<MikeAustn> lol

<shweet> and clean it on its own

<comp23> heh

<comp23> uh-huh

<Rich329> its your body saying..."WTF are you doing to me?"

<shweet> ive been smoking for about 7 years now

<shweet> i take full breaths..

<shweet> i dont feel like my lung-capacity has been impaired

<shweet> reduced i mean

<MikeAustn> lol

<comp23> you wouldn't...since it's such a slow degredation of the lungs

<shweet> oh well

<comp23> the increments are so small...over time you won't notice it

<Rich329> yup yup

<shweet> well then i guess ill find out someday

<shweet> itll be the only way ill learn

<comp23> *shrug*

<MikeAustn> Not to mention that you can have perfectly healthy lungs and get lung cancer

<shweet> but ill worry about it when it happens

<shweet> life is nothing more than a numbers game..

<MikeAustn> Your body isn't gonna fight that off no matter how healthy your immune system is

<comp23> and throat cancer

<shweet> odds, chance and circumstance rule this world

<shweet> mine will

<shweet> :]

<MikeAustn> lol

*** FaReY has joined #sanantonio

<MikeAustn> Look...its the only person in the world that is immune to cancer

<comp23> be back

<comp23> whataburger

<shweet> the way i see it, if my ideas seem dillusional and unrealistic to other people..

<shweet> hey

<Rich329> YES

<Rich329> get a shake

<Rich329> :)

<shweet> at least im not suicidal

<comp23> :)

*** FaReY has left #sanantonio

<Rich329> strawberry

<comp23> hehe

<Rich329> man

<shweet> so just let me keep on believing my bullshit

<MikeAustn> lol

<Rich329> that bread that comes with those chicken strips is good

<stef03> :(  hi guys

<Rich329> whats wrong stef?

<Rich329> you mad at me?

<stef03> nothing

<Rich329> it was yesterday wasnt it..

<Rich329> last night..

<Rich329> i know

<Rich329> im sorry

<stef03> yesterday?

<MikeAustn> hehe

<stef03> huh?

<Rich329> when you were waiting for me..

<stef03> what happened was i drunk

<Rich329> hmmm

<Rich329> maybe

<Rich329> :)

<MikeAustn> lol

<stef03> oh so what happened?

<shweet> alcohol is demon-spawn

<Rich329> well you were feeling a bit frisky

<shweet> smoke weed, get high on life

<MikeAustn> ugh

<MikeAustn> Kill them brain cells! W00t

<stef03> i know right

<shweet> not any more than our polluted ozone layer

<shweet> polluted air i mean

<shweet> because of cars

<shweet> lazy bastards

<MikeAustn> You are just one pissed up little hippie arn't yeah?

<shweet> no, im quite the opposite

<Rich329> LOL

<shweet> im just a happy hippie

<shweet> :]

<MikeAustn> arn't they all?

<shweet> yeah, theyre all stoned

<shweet> i dont get stoned though..

<shweet> anything more than one hit is abuse..

<MikeAustn> Too bad...we could use a good stoning

<shweet> everything in moderation...

<shweet> actually, im gonna go smoke a spiked cigarette..

<shweet> brbin10min

<Rich329> hmm

<MikeAustn> He should consider taking his lifestyle in moderation

<MikeAustn> Can we say obsessive/compulive?

<MikeAustn> +s

<shweet> fuck labels

<shweet> you can say whatever you want

<MikeAustn> I sure can

<MikeAustn> And I say you obviously have a problem

<shweet> oil well

<shweet> what? are you perfect? im sure you have problems too

<MikeAustn> And I don't say that to be mean

<shweet> no offense taken

<MikeAustn> Of course I do

<MikeAustn> everybody does

<shweet> we all do

<MikeAustn> The only question is to what degree

<shweet> whos to judge though?

<MikeAustn> People that care about you

<MikeAustn> I don't exepct you to give 2nd thought to anything I say

<MikeAustn> I've definatly gone threw my fair share of problems...But chose to deal with them instead of ignoring them.

<shweet> i give attention to the problems i deem worthy

<shweet> the ones i have no control over, i leave alone

<MikeAustn> Everybody has control over their problems

<shweet> no, just how they percieve it

<shweet> not total

<MikeAustn> Problems are Problems due to perception

<MikeAustn> Or lack there of

<shweet> true, so eliminate them

<shweet> the bad ones

<MikeAustn> Eliminate them by learing to cope with the, not by ignoring or dening them

<shweet> thats so complacent though..

<shweet> id rather make a difference..and have it my way as much as i can

<MikeAustn> Thats selfish

<shweet> thats me

<shweet> everyone else can if they want to

<shweet> why wouldnt they want to?

<MikeAustn> Why would they

<shweet> to make their life easier..

<shweet> duh

<MikeAustn> I'm perfectly happy with the way I manage my life....Why would I change 


<MikeAustn> What's easier for you doesn't make it easier for others

<shweet> you dont think you could be happier?

<shweet> yeah, but everyone has the potential, they just have to want to

<shweet> im not special or anything

<MikeAustn> I'm already happy...

<shweet> the happiest youll ever be, you think?

<MikeAustn> Close enought to it

<shweet> how do you know?

<MikeAustn> Experiance

<shweet> not in literacy, obviously

<shweet> :P j/k

<MikeAustn> in life

<shweet> i wish you the best of luck in life mike...

<MikeAustn> I know what unhappy is like....I was there for a long time

<shweet> and hopefully you will be happier than you are now

<shweet> just let it happen

<shweet> as was i, suicidal even

<MikeAustn> I've been there too

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<MikeAustn> But neways...I'm perfectly content with my life as it is....I could be happier yes....

<shweet> one could always be happier, just make your wants few

<MikeAustn> But I know what would make me happier

<shweet> appreciate what you already have

<shweet> ?

<MikeAustn> Yeah...I love where my life is now...

<MikeAustn> Everything is awesome

<shweet> are you being sarcastic?

<MikeAustn> no

<shweet> cool, i feel the same way about my life too

<MikeAustn> would i want to live like you do if I already feel this way about my life?

<shweet> now every morning i wake up and cant wait for the ideas to come to me..

<shweet> why do you feel pressure from me at all?

<shweet> this is just a sharing of opinions, i never argue

<MikeAustn> I don't....But you seem to think that the way you manage your life can make everybody a happier person

<shweet> it sure has made me happier

<shweet> and nothing would make me happier, than to help humanity as a whole

<MikeAustn> That doesn't mean it will make everybody else happy if they lived like you do

<shweet> well, itd be cool if they at least evaluated my lifestyle and made their own decision

<MikeAustn> Anybody that has listened to you probably has

<MikeAustn> And I know I wouldn't want to live like you do

<MikeAustn> It just wouldn't work for me

<shweet> what wouldnt work about it?

<shweet> im gonna go smoke 

<shweet> brbin10min

<MikeAustn> k

<MikeAustn> Your still not getting the point...I'm going to sleep

<MikeAustn> laterz guyz

<Rich329> laterz mike

<stef03> night

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<dammit> (System Stats) OS: Windows XP Professional (5.1 - 2600) CPU: 1-AMD Thunderbird, 1199MHz, 256KB (0% Load) RAM: 108/128MB (84.38%) RESOLUTION: 800x600 32bit 60Hz FREE SPACE: 0.31 GB UPTIME: 1day 16hrs 24mins 58secs RECORD: 1day 16hrs 24mins 58secs PING: ?s (Haarlem.NL.EU.UnderNet.Org) (wapScript 3 Pro)

<dammit> wow..record uptime

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*** shweet is now known as sheeyet

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