

                                                                                                             Huntington, WV

Monday June 23, 2008


     12:13pm  I am leaving BJ and Tiffany’s.  I’m going to stop by that party house and sit down on their porch and smoke a cigarette. 


     1:57pm  I came to the riverfront park and I am having a big conversation with Dave about God versus Love.  I’ve got this guy all riled up.  He told me he wants proof.  I told him I could show him some on a computer.  So, we’re walking to the library and I’m going to show him exactly what I am doing.


     3:18pm  What a big waste of time with this fat Christian dude.  He’s brainwashed up the ass.  I had walked all the way to the library with him, but he wouldn’t read my stuff.  And when I asked him for his proof he had to ask the librarian where a certain book was.  Ha. What a joke.  I just left.


     3:45pm  I came back to the square and I just walked with Victoria and Deanna to go buy some cigarettes.  Victoria won’t smoke Buglers...because they’re cheap, hehe.


                   I got smoked out!  The weed came to the park finally.  I was telling these four kids my story at the park.  Grim walked up to me and told me, “Hey, I found someone to smoke with you.”  I told the four kids I was talking to, “Sorry, pause for the cause.”  James is smoking me out.  I appreciate it, brother.  Everybody gets credit.  Thanks a lot. 


     4:25pm  I was walking out of the park with my friends Victoria and Deanna.  Then this big dude sitting in a van called me over and told me, “Hey man, I checked out your website.  It’s intense.”


     4:35pm  Victoria just came back to the square and said, “Traveling man, I got you a cookie.” 


     4:40pm  I had an awesome presentation with Victoria.  The other day when I hit her up for my story she was crying and not willing to hear it.  She never read the website either.  So I asked her if I could keep telling it to her today. 


     5:50pm  I forgot to tell you.  I was walking 6th Avenue aiming for BJ’s house and all of a sudden he pulls up in his car.  We had a great conversation.  He told me that he was actually up until eight ‘o clock in the morning reading my website.  He read all this stuff and saw tons of movies.  He told me he really appreciate the Memes movie I have on there.  That was great, because I’ve considered removing it.  So much food for thought I’ve given him.  It was such music to my ears.  Just doing my job. 

             Oh yeah, and he seems to be in a very controlling relationship.  His girlfriend Tiffany told him that she wanted some alone time so I couldn’t crash there again tonight.  We just came to his house and he offered to go get my pack for me.  Tiffany delivers pizza so he brought me a cold pizza from upstairs too.  Yummy.  BJ's bumper.    


     6:06pm  BJ just dropped me off at some tennis courts at this big park.  I’m going to go look for some tennis balls for my walking stick. 


     6:19pm  I’m going to go look through the trashcans for tennis balls.


     6:41pm  I just had an awesome presentation with this guy and girl.  I had walked around the courts looking for tennis balls.  They listened to so much.  I’m going to load up and walk back to the square, I guess. 


     6:55pm  I hit the jackpot with this one trashcan.  I had only found five balls when I walked around the courts, but I went across the street and looked in a trashcan and bingo.  Let me count them.  Twenty two balls total!  I took a picture.  Let’s see how I’m going to fit them all in my pack. 


     7:03pm  I am leaving from the tennis courts.  I had a massive harvest.


     7:15pm  I had a good presentation with these guys playing Frisbee.  They didn’t want to hear the story, but they took the website.  I told them what it was about.  They asked me a lot of questions like where I’ve been and shit. 


     7:25pm  Whoa, I was walking down the street and all of a sudden all these kids call out to me, “Victor!” 


     7:33pm  That was rad!  Just like that, I was just walking down the street from the tennis courts and this dude who I met last night at Angelique’s house called me over.  I already have another house to stash my bag at and crash in!  Just like that.  It was provided for me.  I’m rather proud of my pack.  BJ had brought it down from his apartment and he thought it was heavy as hell.  It really impressed him.


     8:33pm  I walked to the square and went in the bookstore and filled up my CamelBak at their water fountain.  It’s weird.  I’m getting bored and I kind of want to leave Huntington.  Tomorrow morning I’m going back to Montgomery, that’s decided. 


     8:46pm  Great presentation right now with this couple, hell yeah. 


     9:02am  Awesome presentation with Lizzie and Jesse.  Man, I am totally streamlining my story now. 


                    I totally blew that guy’s mind.  I took his picture.


    9:50pm  Kayla was nice enough to let me borrow her cellphone at the store.  I appreciate it, Kayla.  Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot. 


                   Hell yeah, guess who pulled up at the Speedway.  I wasn’t so sure where the house was, so I asked the lady at this one gas station where the Speedway was.  She’s says I’m real close.  I’m going to walk to the house now.  Oh yeah, then all of a sudden Tiffany, BJ’s girl pulls up in a car.  She bought me a tea and gave me the change!  Awesome.  I already have the green tea BJ bought me last night.  She’s so cute.


     10:33pm  I am here at 705 8th Street.


     11:03pm  Shit, it’s raining.  All those guys I met last night at the house, they pulled up in a yellow car.  I was in the middle of telling this beautiful twenty three year old girl my story.  I didn’t get far enough to take her picture.  The yellow car pulled up and I’m going back to the house now.  It was locked when I got there earlier. 


     12:41am  I have a magical update to make.  I came over to Stephen Smith’s house.  I thought he was in the military, but he’s just a fighter.  A cage-fighter, at that.  He’s about to be umm, liberated and in a position to maybe help my mission out.  As the mission evolves.  He’s going to help me get something on Youtube hopefully.  I need to be on there already.  I am way overdue.


                   Hot girls


                   Group picture


     1:03am  Josh is giving away cigarettes.  Everybody gets a cigarette!


Next day..

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