


Socorro, NM

Friday June 25, 2004

     8:12am  What was your name? I was telling JC my story and he just offered me a roach, awesome.

     2:26pm  I actually woke up early this morning and had to go back to sleep. I am like accepted here. It's awesome. They told me this place was like a hippie commune for travelers and stuff. They have computers here. This place could be a workstation for me. I wanted to wait until Gretchen came back at least, so I could tell her hi.

     4:20pm  I wish I could celebrate. We are walking to get some free food at the pool. I'm walking with Steve and Phil.

     4:30pm  Be sure to look up the book Mutual Aid by Peter Kroppkin.

     4:58pm  Be sure to look up Infinite Series. It's the sum of an infinite amount of numbers, so I am told. So it's always going to be the same? He said it's when the sum converges to a finite number.

                   Ugh, college talk.

     5:12pm  Where we came to play pool, in the back, Jessie is treating us to a joint. I appreciate, Jessie. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:26pm  We are in the back of the poolroom smoking weed. Oh yeah, that girl Jessie, she didn't listen to me at all. She said she would, but she didn't. She kept trailing off on another things. I guess she wanted it to be a conversation, not just a presentation. I told her, "I'll take turns, but can I go first?" She wasn't listening. She was ignorant. I'll get her email address and make her.

     6:00pm  I guess I have time to explain to you everything that's happened so far. Last night I came up to the library at New Mexico Tech, found out Gretchen is out of town for a week, checked my email and went outside and met Steve. This guy Steve let me come back to his house. There were a shitload of cool people there. There's a guy who sleeps on the roof. They have computers and everything. I asked them how long would I be welcome there and they told me, "As long as you want." Man, I don't need to go to the Rainbow Gathering. I'll at least stay here until Gretchen comes back on Wednesday. Oh yeah, today I came to play pool and I talked to that ignorant Jessie girl. I should've told her, "Listen, can't you see how you are proving me right by not listening to me right now? When you start interrupting me that lets me know you are thinking about other things and not giving me your full attention. My stuff is of utmost importance. It takes precedence over anything anyone else has to say. I am trying to bring peace to our world, damnit." I got smoked out though, so I'm stoned. I was bored and they're all playing pool. I know where the house is on School of Mines Street. I'm going to walk to the library and type up my stuff. I've got nothing to do. I got all day to do it.

                   Oh yeah, I have another email address to use,

                    I am trying to find the library. I'm looking for the big trapezoid. The Skeen library.

                   On the sidewalk on campus someone wrote Victor B.

     6:08pm  I'm going to read the historical marker here: "New Mexico Tech founded in 1889 as the New Mexico School of Mines. The New Mexico institute of mining technology offers degrees through the doctorate in a number of science and engineering disciplines. In addition to its academic functions, the institute also conducts extensive research in development activities."

                   The library is closed. That's sucks.

                   Oh yeah, I heard San Antonio, NM has some big natural preserve there. It does has something to see. I'm going to stop there on my way back.

     6:22pm  I'm bored. I found the house. I'm going to sit down in the back porch, review my tape of this adventure, and count how many miles I walked from Truth of Consequences. I hope I remember to advance it after I'm done so I don't tape over anything.

     6:50pm  I just went back and wrote down every single mile marker. I walked thirty seven miles from Truth or Consequences to that rest stop. That is so awesome! I never imagined it'd be that much. I thought it was like twenty or something.

     8:10pm  I got bored and felt like I was wasting time. I hate wasting time and being bored. So I came back to the house and cleaned up the porch.


                      It was a mess. I filled up three bags full of trash. I'm going to go get on the computer now.

     10:42pm  I just crawled up on the roof. It's cooler up here. I'm going to sleep up here. This way, I won't get woken up in the morning.

Next day..

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