

 Subj: hi kimmie :]  

Date: 6/26/2002 12:28:58 PM Central Daylight Time 


To: PottyMouthGurl 



dude i finally went out to brack.  ok where do i start?  lets see, monday night i was bored.  at around 9pm i had met this cool dude on the bus at west who liked walking and who lived nearby.  we walked to a lot of places, like the bowling alley and ihop and he helped me get marlboro miles and shit.  this guy(his name is christian) is around 18 and we had a lot in common, we shared a lot of the same beliefs and shit.  so anyway, like 10:30 rolled around and i was wide awake.  i got the impulse to go out to brack.  i asked him if he wanted to go and he said cool.  we came over to my house and fueled up for the walk.  i had told him that we would walk as much as we can, but we might get lucky and be able to hitch a ride. so we started walking.  we walked down huebner rd a long way, almost a couple miles.  we stuck our thumbs out and in no time this nice lady named gina stopped and gave us a ride.  she took us all the way to 281/basse.  

we were pretty hungry then, but we had no money.  so i suggested we go to the dennys and see if we could get some credit.  so that we did.  we walked over and sat down, bummed  a couple cigarettes and asked for some glasses of water.  i talked to the waitress.  i explained to her that we were walking to bracken, that we didnt have any money and we could really use some fuel for the walk.  i assured her anything she credited us we would reimburse the next day.  i explained to her how i sell my blood-plasma every week so i had a sure flow of cash.  so she would trust us, i even pulled out my pocket-calender and showed her where i wrote "pay back dennys".  she asked me what i wanted and i told her to surprise me.  after we ate i bummed a couple cigarettes and did some tai-chi to stretch.  so we got "free" grand slams and we were ready to proceed.

so we went back to the gas station where gina had dropped us off, bummed come more cigarettes and christian started asking people if they were going towards 1604.  i told him to forget about getting a ride and that we would walk it no problem.  

so off we went up the highway.  the time was about 3am and i was having fun and feeling real good.  walking up the highway was easy but since the lady at the dennys had split one grand slam brkfst between both of us, i was still hungry.  so we came across the whataburger on 281/brook hollow.  i stopped in and told my story to the dude working, jamall.  he smiled and hooked us up with two breakfast egg and sausage sandwiches with hash browns.  so we got fueled up a little more(for free).  

after leaving whataburger, we walked a little more to another gas station and asked for a ride to 1604.  a lot of people were telling us no and i was getting discouraged.  finally this cool dude with a truck said yes and we were on our way to 1604/281.  he stopped and we jumped out and started walking.  we walked hella far all the way to the diamond shamrock on 1604/bulverde rd.  we stopped there to ask people if they were going east, towards naco.  after like 30 minutes someone finally said yes.  so we booked it to the jims on 1604/naco.  the sun was already out by now.  it was a beautiful morning.  

christian said that he was having fun but he was a little tired so he called his mom and she agreed to pick him up.  i was wide awake and ready to see bracken.  so i left christian at the jims and started walking up naco towards bracken.  i passed some place on the left right before goll(i think) and ended up at some teahouse.  i thought i was in bracken already so i asked the lady there to tell me some points of interests.  she informed me that i was not even in bracken.  i was shocked, i couldve sworn i had seen a sign at 1604 that said bracken was this way.  she told me to walk back like a block and turn left on goll rd, so i did.  i found bracken with no trouble.

dude kim, bracken is really cool even though i had a bitter-sweet(much more sweet than bitter) experience there.  i though that this town was so small that id surprise you and find you.  so off i went it was around 10am by now.  i walked up to the cafe and saloon and asked every person i passed, "hi, im looking for this girl"  some old dude told me, "well arent we all?"  hehe i said, "her name is kim, shes 20, shes 6 feet tall, long dark hair, shes real cute, do you know her?"  

everybody told me no.  at first i thought you mightve been lying to me, i figured someone had to know about you in this small little town.  i thought maybe you were always on the computer and didnt ever go out but absolutely no one i talked to could confirm your existance.  

i was a little bummed but i just changed the way i looked at it and took the oppurtunity to learn this shit-hole and make my network of friends even bigger. 

right after i went to the saloon i walked over to 1st street.  at one of the trailers there i ran into this nice lady named lupe.  she was very helpful and she seemed to know a lot of people in town.  i asked her if she had a computer and she said she did but that it was really old and she never used it.  i asked her if she minded if i looked at it and maybe i could upgrade it with spare parts i had at home. 

so she let me in her trailer.  it was a very nice, air-conditioned home.  she was very nice and offered me a sandwich.  i graciously accepted and we went back to her room to look at her computer.  

whoa what a dinosaur.  it was and old POS running only like 75 mhz with windows 3.1.  i told her it wouldnt be worth upgrading and it would be bettter if she invested in a new machine.  

so i walked out and started packing up my things, i had a lot more of bracken(or so i thought) to see.  just then the lack of sleep caught up with me and i became very tired.  i asked lupe, "lupe, are you about to go anywhere?"  i kindly asked her that if she was just going to be in her house today if she minded if i just laid down on the floor in front of the front door and napped cuz i hadnt slept a wink the night before.  she told me i could sleep for one hour because she had to go somewhere.  i was like badass!  so i crashed out in her cool mobil home.  nice old lupe let me sleep for 4 hours!  

when i awoke, she gave me some more food and let me use the bathroom.  i packed up my stuff, grabbed my walking stick and walked outside with lupe.  there was this old 85 vw cabroilet convertible with missing windows in front of her trailer and i asked her how much she would sell it for, that i would love to have a little project car like that.  she told me i could have it!  that she had even considered taking it apart piece by piece and throwing it away.  duuuuuuuuuuuude so for my walking to bracken i just got a car!  badass huh?  i mean it didnt run and had a flat tire, but it would be an awesome little car if i fixed it up.  it was a damn convertible!! a free convertible!!

ok kim, so i had fun and i also got in a little trouble as well but im tired of typing, so maybe me finishing this story will give you an incentive to come out of your hiding spot and meet me.  i had such a great learning experience in bracken kim, which goes to show you can have fun anywhere you go, just take the fun with you as you move around and, YOU DONT NEED A CAR TO TRAVEL.  ok kim, i hope you get online sometime today.  and if you really do live in bracken, im sure youll hear about my visit soon.  word gets around you know,  and i made my presence known very well.

- victor 

bye kim, dude im a little excited about showing you around, i wanna pull you out of your hole and show you how very cool life can be.  please let me.

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