

                                                                                                 San Antonio, TX

Tuesday June 26, 2007

     8:50am  My mom brought me home a new tape recorder. I have been one typing fool lately. With her laptop I got everything I had logged on paper typed up. Now with this recorder I can start on the tapes. Man, I have so much to type up about Portland and the crazy roller coaster I was on there. I figure I'll type up my Portland adventure and take off traveling again. I do have other tapes to type up with stuff from 2006 with Carol and stuff, but those are secondary. I'll type those up on the road somewhere, or when I come back to San Antonio. I'm finally caught up on sleep. I'm going to have a good walking-day. Oh, and I got everything fixed on the computer. Man, it's weird how the Internet just stopped working. I called a Tier 3 technician and he was all cool. He plays World of Warcraft and stuff. He walked me through everything. I asked him, "Are you familiar with Vonage?" and he was! He was a smart guy. He helped me out with the Vonage problem and I got the Internet hooked back up last night. I still think I got hacked from someone on IRC, for all the spamming I do.
                   Anyway, this morning I am headed to the driver's license office. I've got fifteen dollars, that I saved from the day before yesterday. I didn't spend any money yesterday. I'm going to go get an ID made. Oh yeah! I'm going to wear my Fuck Bush shirt! I've got a backup shirt in my bag, in case they tell me to take if off. I'll make a spectacle of it before I offer to change, hehe. I'm going to have fun. This is going to be a good day.
     9:01am  The bus comes at nine oh nine over by my mom's house. It's not that hot yet. Screw it, I'm going to walk it the driver's license office over on Babcock and Loop 410.

     9:48am  Haha, I was walking in front of this Walmart and this gay dude saw me. I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt. I hit him up for my presentation. He ended up getting a little distracted. In the end he told me, "You should be a model. You're very handsome." I told him I was a teacher already. That's my job.

     9:50am  I just got to the bus circle at the Walmart. I was hoping there would be someone here that I could smoke out. I've got my nug-jar jam-packed with weed. I saw this black dude riding around on a bike. Maybe I should go ask him.

                   The 88 driver wouldn't give me a transfer. I hit him up for my story and when I said marijuana he went, "Oh, I remember you. You used to always ask for a transfer on the 605." I smiled and told him, "Well, my contribution is finally ready. I gotta give something back" and gave him my website. So I decided I'm going to walk to the license plate office right inside the loop on Babcock. I'm walking to the medical center at least. On the way I can give back this lighter I have. Last night Joey Katt's brother drove me to these apartments Richland Trace over in Westchase which is close to Bandera/Eckhert, to buy a twenty sack of marijuana. I had a great presentation with the kids there. One of them even recognized me. When I left I thought I had lost my lighter, so I told them, "Hey, I got my lighter jacked. Can I jack one of yours?" They gave me a lighter. When I got home I had like three of them, so I'm going to return the one they gave me. I can't be fucking with my lighter-karma like that.

     10:19am  I just walked to the apartments. I'm going to go knock and see if anybody's awake.

     10:22am  I tapped on the door a little bit. I think they're still sleeping. I didn't have the white lighter I took from them, so I just left a different one on the door matt. Can't fuck with my lighter-karma.

     10:29am  I left already. I almost got to Eckhert then I saw that they're building a neighborhood here and they have a big road cutting through the woods. I walked that and went through this hole in the fence into the neighborhood. I'm on John Marshall Road. I'm walking and in front of me I see the Marshall baseball field. I'm walking. I remember this walk.

     10:34am  I'm walking down Eckhert now. Over here close to the RV park, on the other side of the street I found an ATM card. A platinum check card. It belongs to Veronica Portillo. I'm going to see if I can find her on the Internet and return it to her.

     10:57am  I walked Eckhert all the way. Turning right on Oakdell Way.

     11:06am  Just about to get to Wurzbach. Busy-Babylon coming up. Babcock, I mean. From there I have to walk Babcok down all the way to the driver's license office. It's a good stretch. Found some chapstick on the ground.

     11:19am  Coming up on Merton Minter. I'm passing the transfer center. I thought I might ride the bus, but I'm going to walk all the way there, remember? I am considering walking all the way downtown after I get my ID. But, I'm still going to go to the transfer center here and smoke somebody out.

     11:38am  I saw my old security guard friend. The guy who always gave me thumbs up. I ran across the street and gave him my webpage as he was getting on the 92.

     11:52am  The 522 pulled up and I asked Mr. Ramos if he'd hook me up with a ride to the driver's license office. I told him I was going to walk downtown. He did. Awesome.

     12:02pm  I had a badass presentation with Mr. Ramos. He recognized me from before. I asked him, "You don't know what I am doing? Let me tell you. Will conversation distract you?" He dropped me off at the driver's license place right now. I hope it's still fifteen bucks for just an ID. I don't need a driver's license.

                     It might just be ten. That'd be cool.

                     I wonder if people will freak because of my Fuck Bush shirt.

     12:17pm  I am standing here at the DMV. Oh yeah, they said I couldn't get an ID. That I needed two more forms of identification. Hell, I have my original birth certificate from Puerto Rico. That should totally be enough. This document is fragile. It's almost thirty years old. I told them that I could not obtain any of the documents on their list and, "That's cool, I'll just keep using my photocopy of my expired one that I have been." I asked them if there was any other way I could prove who I was. The lady said I could talk to a trooper. She told me to go wait underneath the TV in the waiting room. I took a hit of weed outside and smoked a cigarette. I went back in the exit door and stood under the TV. I realized I have an audience here! All these people waiting watching the TV. Remember, I'm wearing my Fuck Bush shirt so everyone's eyes have been glued on me since I walked in the door. I even pulled out my sign and was telling everyone, "It's free. It's not religious, I promise." They're all watching me talk into my recorder right now. Hopefully they'll read it.

                     Haha, I totally doubt they're going to let me take the picture for my ID with my Fuck Bush shirt on.

                     I finally got to talk to the Trooper. Trooper LeBlanc. It turns out I have to go through this little loophole. I need to pay twenty four dollars and renew my driver's license. That because I don't have enough proof of who I am, that I wouldn't be able to get a new ID, but I could renew my driver's license if I had twenty four dollars. Then when I have my driver's license, I can come back and get it "demoted" to a regular ID card. Officer LeBlanc is helping me out as much as he can. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.
                     I even told him my story. Once I told him I was a journalist he had to know what I was doing. He didn't have time for the odyssey, but I told him the important part. Thanks for your help and check the webpage, Officer LeBlanc.

     12:37pm  I hit up the taqueria Mi Caretta. I think it had a different name last time. I'll look it up. [Taqueria Mi Jalisco, 5-17-05, 1017am]

     12:40pm  Mauru me esta dando comida en Mi Caretta. ¿Es un nombre differente, verdad? Me dieron aqui hace como dos años. Te lo agradezco, señor. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     12:59pm  Man, what a great welcome back to San Antonio I have had today. That taqueria treated me like royalty, hell yeah. I have to somehow manifest me eight dollars. It'd be cool if I could do it today and show that officer, "See how the universe provides?" He was all trying to refer me to some Christian Charities shit that would pay for my ID. I told him not to worry about it. Eight dollars wouldn't be hard to manifest. He was all Christian. He said, "If I had the money, I would help you out." I told him thanks anyway, that it was the thought that counts. He was all about my mission.

     1:01pm  Turning left on Hillcrest. I'm going to walk Hillcrest to Fredericksburg and walk Fredericksburg downtown. Just like the old days.

     1:12pm  About five minutes ago I hit Fredericksburg. There are cars everywhere. People are honking at my shirt and everything. Hell yeah! Fuck Bush!

     1:20pm  I'm going to walk through Santa Fe Apartments. I wonder if Melissa still lives here. I need to give her my website.

                   I wonder if Sam still lives here. That's the first one I'm going to check. J303.

     1:36pm  I just had the greatest idea. I'm going to go donate plasma! That's how I'll get the money for my ID.

     1:41pm  I came to the plasma place right here. I signed in as a new donor. I don't think they're going to let me donate with my proof of address I have.  My photocopied ID. I'm starting to recognize people here. It's awesome.

                     Page 85, the whole second paragraph:

                     "I told you once that our lot as men is to learn, for good or bad," he said. "I have learned to see and I tell you that nothing really matters; now it is your turn; perhaps some day you will see and you will know then if things matter or not. For me nothing matters, but perhaps for you everything will. You should know by now that a man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting, nor by thinking about what he will think when he has finished acting. A man of knowledge chooses a path with heart and follows it; and then he looks and rejoices and laughs; and then he sees and knows. He knows that his life will be over altogether too soon; he knows that he, as well as everybody else, is not going anywhere; he knows, because he sees, that nothing is more important than anything else. In other words, a man of knowledge has no honor, no dignity, no family, no name, no country, but only life to be lived, and under those circumstances his only tie to his fellow men is his controlled folly. Thus a man of knowledge endeavors, and sweats, and puffs and if one looks at him he is just like any ordinary man, except that the folly of his life is under control. Nothing being more important than anything else, a man of knowledge chooses any act, and acts it out as if it matters to him. His controlled folly makes him say that what he does matters and makes him act as if it did, and yet he knows that it doesn't; so when he fulfills his acts he retreats in peace, and whether his acts were good or bad, or worked or didn't, is in no way part of his concern."

     2:13pm  I had a bigass wait in line at the NABI, the plasma place. I went up to the desk when they called me and told them, "Will you guys let me donate with this?" They said I needed a social security card. So fuck it, I'm not going to donate. I told the taqueria that I was going to walk all the way downtown, so I probably should. "Voy a caminar hasta el centro." The air conditioning was nice after my walk from the driver's license office. I'm going to keep walking now. I want to smoke somebody out.

                     Oh yeah, the thriftstore.

     2:20pm  I just saw a shirt that says, "Hard work never hurt anybody, but I'm not going to risk it." That's hilarious.

     2:58pm  Margie at the Texas Thrift Store. She wouldn't let me have a shirt. Everybody gets credit. Man, nobody wants world peace!

                    The greedy asses wouldn't let me have any of these shirts. She was all, "Oh, I'm not at the liberty to give anything away." Wait, I had found two tie-dyes. I need to go back and buy that stuff. I just set them down and walked out. I'm going to pay for them.

     2:59pm  I went back inside to pay for them, and this nice old lady Susan, who witnessed my denial a minute ago, she offered to pay for me. I told her, "Ah, it's alright. I got money. I was just testing them. But thanks, Susan. It's the thought that counts. Everybody gets credit."

                     Margie was the manager's name at the thrift store. Greed shall be her downfall, hehe.

     3:27pm  Mr. Acuña, the guy driving the 92 is hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, man, thanks.

     3:32pm  I'm having a fun time riding on the bus. I'm just standing at the front wearing my Fuck Bush shirt and holding my sign. Givin' it away, givin' it away. I'm going to get shot, man.

     3:51pm  Eric is hooking me up with a cigarette on the bus on the way to the hospital. I appreciate it, Eric. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     3:56pm  I just got on the 91 right when the bus got to the hospital. At the last second I asked the driver if he could hook me up with a transfer and he tore one off real quick. I hopped across the street and jumped on the 91 to West Telemarketing. I'm going to go see if I can work there again. It's been a couple years. Maybe they've lifted the ban, hehe. Right when I got on the bus driver was about to take off. I got on and asked the driver, "Hey, can I get a courtesy ride for old time's sake?" She said, "No free rides!" I pulled out the transfer I just bummed off the last driver, handed it to her and walked on the bus. I went, "Psyche!" Hehe, that's funny. I'm going to West.

     4:18pm  I just got deposited perfectly at The Rocks at West Telemarketing. I'm going to come back here and see if there's anyone celebrating what time it is. Just like the good 'ol days.

     4:27pm  I went back to The Rocks and took a hit of weed. Nobody went back there. I guess it's not a big tradition anymore. Now I'm going to walk to HR and see if I can work here. I'll beg them. I'll whine and tell them, "Look how long it's been!"

                     Then I'll come to training and quit again! Cha-ching.

                     Cool, right now at West this kid just drove by and gave me thumbs up for my Fuck Bush shirt.

     4:33pm  I am still ineligible to work at West Telemarketing. It doesn't say why, just that I couldn't work for the company anymore. I hit the girls there up for my story and everything. They were busy working, but I gave them my webpage.

     4:39pm  I jumped the big ditch and went to the 8000 building to see if they would let me refill my water bottle, like in the old days. I walked inside and that bald dude who's been working there for years saw me real quick. I asked him if I could get some water and he yelled, "No, get out! Especially with that shirt!" Hahaha. Oh well, I'm going to go to the smoking cabana and smoke a cigarette. That was hilarious. I hope he calls the cops.

     5:07pm  I couldn't have gotten a ride to Babcock anyway because they're doing construction on Prue and it's closed. For cars, that is. I just walked in front of the Woodridge Village neighborhood.

     5:19pm  I got to Prue and Babcock. First I'll hit up the Papa John's. Maybe some drivers will recognize me. Cool, there's a taqueria right here. I've scored here before. This barbacoa place.

     5:22pm  The taqueria told me no, that the manager wasn't there. I told the pretty girls inside thanks anyway and gave her my webpage.

     5:30pm  I got hooked up at the Pizza Hut. He who knocks persistently ends by entering. I appreciate it, guys. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

MySpace Message:
Date: 26 Jun 2007, 09:47 PM
Subject: pizza hut
Body: hey bro i was going to give you a large pizza for free but by the time it was made you left i think what you are doing is so cool bro more power to you and everyone at pizza hut loved your shirt

     5:55pm  I walked all the way to the skatepark here on Springtime. I'm going to sit down in the shade and smoked. There's a Park Police car parked there. It's so rad, I've evolved all day. I've been spreading my word hardcore. Testing people left and right. The kid at the Pizza Hut was all, "I don't want my name in there. I'll get in trouble." He gave me a couple slices of pizza. When I first hit him up, he was all, "You don't have a dollar?" I told him thanks anyway. He said, "Meet me around back."

     6:40pm  I had a badass presentation with Ryan Harper.


I came to the ditch at the end of Spring Forest, over by where Carlos used to live. I knocked on the door. 6822, I think. I asked if Carlos or Tim still lived there. They gave me a dirty look and said no. Then I saw some kid walking in the ditch. I called out to him, "Hey, do you want to smoke some weed?" He answered back, "I don't have any. I don't have any money." I said, "No, I am offering." He came over and I hit him up for my story. Had a badass presentation. He told me, "I'm going to tell all my friends."

     7:47pm  I doubted I was going to catch the bus anywhere, so I started to hike all the way home. I took my old route. Walked Prue Road to the bridge and entered the woods behind the cliffs. I saw my old beacon, the red light at the top of the antenna on top of the cliff. I thought I'd go to the platform. I was sure there'd be kids smoking weed there. Sure enough there were. Right now we have six people up on the platform today. It's still holding. Spade said fuck the system!

     7:55pm  Man, I'm all high. We passed around a big blunt. Some of those kids recognized me.

      8:47pm  I just landed at my mom's house. I walked all the way over here. I'm all beat. I'm going to take a shower.

     9:06pm  I just got out of the shower. I had such a great shower. I walked a hell of a lot today. I am so proud of myself. I'm going to look at myself in the mirror. I bet I look all toned up.

Next day..

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