


Socorro, NM

Sunday June 27, 2004

     4:31pm  I haven't been logging all day. I'm getting kind of bored here. I have a whole three days to wait for Gretchen to come back. I'm thinking about taking off before that, though. I don't know.

                   It seems like all I've done since I got here is just hang around the house and clean. I should be out there walking the town getting seen. I mean, I get on IRC on the web and spread my ideas there. People have warned me about the townies here. Umm, I want to go back to Arcata.

     4:45pm  Tons of people just came over. I think we're going to have a big party. There's like new people here every day. It's crazy. This house is like a vortex. You get sucked in.

                    I can eat a peanut butter sandwich anytime I want. Everything is cool here. Oh yeah, they asked me if I would buy them one hundred dollars worth of alcohol and I said sure. I'm going to get drunk tonight. I never get drunk. I'll probably regret it. I probably shouldn't.

                    It's cool, I can fit fifteen days' worth of stuff on one ninety minute tape. I started on the eleventh.

                    (end of 6- tape)

     7:58pm  I'm out here smoking and drinking beer. I kind of felt awkward today. We all went to Denny's and they paid for me. All these people who I haven't met and told my story to. I've decided I am not going to tell my story to all these new people. That's all I ever do. Just tell the same story. I kind of feel awkward. Gretchen is the only thing tying me to Socorro. I just want to follow through on the follow-up, just so she knows I am still working on it. Hmm, all this time I could be trying to get to the Rainbow Gathering, where I need to be seen. I might just take off. I don't know. I'm thinking about it.

                   I bet you anything if I clean the house that'll make me feel better. Oh yeah, I went I bought them over $100 worth of beer. Crazy.

Next day..

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