

 Subj: hi kim :P  

Date: 6/28/2002 2:09:25 AM Central Daylight Time 


To: PottyMouthGurl 


dude kim, i shouldve written this right after it happened..but last night kinda sucked.  see, it was around midnight and i had just walked back from the store because i had to use the phone.  when i walked up to my apartments i saw this boy and girl walking and the dude asked me for a cigarette..i gave him one and asked them where they were headed.  they said they were going to the store to buy cigarettes.  i let them know the store had already closed.  

so i asked them if they had any weed they could spare and the dude told me at his apartment they did.  the guy(steve) was 19 and the girl(jillian) was 18.  so we stopped at my apartment and i put some stuff away.  we proceeded to walk a couple blocks to steves place.

when we got there, there were all these guys watching a movie and i got bored quick, they hadnt hooked me up yet.  so i asked jillian if she wanted to go for a walk.  my friends apt was like a 15 minute walk away.  right before we left steve was able to get a bowls worth of bud for me.  so off we went, they were both bitching about walking but i assured them itd be worth it, my friends were pretty cool.  when we got to their apartment, i saw all these people outside and i went up and talked to them.  these two adorable dogs were walking around and i assumed they belonged to someone.

so we went inside shortly afterwards and there was tons of people there and more showed up later.  i asked my friends whos apartment we were at if i could use their bong but they said they lent it out or something.  thats when i got the first bad vibe, that bong was always there.   they told me that this other dude(jonathan) that was there had a pipe.  i asked jonathen for the pipe and he pulled it out and gave it to me.  i loaded a meager bowl, all that i had been hooked up with, which wasnt much at all.  because of the lack of weed i took two big hits and passed the pipe to the left(jonathen was on my right).  steve accepted it and took a hit and i got up and walked to the kitchen to talk to my friend alligood who lived there.  we got in this big philosophical discussion and some time passed.  then all of a sudden, one of the other guys that lived there(who ive never thought he liked me too much) told me, "hey victor, we need to talk".  i asked him right off, "do you need me to leave?"  he told me that maybe because someone else there was pretty pissed off at me.  i asked who and he told me jonathen, the dude i borrowed the pipe from.  

jonathen was all mad since he had lent his pipe out and didnt get a hit.  i told him that i didnt have that much and it wasnt like i smoked it all, that i had passed it to the left after i hit it.  i had let steve hit it, not only because he was next to me, but because he was the one that got it for me.  i assured him that if i had had more, i wouldve been more than happy to smoke everyone there out.  he said, "its ok" but i could still tell he was pissed.  

then at the same time, steve had misplaced this awesome lighter that he had lent out.  he got everyones attention and asked them who had it.  no one responded with it.  i showed steve my empty pockets so he knew it wasnt me that had taken it.  

so the whole party was basically mad at me, they felt like i had commited a big-time party faux-pas, which maybe i had.  now that i look back at it, i should never have smoked any without having enough for everyone, but hey, jonathen shouldve seen the small amount i had and not let me use his pipe.  

i apologized again to jonathen.  i even asked him where he lived because i wanted to smoke him out in the future.  but everyone there was upset with me now, so i took that as my cue to leave.  i just didnt feel welcome there anymore.  

so i started walking out the door and realized that i had left my walking stick.  i grabbed it and noticed it was broken.  i said, "fuck, who broke my stick?"  then it occured to me that they had maliciously broken it because of what happened.  i thought quick and said, "oh, someone mustve stepped on it wrong, i shouldve been more careful with it, thats ok though, i have a backup(which i dont), its no big deal"

dude i loved my stick so much.  i cant believe those bastards broke it.  how fucking immature, but i wasnt about to let them know it bothered me.  

i told everyone to have a good night and to drive carefully and i started walking home.  as i was walking in the street behind the apts, i heard someone calling.  i stopped and turned around and there was this dude(who was a little younger than me) with those same two dogs from before walking up to the fence.  he asked me if the dogs belonged to me.  i said, "no, theyre not yours?"  he told me they had been wandering around together all night and that he was worried about them and didnt want to leave them outside by themselves.  he also told me that his girlfriend was all pissed off cuz he was so worried about the dogs and she wanted him to come inside already.  the dogs were beautiful, looked like they were well taken care of, and had dog chains with phone numbers on them.  he said that he had tried calling the number but no one answered.  they may have been abandoned and thats when i started sympathizing with him and became worried myself.  

i told him, "look, i have a dog myself who is like a son to me, tell you what, ill walk them over to my apt, i live 15 minutes away.  and first thing in the morning i will call the number on their collar and see if i can locate the owners, im sure your girlfriend will like that, you can go and chill out with her now." 

i asked him if he had a rope or anything i could use for a leash and he said no.  so i got to thinking.  i told him that i was gonna walk home, get stuarts leash and come back and get one dog, take him to my apartment, then walk back and get the other one.  the dude became very happy and shook my hand and told me thank you so much.

so i started back to my apartment to get stuarts leash and to my surpise both dogs started following me through the neighborhood.  i was like, "badass, i wonder if theyll follow me all the way home."  

the two dogs were playing in every lawn they went across but they seemed to be following me as i walked along.  on a few occasions they stopped to play and bark with other dogs behind fences.  i almost said forget it and left them, but i went up to where they were and started yelling at them to follow me.  at fist they were still hesitant, but they actually listened to me and kept following me.  it was awesome, like they understood me or something.  

so i finally got home and one of the dogs went right up the stairs up to my front door.       the other one refused to climb the stairs though.  like he had never gone up stairs before and was scared.  i went inside and got stuarts leash and attached it to the scaredy-dog.  he still wouldnt budge up the stairs so i ended up pulling him by the leash all the way up.  poor thing kept losing his footing and almost fell all the way down the stairs.

when i had them both up i let them in my apartment my roommate sam was in the bedroom on my computer and he came out and flipped.  i told him how i planned to keep them just until the morning when i could call the owners and have them picked up, that i didnt want to leave such pretty dogs out alone at night.  he immediately became attached to the smaller female and she returned his affection.  

dude, but when stuart saw them, he went nuts and started barking like crazy.  im sure he felt his territory had been invaded and he was prepared to defend it.  the other dogs reciprocated the growling and tension grew in my apartment.  they started fighting and sam and i were forced to seperate them.  at first, we took stuart outside but the other male dog rushed right out the door and started biting stuart.  we pulled stuart inside and put him in the bedroom and left the other two dogs out in the living room.  they barked for a little bit but calmed down after realizing that we werent going to give them access to one another.

i then thought, "hmm, these are quality animals, if the owners arent out looking for them then they might be abandoned.  first person that came to mind was chasity, my exgirlfriend.  she had always wanted another dog and if she got one i could have full custody of stuart.  

i dont have a phone but chasity only lived 30 minutes walking distance so i decided to walk over to her house(it was around 3am then).  i told myself that this was a good enough reason to wake her up.  now i have had stuart for about two weeks and chasity has been bitching at me about wanting him back, at least for a week or so.  so i decided id take stuart with me on the walk to chasitys.  

stuart and i walked to the apartments again, passed them and then crossed the bridge on i10 and walked to chasitys apartment.  when i got there all the lights were out and i figured chasity was asleep.  i began pounding on the door.  now chasity lives in these shitty apartments with thin walls so i stopped banging on the door.  i was scared her ghetto neighbors would hear it and come outside and bitch.  i tied stuart to the rail and started thinking.  chasity lives on the second floor of the her building.  i then thought that the neihbors would hear mybanging less if i was knocking on the glass sliding door on her balcony.   but how the hell was i going to climb all the way up there?  good thing im tall because with a little effort i was inside the balcony.  i started banging on the glass but it seemed like she was sleeping pretty soundly.  i was up there banging for like 15 minutes when i heard chasity come home.  

chasity had been doing inventory this week so  she had to work late.  "whew" i thought, "shes here".  chasity was wondering what the hell i was doing in her porch and i told her, "dont worry chasity, ill make it all better, can you open the door?"  

so i stayed in the balcony and had her open the door and i told her about the dogs at my apartment and asked her if she would walk back with me.  her lazy ass told me it was out of the question and that she would come see them in the morning.  i said fine and asked her if i could crash there for the night and catch the bus home in the morning.  

so we slept until 2pm the next day.  ::yawn kim, im getting tired::  ok to make a long story short, chasity pissed me off the next day and i told her to forget about the dogs, that i would take them to the animal defense league if i couldnt get a hold of the owners and when i finally got home they had taken off and i couldnt find them, so i dont know what happened to them.  im still worried about them though.  i spent an hour searching for them around my apartments and the ones next door with no luck.

remind me to elaborate on this story when i FINALLY MEET YOU kim, theres other stuff to it but im damn tired so im gonna crash.

i was hoping you would get online tonight so i could talk at you, but noooo :[

ok sugar-plum, i hope everythings going good for you, i cant wait to meet you kim, you seem like you would make an excellent friend of mine.  

bye bye babe

- victor

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