

 Hurricane to St. Albans to Huntington, WV

Sunday June 29, 2008


     6:41am  I just woke up under the trailer.  I forgot to set my watch last night. 


     7:43am  All packed up and ready to go.


                   Damnit, I lost my pipe, my fake cigarette one-hitter.  It sucks, it had lots of resin in there.


     8:06am  I had a badass presentation with this guy Rick.  I’m all stoned and resinated even though I lost my pipe.  I had a little ball of resin in my tin and I rolled it in a cigarette.  I walked over to the TA truckstop and this older guy immediately came up to me and talked to me.  He listened great and agreed with everything I said.


     8:56am  I went upstairs at the truckstop and spent two dollars drying my sleeping bag and rainbow pillow.  I bought me a pack of Buglers and walked to the McDonald’s and bought me five dollars worth of breakfast.  I’m going to walk to the onramp and eat.


     9:21am  I came to the onramp and got bored again.  I’m going to walk back to the truckstop.


     10:21am  I got bored at the truckstop so I’m headed back to the onramp.  I had a couple good presentations at the truckstop.  I was told that I’m not that far from Huntington at all. 


     10:28am  I came to the GoMart and right off the bat George agreed to give me a ride!  Guess where I’m going?  All the way to Cleveland! 


     10:58am  Change of plans.  Right when George started driving I saw road signs for St. Albans.  Hey, somebody told me I should stop there, so I asked George to drop me off at the next exit.  I was told to come here, so I am.


     11:00am  I got dropped off at the Chevron.  I’m going to walk the four miles into St. Albans.  I was told there were a lot of kids here. 


     11:32am  I stopped at this bus stop to sit down and rest.  I already got to where the road tees and turned right.  Two more miles to St. Albans.


     11:59am  Leaving from my smokebreak.  I’m walking into town now. 


     12:09pm  Passing sign that says St. Albans. 


     12:13pm  I took a picture of the Welcome to St. Albans sign, with a Masonic sign afterwards.


     12:28pm  I made my way to the GoMart here and I’m telling this brother Charles Hackett my story.  I told him a little bit about my mission and he just volunteered me a knife!  I appreciate it, brother. 


     12:56pm  I started walking into town some more.  I was walking and I said screw it, I’m getting closer to Charleston.  I’m going to walk back all the way to that gas station George dropped me off at.  What a mistake.  I should’ve kept going all the way to Cleveland.


     1:07pm  I came back to the GoMart.  Maybe I can get me a ride back to the Chevron.  Actually, it’s only four miles.  I should walk it.


     1:09pm  Chris is being cool enough to give me a short hop closer to the Chevron.


     1:28pm  I just told my story to Buck and his friends and they loved it.  Just now Buck found a dollar in the parking lot and just gave it to me.  He said, “Here, it’s for the story.” 


     2:08pm  Nobody’s pulling over for me.  I’m just going to walk to the highway.  I did get to tell my story a couple times in this town.


     2:56pm  Man, what luck.  Right when I walked up to the gas station George dropped me off at I saw some young guy getting in his car.  I quickly yelled, “Are you going to Huntington?”  Sure enough, he’s giving me a ride.  Parry is his name.


     3:37pm  I just got dropped off in Pullman’s Square.  Hell yeah, straight shot. 


     3:41pm  Hell yeah, right when I got dropped off at Pullman Grim saw me.  He said, “Hey, it’s traveling-man.”  He hooked me up with a fat roach, nice.


     4:33pm  I just left the library


     4:51pm  I walked to a Speedway and bought me a pepperoni roll.


     5:14pm  I walked up to Stephen and Josh’s house.  Right when I walked up I see my good friend Stephen walking out carrying a television.  Oh yeah, they’re getting evicted, I forgot.  He’s moving all this stuff to Chrissy’s.  I jumped in the back of the truck and John drove us over to Chrissy’s.  Oh yeah, and they told me Amber had found my hat in the back of her truck.  I could’ve sworn I had seen it fly out.  What luck.  That makes me happy.  Anyway, I had also left my black mesh pouch my rain poncho fits in, in her truck.  I’m riding in the back of that same truck right now.  I wonder if it’s still back there.  It might be a different truck.  I’m going to get my hat back.  I am so glad.  That Of The Earth hat I got in Tampa.


     6:35pm  What a great welcome back to Huntington I have had.  My good friend Stephen welcomed me back with open arms.  See, he got in a big fight with Josh.  We drove over to Chrissy’s apartment and smoked a lot of weed.  I’m all stoned.  Welcome back to Huntington, Victor.  Dude, I am totally changing Stephen’s life.  When I first saw him again I got the best news.  He told me he had changed his mind about joining the military.  I was so relieved.  He said he was going to go work with his dad in New Orleans.  He said he was really grateful for me.  It’s the greatest feeling in the world knowing I changed somebody’s life for the better.  I’m making it happen.  Before he told me he had changed his mind I had told him, “Man, if you think our lame country is worth dying for, do you think world peace through marijuana is worth dying for?  I want you to join my mission."  What better soldier to have than cage-fighting Stephen?  I’m walking to the Speedway now.


     7:53pm  Man, I was so tired.  Stephen came home and they were watching some movie and I was nodding off.  Man, I was so beat.  I only got four hours of sleep last night and I walked a shitload.  I’m going to walk to the house everyone is getting kicked out of.  Tonight’s their last night.


                   I am still enraptured by the synchronicity of Stephen coming out of the house carrying the TV.  If I would’ve been three minutes later he would’ve been gone.  Not to mention, the pause I took at the Speedway to eat a pepperoni roll. 


                   It was also awesome earlier when I walked all the way back in St. Albans and right when I walked up I scored my ride to Huntington.  Perfect timing.


     8:21pm  I’m walking to the house and everybody else is there.  They were chilling on the roof and saw me.  “Hey, Victor!”

                   This pretty girl braided my goatee for me earlier.

Next day..

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