

                                                                                                             Yreka, CA

Monday June 29, 2009

     7:12am  I woke up after only five hours of sleep last night, that sucks. I woke up like twenty minutes ago. I made a beautiful camp on the side of the mountain here. I can see Mt. Shasta great from here.

     7:43am  I am leaving. One of the kids was asleep in this van closeby. I crashed out underneath this tree. I had a relaxing morning. I cut out more havethisbook.coms. I'm walking into town. I need to go to the library and check my email and see if Marilyn has written me back. I had sent her an email at Shadow's.

     8:24am  I should make an entry. I woke up this morning at this old guy's property. The dudes I hung out with last night were both asleep and I just took off. I walked all the way down Jackson Street, down this big hill. I came to the Chevron and took a shit. I'm going to ask them where the library is.

     9:30am  I finally found the library. It opens at ten. I wish I had some weed.

     10:55am  I went to the library and had a good web session. Marilyn had emailed me. She said she had all her money problems fixed, let's barbecue. Maybe she'll be at the bumfeed at twelve.

     12:20pm  Marilyn didn't show at the bumfeed. I walked back to the library hoping they would let me on the computer. They let me get on a fifteen minute terminal. I was hoping I would have a reply from Marilyn, but I didn't. I had the great idea to search Google for her name and I found her phone number easy, first one. I called her up and she's on her way to pick me up now, sweet.

     12:45pm  There's Marilyn.
     2:14pm  Whoa, Marilyn just got arrested, taken to jail. We were driving and she saw the cop behind her immediately. She calls them flops. Anyway, we pulled into the Walmart parking lot and the cop drove up to us. He said Marilyn had some unpaid fines or something and that he had to take her in, but Marilyn assured me that she would be released soon. I told Marilyn I could drive her car, that I had an license and I pulled it out.
Right when I did the flops eyes gleamed and he wanted to run it. Marilyn forbade him, she knows the law pretty good. I told them I wasn't sure where the jail was. When the cop took off I stayed on his ass all the way to town. He had even tried ditching me on the highway but my pizza delivery skills kicked in and I stayed on his ass the whole way. Marilyn was having fun and impressed that I stayed on flop.

                   Oh yeah, to kill fifteen minutes on the computer at the library I wrote Peg a nasty email:

Monday, June 29, 2009 10:34 AM
From: "victor antonio" <>
To: "Peg Nason" <>

I was in Yreka by six last night. I got a ride out of town real quick. The only reason I came back to Ashland was to show you around, but you just kept dissaperaing and doing your thing.
I HATE WASTING MY TIME, damnit and you sure as hell can't walk the walk.
You flat out lied to me, made me think you believed in me, but the truth came out. There is a motherfucking reason why I ask people if they are willing to listen before I start telling my story. Right in the middle you interrupt my presentation with some stupid unfounded complaint. How many times have I told that same story and just now you disagree with it?
You've been playing along all this time, putting on this big act, apparently just to get laid. Your stupid ass probably has herpes now. Hope it was worth it.
There was a reason why I asked you, in particular, if you were bored and minded hearing my story again and told me sure, go right ahead. If you didn't want to hear my script again, I gave you a chance but you lied to me. My script DOES change, it evolves, I perfect it. The only reason I starting telling my story was because you said you didn't mind and you obviously did. Without her word a woman is nothing. Way to show your integrity. I have lost total respect for you now. You think you were supporting the cause by buying me random shit? You had your ulterior motives all the time, you hornball. You didn't love me, you just loved my doggy-style. Oh yeah, and thanks for making my story so interesting. You're going to be famous, sucker.

- Victor Antonio

p.s. Don't bother wasting your time emailing me back unless it's with an apology. To tell you the truth, I probably wouldn't believe you even if you did apologize. You'd probably just want to get laid again.

Her reply:

Tuesday, June 30, 2009 10:18 AM
From: "Peg Nason" <>
To: "" <>

Hey. Sorry 4 cramping your style. I gotta do what i gotta do . Which is be apart of the system . No one is going to take of me but me . And now since you tell me i have hearpies ! Tell me your not serious . Please ! You have to ! Its the right thing to do . And what do you mean by &quot;make ne famous sucker &quot; i didnt do any thing but disagree . Get over it ! But tell me about this health issue .

Hahaha, I got her shaking in her boots. Serves her right.

     1:04am  I crashed out hard earlier right when we got home, like at six. I took a big nap in that room with the comforter. I just woke up. I got seven hours of sleep.

Next day..

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