

                                                                                                         San Antonio, TX

Saturday June 30, 2007

     1:04pm  I have to make an update. Right now, like maybe like half an hour ago, my website finally went down. is currently down. Finally. I called and talked to a technician and it turns out the reason I got hooked up until 4:20 earlier this year, that back about a month before April twentieth they stopped their month-to-month payment plan, my webhost did. Now they only have it to where you pay three, six months or a year. So that's why they hooked me up with those two months free. It was still a wild coincidence that it came out to being exactly 4:20.

                   My webpage finally went down, but I'm not worried about it at all. I only need seventy two dollars and it'll be back up. They told me if I paid for a whole year, they would waive all my backfees for not paying it for so long.

                   Oh yeah, I watched the Da Vinci Code. It was a badass movie. Like two hours and fifteen minutes long. I had never seen that. It was pretty interesting.
                   Oh yeah, my webpage is back up, magically. Did I tell you? By itself, that's weird.

     9:44pm  Around eight 'o clock my mom came home. With Laura and their dogs and stuff. Right now she just accused me of watching porn on her computer. It was bullshit. What she did was get on my account and poked around. Her little test thta she does is, she tried going to on my account and it let her. She said she saw naked tits and sucking dick and stuff. She started making up bullshit. She showed me how if she did the same exact thing on her account how it wouldn't let her. I told her, "Yeah, mom. Because that's on my account. It doesn't block on my account. I didn't do anything." She's trying to accuse me of disabling it or something(like about a year ago I was able to get her password for it and I did disabled it, because it hogged all her memory resources). I didn't touch it this time. I told her, "It always let me go to whatever site I wanted, so I didn't think it was set on my account anyway." Here's the program. 

                   Oh yeah, my mom just volunteered to pay the seventy two bucks for my webpage, so I have to put up with her stuff a little bit longer. Oh, and I had so much peace while everybody was gone too. Now I have to wait three weeks until she leaves again, hehe. I got so much stuff typed up. Like more than a hundred and fifty days. I have so much more typing to do though. I finished typing up my whole digital voice recorder. All the shit that happened in Ventura at River Haven with Carol and stuff.

     11:00pm  I just paid my webpage right now. I have a whole year of not having to worry about it. That seriously was the only worry I had. The only bill in my life. When I had mentioned it to my mom and she volunteered to pay it she said I was going to have to wait until Monday, for some reason. I objected, but she didn't care. Anyway, right now she just pulled out a credit card. She told me, "This was for emergencies." Whatever. She hooked me up though and I got it paid.

     12:02am  I was just walking around the neighborhood bored, because my mom was back home and I couldn't be on the computer. My webpage about world peace through marijuana got paid for a whole year, so I have to celebrate. I came for a walk. Maybe there will be kids outside I can tell my story to. I walked down this one street and these three people were outside. This one smaller kid and two old people. I hit them up for my story and asked them if they had seen me around. They both said yes. I told them what I was doing and the older man was all, "Oh, I've heard it all before. Were you around in the sixties?" I told him, "The hippies didn't have the Internet." I'm going to walk down to the ditch and go to the other side of the hood.

     12:11am  And after all the random twists and turns I took in the neighborhood, I walk by this guy and a girl sitting on the sidewalk under the street lamp. Perfect, I'm going to hit them up for my story. It turns out that the dude had already heard my story like a year ago. What was your name? Adam: "About a year, a year and a half ago at my homeboy Ryan's house. He lived close to Timberhill."
     12:49am  I hiked all the way over to the 1604 gas station, the Shell. I'm just going to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

Chat InformationWelcome to Dot5Hosting! An online representative will be with you shortly. You are number 1 in the queue. Your wait time will be approximately 0 minute(s) and 21 seconds. Thank you for waiting.
Chat InformationYou are now chatting with 'Jeff'
Jeff: Thank you for contacting Dot5Hosting Live Chat. How may I assist you today?
Jeff: Hello
Victor Antonio: hi jeff, how are you doing today?
Victor Antonio: will you check my account status, please?
Victor Antonio:
Jeff: Hey I am good how about you
Jeff: sure
Victor Antonio: i'm the happiest man in the world, thanks fo r asking
Victor Antonio: :]
Victor Antonio: I know my account is way past due
Victor Antonio: i haven't paid my bill in months
Jeff: yes,your sredit card was declined
Victor Antonio: to tell you the truth, i am shocked it's still up
Victor Antonio: actually, the reason i contacted you because it's not working for me
Victor Antonio: did you guys finally pull the plug?
Jeff: Well i have check the issue and it seems that the transaction was declined and we have received the updation that you will, be paying the amount by money order
Victor Antonio: see, if you can look up at all, a while back ago i would always pay my eight dollars a month on the 8th of the month. Well, one day I magically got credited like two free months up until April 20, 2007. If you haven't looked at my website, it's all about World Peace Through Marijuana. So I'm thinking that some cool stoner at Dot5Hosting read my webpage and hooked me up until 4:20
Victor Antonio: makes sense, no?
Jeff: So we kindly request you to please send the money order to our mailing address
Jeff: for more details you get in touch with the Billing department
Victor Antonio: so i got to thinking, "Hmm, the webhost is cool with me. I am after all working for free, a bonafide non-profit one-man organization. I need to remain free to do my mission.
Victor Antonio: i'm just not ever going to pay it again."
Victor Antonio: "i mean, because if my site goes down, the hundreds of people that have been glued to it reading it, will freak, think i got assasinated
Victor Antonio: and then my stuff will REALLY be everywhere!
Victor Antonio: then, i'll give it a couple weeks maybe, then throw it back up on a different host
Victor Antonio: psyche!
Victor Antonio: so it's all part of the plan
Victor Antonio: i was kinda daring you guys to shut it down
Jeff: We kindly request you to get in touch with the billing department
Victor Antonio: good thing i backed it all up yesterday, hehe
Jeff: You can send an email to
Victor Antonio: you can't get out of work-mode and talk to me like a real human, jeff?
Victor Antonio: is there anyone i could talk to that would already be familiar with my site-issue?
Jeff: As this can only be taken care by the billing department so request you to send an emain
Victor Antonio: and you never answered my question. did my site get shut down today?
Jeff: An email to
Victor Antonio: will you please give me the phone number to the billing department?
Victor Antonio: can you please do me that one favor?
Jeff: Well your question can only be answered by the billing department
Jeff: Yes
Jeff: Well the phone number is 1-877-378-5349 and extention is 213
Victor Antonio: thank you so much, jeff. you've been a lot of help.
Jeff: Please kindly request you to get in touch with the billing department
Victor Antonio: and just remember, they didn't call them peace pipes for nuthin'
Jeff: Anything else I can help you with?
Victor Antonio: that's all, jeff. you have a super day
Jeff: Sure
Jeff: You welcome
Jeff: You have a wonderful time ahead
Jeff: Thank you for visiting Live chat .
Victor Antonio: can't wait to type it all up :]

Next day..


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