


Portsmouth, OH

Wednesday July 2, 2008


     9:46am  I woke up about half an hour ago.  I got 6.35 hours of sleep.  Check out where I got to sleep last night.  Inside pictures.


     10:24am  I am up and at ‘em.  It’s so awesome how I have a place to stash my bag at already.  The house is 2401 whatever street this is.  I’m going to walk to the college.  I’ll look for a Mexican restaurant and try and score breakfast. 


                     Scioto Trail is the name of the street.


                     Oh yeah, I sold another one of my shirts last night.  I’ve got twenty bucks.


     11:42am  I stopped at some little convenient store and bought some cigarettes and snacks for my typing. 


     11:54am  I stopped in the shade before the college and I’m going to eat a snack and take a resin hit I scraped this morning. 


                     Random kid I told my story to. 


     12:04pm  Walking up to Clark Memorial Library, just like yesterday.  I’m going to do some typing. 


     4:41pm  I am caught up on my typing. I just have to proofread now. I'm going to walk around and see if I can score me some weed somehow. I am glad I am caught up again, hell yeah.

     4:54pm  I took a smokebreak in the shade on the side of the library and I am walking back now.

     5:33pm  Hell yeah, when I got back to the house and then I walked over to the Pizza Hut nearby to ask for mistakes. The dude working there saw me and said, "Hey, man. I've heard about you! Ian told me about you." I asked for mistakes, but they didn't have any. Hell yeah, I'm everywhere. I just got to town yesterday and I am already being recognized.

     5:35pm  I made my way back to the house.

     6:40pm  I just scored a shower. I was going to do my laundry, but they don't have any more detergent. I'm going to walk to the store and buy some soap.

     6:59pm  I walked down the street not that far, maybe like half a mile to some gas station and bought some laundry detergent for a dollar. Before I stopped at the Wendy's and bought me two bacon double cheeseburgers. I'm walking back to the house now. When I left after my shower the house was empty. No one was there.

     7:49pm  I was about to leave the house because they told me they were going to leave. My clothes are still in the dryer. I've got my Make It Happen shirt on. I walked up to the pizza hut just to see if they could fill up my water bag for me. When I went in there again the guy recognized me and told me, "We've got some stuff now."

     8:00pm  I got hooked up by Robbie at the Pizza Hut, hell yeah. I've got a really full stomach now. It was a huge ass stuffed folded-over pizza. I even have another Wendy's burger in my pocket for later. I'm going to have a great walk. I want to see if I can score some weed somewhere.

     8:33pm  I walked by the Masonic temple building here. I had to take a leak, so I went around the side and pissed on the Masonic building, haha. Fuck the masons.

     8:53pm  I made my way back over by the Frank and Steins Bar by the skateshop. This dude Andrew who I met at the house, he was skating. I asked him if he knew where I could get a dime. He said yeah and we drove over to the West side of town. He just dropped me off because I can't go with him to the dealer's. He let me hold on to his cellphone for callateral. I gave him ten bucks.

                   I never mentioned that I went to the CVS today to see if they had laundry soap and I was able to shoplift a thing of mouthwash. Listerine.

     10:10pm  Andrew and I stopped at some park on the West side of town where we came to get weed. Squad 9 park on South Davis Road. I cleaned out my weed and Andrew called his uncle Tim over to smoke with us. I smoked them all out with my one-hitter. I was going to tell them my story, but I want to get back to my stuff already. We're taking off now. I'm all stoned.

Next day..

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