


Ruidoso, NM

Tuesday July 5, 2005

     8:40am  About time I make an update for the day. I woke up at Raymond's. I'm about to leave now. I was able to scrape up a couple hits of resin out of my fake cigarette. It's all clean now. I'm going to go walk into town and see if I can use a payphone and pray to Love that what's-his-name's phone works today. I can't lose my backpack.

     8:52am  I called Lee and it said again without ringing, "Your call has been transferred to . . . Lee's mailbox is full." Damnit, I need my backpack. I'm going to walk down to the tennis courts on Sudderth and see if I can find me any balls.

     9:06am  I walked up to the tennis courts and I see a ball in the street! Just like that one day when I was walking with Raymond the first day I was here. I'm going to ask all these old people playing if they can spare any dead balls for my stick.

                   This greedy old people at the tennis court didn't give me a tennis ball. I found one on the street though, so I'm cool.

     9:20am  I am going to the Gateway Church of Christ and see if I can score some breakfast. Pack food.

     9:34am  Marilyn at The Gateway Church of Christ gave me some food again. I appreciate it, guys.

     9:57am  Liz came out of the Walgreen's and gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Liz. Everybody gets credit.

                   She gave me three! Awesome!

     10:05am  I'm talking to Elizabeth Hubbard. What was your email?

                     Whoa, that girl told me she had a big inheritance. She goes, "Do you need a sponsor?" Shocked, I told her, "Well, nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps." She told me, "Ahh, I left my money at home." But, she pulled out a wad of money and gave me like eight bucks.

     10:28am  Ms. Badger, the store manager at the Walgreen's gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Ms. Badger.

     10:51am  I'm talking to Hannah in front of the store. What was your email?

                     She didn't have time to listen to my story, but I asked her to do me the two favors. She told me, "That's awesome, you rock. You made my day better." She was a beautiful girl. Hannah and her beautiful freckles. I love freckles.

                     Aww, Hannah said I made her day better. That's music to my ears.

                     I'm a beam of light to come brighten your day.

                     Oh yeah, the store manager. When I hit her up for my story she told me, "Oh, well I'm not willing to listen about the marijuana." She was all anti-marijuana.

     11:27am  I'm leaving from the Walgreen's. Oh yeah, I bought some batteries at Walgreen's. I've got a ten dollar bill. I'm going to try and get some weed.

     11:37am  I'm walking up the hill on Sudderth and I found me an envelope on the ground. Over by the entrance to the Inn of the Mountain Gods. It says United Service Association for Health Care. Addressed to Kathy Passig 1508 Sudderth. I'm going to go deliver it.

                     At first I thought it was Rustic Expressions because I saw 1508 on this pole. It ended up the Little Cottonwood Gin next door. The Open sign is displayed, but nobody answers. I just stuck the envelope in the door. I'm going to go to Magic Mushrooms and talk to Brandon.

     12:14pm  I am talking to Rachel and James at Magic Mushrooms. When I had gotten here it said Open but was locked. On the hours Brandon wrote in, "Closed sometimes." I saw some snipes in the ashtray and sat down on the bench. All of a sudden these kids pull up. They walk up and I tell them that it's closed . . . but can I tell you a really interesting story? I just jumped in. What was your email?

     12:16pm  I was telling my story to Rachel and James and when I mentioned that part that says, "Like every cigarette I bum," Rachel told me, "Do you want a cigarette?" I told her sure. We went to her car and she gave me four cigarettes and a wad of cash! I appreciate it, Rachel. Everybody gets credit.

     1:10pm  Oh yeah, I'm at Magic Mushrooms again. Oh yeah, all three of us went to this little creek and I told those kids my story. Rachel is just beautiful. This cute nineteen year old girl. James is her fourteen year old cousin. They were from Texas too. James from Kilgore and Rachel from Uvalde. I told them my stories at the creek and I got to the, "It worked like a charm," part of my Brewster County Jail story then Rachel's electronic leash rang. Ugh, I hate cellphones. After she was finished I asked Rachel if I could borrow her phone and I called my mom. She was happy to hear from me. I tried calling Lee's phone, but it still wouldn't ring. Rachel and James told me they would be right back, that they were trying to score some weed. I told them I'd be at Magic Mushrooms, so hopefully they'll come by. I just ate a can of Vienna sausages and I'm going to smoke a cigarette now.

     1:43pm  I'm talking to Odessa a little past Magic Mushrooms at the payphone. What was your email?

                   Remember at the Zia Natural Gas in the Downs. The road next to it goes to some motel. #5?

                   I was standing in front of Magic Mushrooms and all of a sudden I see this pretty girl ride by on her bike. I wished I could tell her my story, but she disappeared behind a building. I see her again and she crosses the street and goes to the payphone. I had seventy five cents and thought I'd go try and see if Lee answered his phone. Which was just an excuse I used to walk over to the pretty girl. I asked her if I could tell her my story and she said yeah! She listened to my whole odyssey. In the end I asked her if she knew where I could buy some marijuana. She told me that's where she was going right then. She told me to go down to some motel down in the Downs. Before Disco Taco.

                   ZIANET Natural Gas.

     2:09pm  I walked all the way to Ruidoso Downs. I'm almost to the ZIANET place. I'm going to turn right and there's going to be a motel close by. Weed.

     2:32pm  I walked all the way over here and I knocked at #5. Nobody answered. I didn't even see Odessa's bike anywhere. I'm talking to Evan. What was your email?

     2:53pm  Damnit, I didn't get any weed. I showed up and nobody answered the door at #5. I sat down and smoked a cigarette and told these other people there my story. All of a sudden, the dude and Odessa pull up in a truck. He didn't have any weed. I thought he told me he was waiting for it, so I sat down and smoked another cigarette. Then I see them getting in their truck ready to leave. I walk up and he tells me, "We gotta go. See you later." I told him, "I wanted to score a dime." He said, "Do you mean tonight?" I told him no, today. Damnit, so I walked all the way over here for nothing. Now I have to walk all the way back.

     4:34pm  I walked all the way back to the Blockbuster and tried the phone again. Lee answered! He told me something about his tire blowing out, or that he had to charge his cellphone. I don't know. He told me he'd come pick me up as soon as he got his tire fixed. I told him I would either be in front of the Walgreen's or the Blockbuster.

     4:37pm  Rebecca gave me a cigarette in front of the Blockbuster. I appreciate it, Rebecca. Rebecca is the manager at the Blockbuster.

                   I just took a picture of Rebecca's badass tattoo.

     4:55pm  I'm telling Shane and Anthony my story. What was your email?

     5:02pm  I went in the McDonald's to get some water and the greedy asses tried to charge me money. Screw that. The manager was all, "Charge him, charge him."

                   That bitches name is Kathleen.

     5:18pm  I'm talking to Shane Starks in front of the Blockbuster. What's your email?

     5:39pm  This guy Shane, he lives up in Alto. The rich part. I told him my story and after I finished he asked me, "Do you need anything?" I told him, "Not really . . . umm, marijuana, hehe." He told me he was going to go to his house up in Alto, like fifteen miles away and bring me something. I told him I should be there for a while.

                   He said he was going to give me a backpack.

                   Last paragraph on Page 212:

                   "Today we are living through the next power shift in the workplace. It is one of the grand ironies of history that a new kind of autonomous employee is emerging who, in fact, does own the means of production. The new means of production, however, are not to be found in the artisan's toolbox, or in the massive machinery of the smokestack age. They are, instead, crackling inside the employee's cranium—where society will find the single most important source of future wealth and power."

     6:33pm  Shane came back and gave me a backpack. There's a little light jacket in there too.

     7:14pm  Oh yeah, this girl who gave me a pack of cigarettes gave me a peace of gum too. The cute manager girl with the tattoo. I don't know. Lee's number isn't ringing anymore again. I guess he's just going to pick me up here. I'll just chill in front of the Blockbuster.

     7:22pm  I'm telling Tyler and Tim my story in front of the Blockbuster. Emails? and

     8:51pm  I'm telling Kevin and his friends my story in front of the Blockbuster. What was your email?

     9:09pm  I asked this one kid if I could tell him my story and he was all, "You got rid of me when you said get rid of cars. That's my cue right there."

                   Oh yeah, I ran into Bubba Martin! The kid who gave me that backpack at the FINA station back in 2003(6-20-03, 5:14pm to 5:35pm). He told me, "Excuse me sir, were you at the FINA last year?" I turned around and said, "Bubba?"

                   I don't know what time it is, Tim showed up and he's going to smoke a brother out. That's awesome.

     10:48pm  My night got so much better. I got smoked out! And I was able to buy a little bit of weed for three bucks. Perfect. A big nugget.

     11:02pm  I forgot to mention. I finally got a hold of Lee. He said he was going to come by and drop my bag off. Cool.

     12:21am  Oh yeah, that's so cool how today just ended up great. These kids I told my story to pulled up and smoked me out. They told me they were going to earlier. Well they sure as hell did. They sold me a big nugget for three bucks. I got my weed in the end. Johnny in the Blockbuster was hooking me up left and right. He even bought me McDonald's and gave me some cigarettes. I went in there and asked them if they had a water fountain. They told me no, so I said I would just go to the bathroom. They told me it was locked. Johnny said, "We have bottled water." They're like $1.19 each. Then Johnny started apologizing hardcore. "I'm so sorry. I apologize." I told him, "Man, it's alright. I can just go put a quarter in the gallon machine and fill up my Nalgene.

                     I'm just sitting here chilling all stoned. Tonight turned out good. It was just awesome how I was able to stay in front of the Blockbuster all day and I never got run out. They all know what I'm doing in there. They leave me alone. Even that cop I talked to last night drove by and gave me the peace sign. I am just hitting everybody up for my story and so many people are listening. It's so cool.

                     I am only exercising my freedom of speech. I'm not doing nothing wrong.

Next day..

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