


Salem, OR

Sunday July 5, 2009

     9:38am  I got a lot of sleep last night, eight hours.

     11:25am  We all came to the park and were waiting for the bum feed. I got bored so I went to this stoplight close to the park to hand out of website to traffic and let them read my shirt.
     12:35pm  I never told you. Toni has seemed to have taken off without me. Our other homeless friend Paul is laying on a bench all depressed and suicidal. I have decided to walk to this ROCC place where I went yesterday. Hopefully I am almost there. Right now I walked by this church and asked this guy in a truck for directions and he looked it up on his GPS. I couldn't remember the address, but I remembered I took a picture of the front window yesterday. I looked it up. Madison Street.

                    I walked to the Plaid Pantry on Broadway. I'm going to call Toni and see if she'll come get me.


     2:09pm  Toni came and picked me up at the Plaid Pantry and brought me to ROCC. I'm going to check my email now. I bet I have tons of new guestbook signatures.

                  "When I first got to this place Fawn had to run me by the spirits to be sure I was cool. She came back and told me that the spirits had some good things to say about me. Before I even explained it to her she told me that the spirits told her that..."  She really did I just always forget to say it that way in my story.

                  We came to St. Mark's and I ate a soup and some sandwiches. I am stuffed.

                  I should talk about Toni. She is totally falling for me hardcore. Today she asked me if I wasn't traveling would I stay with her forever. I should tell her, "Other girls have tried to kill themselves when we were breaking up." Remember Shanon? I don't know if I've even mentioned Shanon. She was this older lady I met on AOL(screen name Five picks). She lived in Converse, NE side of San Antonio. She flipped out and tried to overdose because she thought I was trying to get with another girl, which I wasn't even.

     2:40pm  Carl was nice enough to give me a cigarette.

     3:06pm  Awesome presentation with Sarah and Victor. Another Victor. Live up to your name, bro. I'm trying to!

                   Shit, the hands on my watch are wrong. The digital readout is still right. This thing is supposed to have a ten year battery, shit.

     4:02pm  Jerrel let me borrow his cellphone so I could call Toni. I appreciate it, Jerrel. Everybody gets credit, thanks a lot.

     4:04pm  I forgot to tell you, I came to the riverfront park by the field Toni and I were at yesterday. I'm supposed to meet her here, but she hasn't shown up. I took out my rainbow pillow and lay down on top of the picnic table and dozed off. Toni showed up and she brought me a big plate of food from a bum feed. She even brought me a plate of dessert.

                   Show, dirt

                   Toni, DP

                   Where I camped

     9:33pm  I should make an update. The hands on my watch are wrong still. Oh yeah, Toni, my pseudo-girlfriend, my temporary romance, it still bothers me that she does meth, but ahh, it's all the same family. I show her a lot of affection and she loves it. I feel like telling her, "We can't be as close as we have been. I sometimes feel like I am cheating on my mission." One of her friend is going to let her move into his house tonight, and I am going with her. She went to go get some weed right now and I stayed cleaning up the room. The whole house is trashed. The front room is full of hay, her friend has two rabbits living in it. I did clean out out the room they are letting us crash in. More like piled up clothes and junk on one side of it and I put my portable floor down for our sleeping are. Toni is supposed to come back with some weed.

     9:36pm  Toni came back and she brought some more weed, and like a whole pouch's worth of American Spirit tobacco. We have to smoke outside though.

     1:00am  I'm crashing out. Setting my watch.

Next day..

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