


Socorro, NM

Thursday July 7, 2005

     6:40am  I just woke up in my empty house. This place rocks. It's not so much awesome that there's nothing wrong with it. Umm, I just took a picture of where I slept. I hope it comes out, because there isn't a flash.

     7:32am  I am leaving the squat house. It's another Black Hole I fell into last night.

                   I stashed my backpack under the sink. I have another headquarters in Socorro.

     7:38am  I just went in the house and got my CD case out of my backpack. It has the tape I'm typing from and the 3½ floppy. I am leaving the house. I figured out I have to go out the back of the house. I can't leave through the front because all the dogs will start barking.

                   Reservoir Road, I think this is. I just walked out and I'm turning left on some road. I'll tell you when I get to it.

                   Arroyo Drive.

     7:39am  Blue Canyon and Arroyo Drive.

                   I'm going to turn left towards the mountain with the M on it.

     7:49am  Walking in front of the San Miguel Catholic Cemetery. I don't think this is the right way into town. I'm going to double back. It doesn't seem like I'm getting any closer to town. I have to take a shit so I gotta hurry.

                   Arroyo Drive and Blue Canyon. Remember that intersection.

                   I came out on Grant by Neel. A stop sign that says Grant on top. I hope I remember that.

                   Fisher Avenue is what I went down and turned left at the stop sign.

                   Passing the Adult Education Center.

                   Whoa, guess where I am. I am already downtown by the plaza. The squat-house isn't as far as I thought. Perfect.

     7:56am  Walked to California Street and turned left.

                   I went into Smith's and bought a couple donuts for a dollar. I ate one. I was looking for a cigarette everywhere. I finally found one in the Diamond Shamrock ashtray. I'm going to walk to the school and eat my second donut and smoke this cigarette. I got some chronic.

     8:33am  I walked to the library and asked if Gretchen still worked there. She won't be here until three they said. I'm going to find a place to sit down and smoke a cigarette and weed. Smoking on school grounds.

     8:54am  I took a big smokebreak. Oh yeah, I wrote up another 2004 list. I got Fawn's Message to All printed out. I also printed out Autonomy vs. Hierarchy and The Note From the Rich.

                   Oh yeah, I found out they have CD burners at the school! All I need is blank CD's and I can replenish all the ones I gave out already.

                   I'm talking to Jeff over at the school. What was your email?

                   I forgot to tell you, I just took a smokebreak. The terminals at the school let you access the hard drive and stuff. That means I can sit all day and burn more copies. This is almost too perfect. All I need is CD's.

                   Okay, I just finished typing up my #4 tape. I'm already on the 27th. I'm not that far away at all. Ten days away from being caught up.

                   Oh, did I tell you I saw Gretchen? I love Gretchen. When she first saw me she told me, "I was wondering where you were." I told her, "Yup, it's about that time of year."

     3:49pm  Umm, I got lost trying to find California Street from the college. I ended up walking around the campus like two or three times. I found it and I walked to the Smith's grocery store. I went inside and took a piss and bought me two donuts. Just like I did this morning. I'm taking a break. I'm just going to walk down California Street and look for some stoners. I got some weed to smoke. I want a cigarette. I'm going to go back to school and raid the ashtrays.

     4:08pm  I went to the Food Mart. I was hoping to get a cigarette, but nobody had one. I ate my other donut and I'm just going to walk off and let things happen.

     4:33pm  I came to the Chevron here and smoked a couple snipes and took a hit of weed. Celebrating a little late. I'm going to go to the Arby's next door, where I got hooked up last year, and see if anybody recognizes me in there. I dumped my water out, so I can go in and ask for water.

     4:28pm  Jessica, at the Arby's hooked me up with the change I needed to get my burger. I appreciate it, Jessica. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:14pm  I went to the plaza and smoked a cigarette with one guy. I was talking to some kid and I got to the part where I say, "They didn't call them peace pipes for nothing," and he had to go. I'm going to walk to the school and do some more typing. I'm really tired. I should just walk to my squat-house.

     5:33pm  I walked all the way to the library. I walked School of Mines to the library. I found like four good snipes in the ashtray. I'm going to smoke one and then get back to typing.

     9:15pm  I just got out of the library. I spent all day at the school. I am so excited. They have my ideal resource. A hard drive to play on for free. I can format text files and burn CD's, just like I was at my mom's. At a college for free! Thank you, Uncle Sam! Haha. Now I need some blank CD's. I need some money. Please Love, grant me some money so I can get CD's. I'm out of CD's to give people.

     9:29pm  I had a little smokebreak in front of the library. That weed gets me all high. I think it gets me so high sometimes that I can't even tell my story. That's super-weed.

                   Umm, I'm thinking I'm just going to walk home hungry. Go to sleep hungry. I'll take a couple multivitamins before I go to bed. To help repair from all the walking I did today. I did more typing than walking. I could live there if they let me. I got the dedicated terminal I wanted. For free! My mission is sponsored by the government, hehe.

                   Please Love, please let my backpack still be there. Please let me find the place, actually.

     9:45pm  I am almost to the plaza. I don't think I've ever read the Socorro Historic Marker. Let me read that.

                   "In 1598, Juan de OƱate's Spanish colonization expedition arrived here at the Piro Indian pueblo of Pilado. They renamed it Socorro, owing to the food and shelter provided by Pilado's inhabitants. The pueblo and and its Spanish mission were destroyed during the Pueblo Revolt, and the area was not resettled until 1815. A westbank road connected Socorro to The Camino Real on the eastside of the Rio Grande."

     9:50pm  What was your name again? King Georgie hooked me up with a cigarette outside of The Capitol Bar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:56pm  I'm talking to King Georgie and he's got a story. What's up, brother?

                   King Georgie: "My story is, you know, I went before court. I got busted for pot in California. But I found this little-known 1996 Freedom of Religion Act. It was supposed to be for Peyote rights for the Indians, but a bunch of Rasta's went to court and proved that marijuana was part of their religion too. They got off on the possession. Not the sale, but the possession. So I proved, since I'm a Rasta-man I have a legal right to possess marijuana. It's never hurt anybody."

     10:18pm  I had a great presentation with King Georgie. He even hooked me up with a little weed and everything. I told him spirits part. He hooked me up with a little bit of weed in a film container. He had given me a cigarette at first. Right now I'm going to walk and see if I can find that house.

                     Please Love, protect my stuff.

     10:56pm  Let me tell you about the adventure I just had. I kind of remembered coming out this morning on Blue Canyon and Arroyo Drive. I doubled back. I thought I'd be able to see the house because on top of a hill, but there's a lot of hills up here. I didn't know where I was. I was over by some cemetery and I see this car coming towards me. He passes me then stops and turns around. This Mexican dude pulled up and asked me what I was doing. I told him I was looking for an abandoned house where my backpack was at. He asked me what color it was. I thought for a second and told him blue. Then I changed my mind real quick and told him I remembered it had a green roof. He told me, "I know just the one." He directed me right to it. It's awesome I that I had that angel appear for me. I didn't know what I was going to do if I couldn't find the house. My backpack was still under the sink. Perfect. I'm hungry. I should have gotten something to eat. I'm going to take a couple of those vitamins.

                     I need to procure a candle somehow.

Next day..

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