

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Saturday July 7, 2007

     12:25pm  I'm angry. I haven't slept all night because of this dog. My irresponsible twin sister left him in this cage before she left for work. He started yapping as soon as she left because no one was giving him any attention. He won't let me sleep. I haven't been able to get back to sleep. I'm so mad. My sister is so dumb. I'm going to go to Katt's and see if I can get some marijuana.

     5:07pm  I just woke up from my nap.

     7:00pm  I've got me a good buzz. I didn't think I could scrape any more resin. I got me a good three of four hits for my typing. I'm going to go wait for the bus all stoned.

     7:09pm  I am on the bus.

     8:04pm  I am still at the Walmart. The bus is like half an hour late. What the hell is going on? I walked over to Bandera and I looked down the street. Some truck had run into a telephone pole and the broken piece of pole was hanging by the telephone cables. It's going to snap. All these cops were there. I saw my bus(I thought) turn around. I assumed it was just going around and heading to the Walmart. So I hot-footed it back to the bus circle. The bus still never came.

                   I totally could have walked to those Richland Trace Apartments in Westchase by now.

     8:17pm  I decided to walk all the way over here and nobody's home again. That sucks. I guess I'll do the whole smoke cigarettes and wait thing again.

     8:55pm  The weirdest thing. I walked past this lady's balcony and she had all these plants and flowers all over it. I saw her inside watching TV. I thought, "I'm sure this lady would appreciate my story. She seems to appreciate life. I walked up to her door and thought, "I better not. She'll probably freak out." I walked away from her door and all of a sudden on the grass I see a little button that says GO. That's a sure sign. I went and knocked on her door. I've never told my story door-to-door. When she answered I hit her up for my story and she agreed to listen to me! Well, she didn't agree to listen actually. When I asked her if I could tell her a really interesting story, she said okay. After I told her my mission objectives and asked her if she was willing to listen she told me, "Well, actually I am watching this global warming concert on TV. It's on four different channels." So I said, "Alright, that's why I ask. Do you have a computer?" I gave her my webpage.

     8:59pm  I walked by this couple barbequing and I hit them up for my story. They told me that they would listen, but the lady stood there holding this plate with steaks she had just taken off the grill. I told her I didn't want to get in the way of their dinner and gave them my webpage.

     9:11pm  No-go at the apartment. Somebody finally came home and they told me they didn't have any. That sucks. I'm going to walk to the bus stop.

     9:19pm  Just walked to the bus stop on Bandera and Eckhert.

                   Holy shit, the 606 doesn't run on Saturdays. Arghhh. Maybe my mom can come pick me up.

     9:23pm  I'm at the Citgo on the corner looking for a cellphone to call my mom. I asked Edward here at the gas station if he had one. He didn't, but he volunteered me fifty cents. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:28pm  I came to the Citgo on Bandera and Eckhert. I asked to borrow their phone and the guy wouldn't let me. He said, "It only works for incoming calls." What bullshit. I went outside and asked these guys talking for a cellphone and Edward offered me fifty cents. I couldn't get a hold of my mom. I figured I was too hungry to walk home. Oh shit, I'm going to go hit up a taqueria over here and the shopping complex where Kroger used to be a long time ago. Huebner and Bandera. That's what I'm going to do. Then I'll walk home.

     9:38pm  I was wondering how I was going to walk all the way home all hungry. I came to the Pizza Hut and Chris hooked me up with some breadsticks. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:07pm  I walked all the way to Bandera Bowl with my breadsticks. I was hoping I could go sit in the air conditioner and eat. The minute I walked up I saw the sign that said No Outside Food. I sat down in front and ate. I asked this guy if he knew where to get any weed. He didn't, but I gave him my webpage. Oh yeah, I forgot. I made up my mind that I'm going to walk through the neighborhood behind Bandera Bowl, Timberhill. They used to call it Little Compton years ago. I'm sure I can score some weed there somewhere. There has to be a party going on. It's Saturday night.

     10:38pm  At the little mart in Timberhill I ran into some guy who knew me from middle school. He knew my sister and everything. Damn, I didn't give him my webpage. Oh well, he didn't listen to me anyway.

     11:59pm  Mission accomplished. I walked all the way to the Valero on Grissom and Timberhill and I scored me some weed! I was just standing outside asking people who looked cool. I started telling the cashier inside my story, but it got busy.

     12:06am  I just walked Grisson to Heath. Turning right on Heath. I remember this way. Over by where the junkyard is, I think. No, not the junkyard. Where Bob used to work.

     12:35am  I walked to where Heath Lane turns into Low Bid Lane. I'm turning left on Coral Springs.

     12:41am  Just walked Coral Springs to Mainland. I'm at at the Mainland Market. I'm going to sit down, smoke a cigarette and rest.

     12:50am  I'm leaving the market. I'm going to walk all the way up Mainland.

     12:57am  I walked by the Mainland Woods Neighborhood(which used to be woods I used to mountain bike in). I saw the power lines in the near distance. I thought oh shit, I'm going to walk the power line trail home. I started walking to it and realized I wasn't wearing my boots. I was wearing my sandals with no socks. I can't walk the power line trail. That sucks. But I've decided that next time I go for a walk from my mom's house, that's the way I'm going to go. I'll take the power line trail.

                     I resynchronized my watch to the bus satellite this morning.

     1:07am  I'm real close to where Old Tezel hits Tezel. They're doing all this construction right here, widening the road. They have these big cement blocks running on the side of the road. I hopped up on top and started walking on one. All of a sudden this cop pulls over and tells me, "Hey man, don't walk up there. You might fall and get hit by a car." I told him, "Alright, there's a sidewalk right over there." I just jumped off.

     1:27am  At long-last I am home. The eagle has landed.

Next day..

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