


Portland, OR

Wednesday July 9, 2003

                     Wow, it's the next morning already. Guess what happened. Last night I spotted a pretty girl at the square sitting by herself holding a camera. I was just sitting down minding my own smoking cigarettes. I waited a while and she was still there. I walked up and initiated a conversation. The only way I know how, my ideas. We talked for hours and I got tired. I told her I was going to take off and crash on the sidewalk at the peace encampment. She tells me that if her roommate wasn't sleeping on her couch she would let me crash at her place. I then told her if she had any bare spot on her floor, it would be better than the sidewalk. She said, "Oh Okay, that's ok. You can crash."
                     Dude, I got a couch to sleep on last night. A big futon with blankets and everything. I just woke up and Liza is going to let me take a shower. Awesome. Liza is really, really cool, too. Argh, I have to be careful and not fall for her. Ahh, I gotta keep moving. But, Liza is super cool, not to mention hot.

     10:01am  Liza woke me up and gave me a towel to take a shower. I took a hot shower and after I got out, dried myself and as I was shaving Liza knocks on the bathroom door and comes in. She tells me, "I have to go. I left you bus fare and my name and number. The bus stops right over there. I also left you an iced coffee." I gave her a great big hug and she took off. She's going to leave before I do. Wow, I am amazed. She actually trusts me. I just met her last night. She knows. She knows I won't do anything. She knows I am trustworthy. I'm contemplating doing her dishes now, hehe. Umm, the dishwasher is full, so I won't have a drying rack and I don't know where all the dishes go. This house is really nice. Oh yeah, she told me that if I was going to stay in Portland for another day to give her a call. So, it's decided. I'm staying in Portland another day. Wow, this town has turned into a really nice place. I'll stay in Portland a little longer. Argh, I can't be falling for every single cool girl I meet in every town.

                     Wow, I just noticed a weird correllation(if that's how you spell it). Yesterday, that dude with the NOFX hat mentioned Liza and Louise, a NOFX song. Then, later on the same night I meet an awesome girl and her name is Liza. Weird, huh?

     10:24am  I left to go catch the bus. I walked to the main road and right when I got to the stop the bus came. I asked the driver if he was going downtown and he said yeah. So here we go.

     10:37am  Earlier, when I first got on the bus, I stood up and was digging change out of my pocket. I was bracing myself with the support there. The driver told me, "Sit down." I told her, "I'll be okay, don't worry." She said, "No, sit down. I'm going to put the brakes on. You're going to fall." I didn't feel like owning her, so I just sat down. Then this lady got on and she needed the ramp. She was carrying this cart full of 12-pack sodas. I stood up and asked her, "Do you need some help, ma'am?" The bitch driver cut in and said, "No, I'm putting the ramp down. Sit down. I hate it when people don't do what they're supposed to do." Geez. I was just trying to help. Then, later when the lady with the sodas got off, some other guy offered to help her. See, I'm not the only one. We're downtown. I'm going to go back to the square. I like that place.

     11:23am  I'm over at the waterfront. I wonder if Bulldog's still in town.

     2:14pm  I came back to Pioneer Square and asked a guy for a cigarette. He told me it was his last one, but he needed a light. I let him use my lighter. He was sitting with some girl and I told them, "Hey, I want to tell you guys what I'm doing. Will you listen to me?" They invited me to the Starbucks and are going to get me a coffee.

     2:45pm  Noah has been gracious enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     3:04pm  I'm just sitting out here at the square talking to Doug. I'm telling him my stories. I'm going to go to the Salvation Army and see if I can something to eat. Then, I'll come back and spread the word some more.

                   Cool, Doug's a believer.

                   I'm liking this town more and more everyday. And I almost left yesterday.

     4:01pm . I just took a shit at the Salvation Army. I had a damn good meal. I'm all full. Oh, and I saw Rob again, Bulldog. And, he's going to smoke me out again. Cool, cool. Thank the lard for Rob, hehe.

     4:07pm  Tommy just hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:03pm  I'm back at the square. I asked the security guard if I would get in trouble flying a sign even though I wasn't asking for money. He said he didn't care. I don't know if he's the security guard of the plaza.

     5:40pm  I made up my sign and just got a new idea. I'm just going to stand there and point to it. People will just stop and read it.

     5:54pm  This homeless guy just walked up and asked me, "Why are you going to eliminate money? You gotta have money to survive." I told him, "You might. Oh, but yeah, that's why you're homeless and not dead, right?"

     5:57pm  Amber Baker and Chris hooked me up with a cigarette. That's very generous of you. It'll come back to you.

     8:32pm  Brandon gave me a cigarette. Thanks, dude.

     8:47pm  Phillip is hooking me up with a cigarette. That's very generous of you, Phillip.

     9:17pm  I walked down to the waterfront. Nothing is happening over here. I'm going to go back to the square.

     9:25pm  Back at Pioneer Square. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette.

     10:00pm  Michael hooked me up with a cigarette. Thanks, Mike.


Next day..

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