

 Boulder, CO

Sunday July 9, 2006

     8:29am  Last night we didn't have a place to crash. I told Carol we could go crash with all the other homebums under the parking garage off Pearl Street. Carol was all, "I'm not going to crash with all those homeless bums. I'll get raped." I told her, "Carol, we're homeless right now." We walked around and found a church nearby. We got woken up by a cop around three thirty. Then we walked to the parking garage. We didn't go to where the bums were. We crashed a couple floors up. Ugh, being with Carol pisses me off. I could be going so much faster by myself. This patience lesson sucks ass.

     3:39pm  Last night was shitty. We crashed at some church. We got woken up at 3am by some cop. He was actually really cool, for a cop. He told us just to go find somewhere else. It was really lame how Kent, Carol's son didn't let us crash at 700 30th. Because our old land-lordess Leslyn said we couldn't be on the property after we got evicted. But still, we would have stayed inside. It's just sad that he kicked his own mom out in the rain. We called David to see if he could take us to our storage in Longmont. Then Kent said, "I want the key to the storage. I want to get my futon. I want to borrow the Playstation." He started asking for all this shit. Kent twisted her arm and Carol gave him the key. Then we went to the Home Depot and bought another lock. David took us to our storage and Carol switched out the locks. So Kent is going to go all the way our there and his key isn't going to work. It's going to be funny, hehe. Carol doesn't want Kent rooting through her shit. I'm at the Home Depot right now. I just got dropped off to return the old lock and get the money back. Fuck the system!

                   I don't know what time it is because I don't have my watch on. We're at Old Man Dave's and there's a great Einstein quote on a poster. "Great spirits have always encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds."

                   Ok, we're at Dave's house. What's happened, Carol? Carol: "We got stuck in the rain. Alicia and Joanna kicked us out because Leslyn is really pissed and she doesn't want to see us on the property. So we left and there was no one home that we knew. It was raining and we found a place at this church. All three of us. Victor, me and SueƱo. The cop woke us up and we moved to the parking garage. I couldn't really go back to sleep. I was all tired and cranky. Then we went to the store and tried to spange. People were really rude. But we got courtesy rides all day. Oh yeah, we walked by Vic's Espresso and Victor walked in with his ID and said, "Hey, what's up? My name is Victor. Can I have an espresso?" They gave him one! It was good and warm. It was cold and wet outside. And then David came and we got in his warm car and drove to Longmont to our storage." What about the locks you switched out, Carol? Carol: "Oh, I didn't want to say, because if Kent ever found any evidence, I don't want it to be in your book." Tough, I had already mentioned it, hehe. When the magnitude of my mission is realized, all will be forgiven. It will be worth it. Then we called Old Man Dave and he said we could crash at his house.

Next day..


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