


Cincinnati, OH

Wednesday July 9, 2008
     5:23am  I woke up about five minutes ago. I got a full nine hours of sleep. I went to bed at nine 'o clock. Eight hours. I found my one-hitter. I'm going to take another hit.

                   ZVR-1886, this guy came out of the Kroger and I hit him up for my story. He said he had to go to work, but he seemed really interested. He got my website. Ugh, I'm torn. I've got two bucks in my wallet. I am almost out of tobacco. Should I buy another pouch or should I get a donut. I had a little lasagna for breakfast, but I'm still a little hungry. These guys won't be up until way after nine or so. I'm going to get a couple donuts. I'll probably fall back asleep in the tent.

     8:29am  I'm having a good morning. I woke up in the tent because I heard a dog barking. I got out and met Alana, Tom's neighbor. I'm telling her my story now. She just volunteered me some coffee. I appreciate it, Alana. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

                   Benji Baker, Alana's cousin.

     12:04pm  We're not working today. Joe hurt his back. I'm going to go into town again. It's raining right now. I've got my poncho. I'm going to walk in free without my backpack. I walked up to the bus stop in front of Kroger and this pretty black girl told me the bus came at four thirteen. I'm going to go buy some donuts. I'm going to get an extra one and offer it to that girl at the bus stop.

     12:38pm  The 17 came and I got on it. On the bus I was able to tell this pretty girl Tiffany my story. She listened all the way through. I got off the bus on Clifton. Tom and Joe were talking about it. Hopefully it's cool since it's by the college. I'm going to go spread the word here.
     12:45pm  I turned my head and saw a bus coming. I hopped to the other side of the street and the nice driver gave me a courtesy ride. "I'll walk it if I have to." Even in Cincinatti. Everybody's got it in them.

                     I'm walking down Vine Street. I just came to Inwood Park. Hopefully I'll get downtown in time to eat at that place I ate yesterday.

     1:55pm  I got off the bus by Washington Park. I hope I'm not too late for food. It was the 46 driver that had hooked me up.

     3:58pm  I forgot to tell you. I'm walking down Vine Street.

     4:26pm  I took a four twenty break at the bus stop on Vine Street. I'm going to keep walking up the hill now. It's a big incline. I am aiming for the college now. I'll look for the library.

                   Did I tell you I checked my email downtown? I couldn't do anything there. I just checked my email and that's it. I'm going to go hit the Pizza Hut up for mistakes.

     6:09pm  I jumped on the bus heading back.

     6:40pm  I'm off the 17 in front of the Kroger. I'm bored. I'm going to stand at the bus stop and show my shirt to traffic.

     7:17pm  I don't think I mentioned, but this morning I took on the project of, after I talked to Alana, across the street from her house, caddy-corner from Tom's lives LaTonya. About a week ago the tree in her front yard got knocked down. Like half the tree was leaning on her house. The wind knocked it down. It had caution tape strung all over it. I grabbed Tom's saw and I cut up that tree for her. I was cutting that tree up all morning. I did half of it, and I'm doing the second half of it right now. LaTonya should appreciate it.

Next day..

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