

                                                                                                        San Antonio, TX

Wednesday July 11, 2007

     10:12am  Jumped on the 608. Last night I dropped off five cameras at Walmart, in the after hours drop-off thing. I have to go get my film now. I have five other additional cameras I'm taking to get developed too.

     10:34am  Walmart's CD burner isn't working at the photolab. I have to go to another Walmart. The one by the dollar movies. I have to go catch the bus to Medical Center now.

     11:03am  Just got to the hospital.

     11:09am  I impulsively jumped on the 534. I'm going to ride it to Wurzbach and Evers to the Planet K headshop. I need to buy a screw-on cap for my pipe. Then I'm going to walk to Rolling Ridge, to the Walmart by the dollar movies to get my film developed. I was sure to get the film I had left last night.

     11:15am  Just got off on Wurzbach and Evers. I'm going to walk to Planet K and buy the cap for my pipe.

     11:55am  I had walked to the Jack In the Box on Glenridge and Evers and I bought a chicken sandwich with bacon. I'm walking to Walmart now.

                     I took a hit of weed right on the other side of the power box of these two cops doing an accident report.

     12:04pm  I just walked into Walmart.

     12:16pm  Badass, I just found me a dollar bill in the Sam's parking lot right next to the dollar movies! Nice.

                     Hey, I think that's a sign to go see a dollar movie! What a perfect time to kill time for my film to get developed. Oh yeah, and they ended up being like five bucks for every camera. I thought it only cost $2.62, but there's other fees. Therefore, I can't afford to get all ten cameras developed, so I'm just developing the first five. I'm going to go watch a movie to kill that hour.

     12:21pm  I just got my ticket for Delta Farce. It's supposed to be a comedy. It's the only one that starts pretty soon. That's why I chose it. It starts in ten minutes, so that's the one I'm going to go see. It was awesome how I found that dollar in the parking lot that paid for it.

     12:29pm  I bought my ticket for Delta Farce and went outside to smoke a cigarette. G walks up! This dude who used to hang out with Bob and Carlos, back when I crashed at their house. Bob, the guy who gave me the rucksack. He was just trying to kill time too, so he's bought a ticket for Delta Farce too. That's awesome how I ran into somebody I knew. Hehe, as if I wasn't used to it or something. I was just sitting outside taking a hit of weed and up walks G.

     1:02pm  I walked out of the movie. It was totally not worth a dollar. I'm going to go get my pictures.

     1:05pm  I walked in front of Sam's and somebody else recognized me. This guy Juan, who knows my sister and was friends with Yamil, our cousin. I'm going to Walmart to get my pictures.

     1:54pm  Some good shit happened at Walmart. See, with those fifty bucks I had, I wanted to use twenty on marijuana. So I asked the girl working Heather how many I could get developed for twenty six dollars. She told me five. They were still taking a long time to get my pictures ready. I mean, the girl had told me before, I had asked her, "Is it really going to take you guys a whole hour?" She said, "We guarantee an hour, but it might be done earlier if you want to check." Well, it had been like about an hour and a half and I got to thinking. I told the different girl who was working there by now, "Hey, the other girl told me that you guys guaranteed it for an hour. It's been like an hour and a half. Can you give me a discount or something?" She told me they didn't guarantee anything and I told her, "I have an idea. Since I have five other cameras in my bag that I had to leave at the front and since you are taking so long, is there any way you can comp the first five and then I'll pay for the other five? So I can get all my film developed?" She said sure! So bam! Thanks a lot, Sam Walton. I got two twice as much for just complaining. And I usually say complaining won't do shit, ha. So in the end I got two for the price of one on my film, and the money I was going to spend on getting all ten developed I could use to buy some weed! See how it all worked out. If my mom asks what I did with all the money I can honestly tell her I got ten cameras developed, hehe.

                   It was funny, when I was standing there waiting for them to get my stuff ready, I started tapping my foot and I asked myself, "Now, what would Carol do in this situation? I just know she would pull some kind of scam to get more than what she pays for." Sure enough, all I had to do was bitch. I miss you, Carol. Heather was her name.

                   Hell yeah, I just now told Heather my story. I went up to the front to get my bag and stick and Heather was there talking to the greeter. Heather asked me what my stick was for. I asked her, "Can I tell you what I'm doing?" She says, "Well, from looking at your pictures it has something to do with weed." That was hilarious, man. Hey, she's not supposed to be looking at my pictures. I should complain and get hooked up some more, haha.

     2:56pm  Oh yeah, right when I was telling Heather my story, at the time when I pull out my tape recorder this girl walked by and said, "Be sure to listen to this guy. He's a good guy. Say something into his tape recorder." Badass, I got recognized! I think it's that pretty girl who works at Planet K.

     4:14pm  I am leaving the Walmart. At long-last. Ah, I had a pretty productive time. I got stuff for free. And I had money for food and money for weed. I even found a dollar in the parking lot for a movie, which I walked out of anyway.

     5:11pm  I've been waiting a long ass time, over half an hour for the 88 to come. I'm at the bus stop at 5631 Evers. San Antonio Home Realtors. It's an empty building for rent. I'm waiting for the 88 to come. I don't even have to go to Medical Center. I probably should have. I'd already be home by now. I've got ten CDs full of pictures in my bag. I've got a lot of work to do.

     5:22pm  Here comes the bus. I've been standing out here for like a whole hour.

     5:36pm  I just got off on Westchase. I'm going to check those guys' apartment again. I'll ask them if they know where I can get a twenty sack. If not I'll just ride the bus home and go to Kat's.

     6:08pm  I walked over to, I don't even know the guys' names. The apartment over here, Richland Trace. Where I came last time and I was waiting a lot. Last time remember I told you I saw the neighbors come down the stairs and they seemed cool as hell? I knocked on their door and they're going to take me to score me a twenty sack on Babcock somewhere. We're driving there right now in a 2004 Mustang.

     7:18pm  Mission accomplished. I just got dropped off at the Walmart. I got a twenty sack of weed. It's not nearly as big as the last one I got. The guys weren't home where I scored last time, but the next door neighbors were there. This cool guy named Ike. When I opened the door Ike told me, "Hey, I checked out your website. I hit up your website. It's pretty cool."

                    I'm going to get me something to eat. I've got five bucks left over.

     7:35pm  I went in the Walmart and bought me a couple burgers. A chicken sandwich and a double cheeseburger. I went outside and all the buses were there. Each one that goes to the Walmart. I got on the 608 and told the driver, "Hey, I've got an expired transfer." She let me on. 4110, pretty girl.


Next day..


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