


Oregon Country Fair campground, back to Eugene, OR

Saturday July 12, 2003

Email with Tony

     5:26am  I have a really great update to make. Last night I was walking down 11th and Forest and Lisa picked me up. They brought me to this campsite where they were charging $35 per person. I took off walking and ended up at some security guard sitting on a chair guarding a trail to the campsite. I asked him, "Where are all the hippies?" This guy David, who had been sitting talking to the guard for an hour trying to convince him to let him enter the campground said, "I'm a hippie." Just then, after I walked up, the guard said, "Ok guys, but I didn't see you." We walked through the trail and ended up at this campsite. There was a huge fire going with lots of people around it banging on drums and passing a bong around. I ran into some guy who told me, "Hey man, I talked to you in Eugene. I'm glad to see you made it." Badass, I've been recognized.

     7:47am  I'm still awake. The sun has come up and is shining bright. Not that long ago, this girl I had talked to named Julia came up to me and said, "Hey, I was just telling my friend about your ideas." Her friend Bowie came up to me and asked me if I had any tobacco. I said sure and let him roll a cigarette. I told Bowie my stuff and this just might be the break I was looking for. I knew I didn't come here on accident. I was considering leaving, even. I was going to go back to Eugene and organize my show on the stage in that empty plaza downtown. I'd go crash at Skinner Butte all by myself and everything would be cool. Home away from home, hehe.

     12:13pm  I just woke up. Bowie let me crash at his camp. I think I got about six hours of sleep. I took a shit in the Port-O-Potty and I came back, sat down and started talking to Jenny. I was telling her about the strange happenings that brought me to this gathering. She asked me if I had a pipe and I pulled out my most versatile one-hitter(that I stash in my water bottle pouch). She smoked me out. Wake-n-bake. I'm all stoned now. I'm having fun.

     1:26pm  I'm going to take off for a walk. I gotta find a landmark so I don't get lost.

     1:41pm  I'm sitting here. I walked back out to the main road where I talked to that security guard last night. His chair was still there, so I moved it into the shade. I'm just going to sit here, put my headphones on and smoke a cigarette. I'm just going to chill out. I'm still stoned. Awesome.

     2:30pm  That was weird. I hung out and this dude Derrick walked by and said, "Victor, right?" I was all surprised and asked him where I knew him from. He told me he had met me in Eugene. What a small world. I got his email address and card.

                    Another guy came up and he had a tape recorder, too. He was talking all sorts of grandiose crap. He was trying to arrange some Peacemeal shit. When I told him about my mission objectives he was all, "So how are you going to make money?" I told him I won't even need to. I'm doing this for free.

     2:55pm  I talked to some cool people sitting out on this chair. Some really good conversations. I'm spreading the word.

     3:00pm  I walked back into the campground and this old bitch stopped me and asked me to show her my wristband. I thought up a lie real quick and told her that I had left my bag at my friends camp and that I just needed to retrieve it so I could leave again. Ha, she let me in. Got my way.

     4:27pm  I went back to Bowie's camp. I was really bored, so I lay down and listened to my headphones. Then, I decided to go back out to that chair by the main road and see what interesting conversations I have. I came out here and there was a security guard sitting in the chair. He told me he couldn't let me back into the campground, that I would have to ask his supervisor. Damnit. I never got Bowie's email address. Ahh, I guess I'll go back to Eugene. I walked a couple blocks' length and sat down in the soft grass. Now I'm eating. I found me a frozen burrito(which wasn't frozen anymore) and I ate it. It was good. I ate that, but I was still hungry. Then I noticed I had a little packet of cereal. Man, I wish I had a bowl. I have soy milk, which would go perfectly. Heyyy, the lid to my CD-spindle case could double as a bowl. So, that's what I did. I poured the milk and am eating my bowl of cereal. Good thing I still have that Boker utensil kit Chasity stole for me before I took off for California last year.

     6:20pm  I had a big giant break in front of the main road here in the soft grass. The supervisor security guard just walked by. He didn't say anything, but I'm going to go back to the chair and tell the security guard, "Hey man, I have a bag in there with some really important stuff. Can I go get it, please? Then I'll leave." Hehe, I'll get in again.

     6:28pm  Cool, my little plan worked once more. I told the guard, "Excuse me, sir. I just realized I forgot a bag at this camp. Can I go get it real quick? I'll come right back. I don't have a band."

     6:35pm  I walked in and they asked me, "Where's your wristband?" I told the bitch lady the same line I gave the security guard and she still wouldn't let me in. Well, good thing I have all my bags. I'm going to head back to Eugene.

     6:56pm  They wouldn't let me back in, so I walked out again. I saw these two hip kids, Cara and Critter. I told them my ideas and I'm getting their email addresses. I'm going to try and blow their minds. Cool.

     7:18pm  Now entering Veneta. Population 2,519. Drive carefully.

     7:22pm  Whoa, I just ran into this brother who is walking from Alaska. He told me that right now there are absolutely no planes in the sky. He thinks it might be a sign of the apocalypse. I don't know what's going to happen. It's really weird.

     7:26pm  I walked with Critter and Cara to Ray's food place. When I told him goodbye Critter gave me this amethyst stone, I think. It's some purple rock. It's my new pocket pal.

     7:44pm  I went across the street from Ray's and just stood at the intersection looking like I needed a ride. Before I knew it Jess was gracious enough to give me a ride. We're going back to Eugene.

     8:23pm  We are at the corner of 11th and Burtelson, where the bus dropped me off last night. I just saw a bus going by. It'll probably be a while before the bus comes again. I should just walk the bus route.

     8:49pm  I'm waiting for the bus. I had seen one coming down here back when I was near the Jack in the Box. I just saw another one pass by and it said, "Not in use." So, I'm going to keep walking down 11th.

     8:54pm  I walked to another bus stop in front of the Taco Time corporate office. I looked on the schedule, that they have conveniently posted at the bus stop(hint, hint San Antonio). It says on Saturday the bus comes at 8:55pm, any minute now.

     9:00pm  What was your name? Casey was generous enough to give me a courtesy ride on the bus.

     9:40pm  I'm just walking around downtown. I had gotten a courtesy ride on the bus earlier. I'm talking to Renee and Douglas. They're telling me about another gathering at the end of the month.

     9:57pm  I'm in downtown talking to people already. This dumbass bible-thumper was spouting his mouth off and not letting me finish. Oh well.

     11:38pm  Keely has been generous enough to give me a cigarette. She gave me two.

     12:36am  I'm all drunk. I was talking with these kids and this other young dude offered us some whisky. I drank a shitload of whisky. He had some soda to chase it down with. So, I'm all drunk and walking to the butte. Brian said he would probably show up sooner or later, so I'm going to walk to the butte and crash. Tomorrow I'll take a shower somewhere.

Next day..

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