


Middletown, OH

Sunday July 13, 2008
     4:26pm  Let's see, this morning I woke up early and went back to sleep. This morning I received a good dose of free love from Doreen. Oh yeah, Tom borrowed my Leatherman the night we came over and forget to give it back. So, I am staying here until he can get it back to me. It's mission-critical. He said he'll come back tomorrow, so I'm staying another night. Oh yeah, this morning I got all my stuff proofread and now that I have more time I can get to typing. I don't have that much left to catch up. I have been getting so much work done on Katie's laptop.

                   Right now I'm going to rewind and research my tape so I can keep typing, so I won't be making another entry for a while.

     11:55pm  I'm just about done on the computer. I spent all day on the computer typing and proofreading. I am already caught up to the eleventh, like three days ago. The day before I leave to Middletown. I'm going to crash out. I am seriously tired. I am really grateful that I've had these resources here with people who believe in me. Everything has been going great.

     12:47am  I am going to bed. I had a full day on the computer today.

Next day..


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