


Socorro, NM

Thursday July 14, 2005

     7:37am  I just woke up.

     7:46am  I've been pretty lazy this morning. I've just been chilling in my house. I just realized I've misplaced my nail clippers, which all my spare magnets for my marijuana pin were stuck on. To top it off, I've lost one of the magnets to it. That sucks. How could it be gone? I had like three or four extra magnets for my thing.

                   Well, the extra weed light I brought has a magnet on the back, so I guess I can use it. Then if I lose this marijuana light, I'll have to wear the other one with the neck cord it comes with. I hadn't cut the neck cord off that one. I still have some marijuana-pin time.

                   Plus, I saved the package the batteries came in, so I can try and get new ones.

     9:57am  I am finally leaving home. I'm going to go try and get a dollar so I can buy another 3½ floppy disk at the school, so I can keep proofreading my stuff.

     10:17am  I just got to the plaza. I was walking Manzanares out to California Street and I see a sign that says, "Historic Manzanares Street." On the sign it says, "Don Juan's Cocina." Hey that sounds like a taqueria I never noticed. Let me go see if I can get hooked up.

     10:19am  Monica, at Don Juan's is giving me some breakfast. I appreciate it, Monica. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     Sweet, I'm going to score. She didn't even let me finish giving her my line and she said, "Want a burrito?"

                     I scored at Don Juan's. It was cool. That girl, Monica, she was all about my story. She didn't have time for the odyssey, but I told her the spirit's part. She said, "Wow, I am really glad to see there are people like you out there. More people need to do that."

                     I scored a lemonade refill at Don Juan's and I walked to Smith's. I found a couple snipes on the ground. I'm waiting for people to come out so I can ask them for change. I need a dollar so I buy a disk at the school.

     11:14am  In no time, Pat Phillips gave me some change for my floppy disk I need to buy at the school. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Whoa, he gave me more than a dollar.

                     I wasn't going to hit him up for change, but then he commented on my walking stick. He said, "Nice walking stick. What kind is it?" I told him, "Pear tree wood from San Antonio, Texas." He said he was from San Antonio, NM.

                     In my index change it to "cars(along with money, along with cellphones, along with television, etc.) have made everybody lazy, impatient and overweight.

                     I'm in front of the school now. I walked here. I found me some snipes. Oh yeah, I brought a hit of resin to take from home this morning. I'm going to take that now so I'll be stoned while I type.

     11:39am  This guy just pulled up on a tricycle. I asked him if I could tell him my story and he said, "Yeah, sure." I told him my mission-objectives and asked him if he was willing to listen and he said, "No, I have things to do. I have a schedule to keep." When I asked him what the world's greatest problem was he said apathy. I told him I thought it was ignorance and he immediately shut his ears off and started yapping. I cut in and said, "It's ignorance, nobody will listen." I told him, "Thanks again for proving me right." As he's walking away he says, "No, it's apathy!" I yelled back, "No, it's ignorance. Nobody listens. You're walking away. Don't you see?"

                     I'm all stoned and nicotined. I'm going to go inside and get to work.

     4:00pm  I'm taking a break. I've got fifty cents in my pocket. I'm going to walk to the Smith's and buy a donut.

                   Oh yeah, I got really far on my proofreading. I am already on 4-20. April 20th.

                   I think I've already typed up all of June. I think I have a little bit more than a month to go on my proofreading and I'm all done.

     4:49pm  I didn't tell you. I went to the Smith's and bought a cinnamon roll. I'm walking back to school now.

                   It was cool, some guy recognized me at Smith's. He said, "Hey, do you remember me?" I told him to refresh my memory. Last year? He said, "Nah, a couple days ago at the bar." Some black dude. He asked me what I was doing. I told him I had a lot of work to do on the computer and he said, "Well, don't let me interrupt."

                   I can't stop.

     6:39pm  I'm out of the library. I proofread a hell of a lot. I'm already on May.

     9:08pm  I just got out of the library. I went back soon after I left. I spent all day in that library. I'm already on May 15th, proofreading my stuff. Almost every day has at least one correction on it. I am glad I am doing this.

                   I'm hungry, man. I hope Burrito Tyme is still open.

                   I went to the Pizza Hut and right when I walked in this Mexican lady saw me. She said, "Nice stick. Where is that from?" I told her San Antonio, TX. She said, "I see you walking around everywhere."

                   I walked over to the Premier gas station and my good friend John Montoya is hooking me up with a hotdog. I'm going to eat one and save the other one for breakfast.

     11:12pm  I went in the Capitol Bar and smoked a couple snipes I had. Nobody recognized me. I asked this old geezer for a cigarette and he told me, "I've told you before, when you come in a bar and you don't have enough money to buy cigarettes, just forget it." I had never talked to that guy before. I called him a greedy ass.

     11:30pm  I am home. I'm going to turn a candle on and scrape a resin hit.

Next day..

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