


Eugene, OR

Tuesday July 15, 2003

     8:24am  I crashed at the butte again, but I had somewhat of a rude awakening. I just got a warning for sleeping out here, for camping. So, maybe that's a sign to leave town. I don't know, maybe I'll skip.

     9:20am  I'm just walking down the street. Lincoln, I think it is. I see this piece of paper on the floor that says, "Extra Plain Truth - Special Edition, 4th of July. Crackers, Slackers and Tally Wackers. A veteran citizen." And right there in blue it says, "Take the Constitution back. All free. We are not property." Man, this was here for me to find. I'm going to keep this. It'll be on my webpage.

                   Okay, I stopped across the street from the Chevron. There were all these people standing out there and I decided they would be my first catch of the day. I went over there and they read my sign. They even hooked me up with two cigarettes! Badass. I told them my shit. They agreed with me.

     10:00am  I walked to the Chevron. I ended up getting lost in the morning while I was walking through some neighborhood. I went in a complete circle and ended up back at the Chevron. I took a shit in the bathroom, but I left the key in the bathroom. My bad, but they've got another one. Anyway, I'm walking to check my email.

     1:28pm  I just got out of the library and checked my email. Man, I didn't type anything up. I had so much email. My bastard father had written me and I finally replied. I told him off good. That guy from wrote me and Chasity wrote me. She told me that she always worries about me. She also said that she has something she needs to talk to me about, but she didn't want to say it through email. That it's really important. I wrote her back saying, "If I can be of service just let me know and I'll make my way out to Florida and help you. Is there something wrong with Stuart? Are you sick?" I just remembered that she had noticed a small lump in her breast back when we were together. She had always been in denial about it. I bet you anything that's it, some complication. I really hope it's not.

     1:33pm  Dave hooked me up with a cigarette. That's very generous of you, brother. Aaron, sitting right next to him is his cohort.

     2:06pm  I'm out here telling Tonya my story. She read my sign and she ended up giving me five dollars. How very generous of you, Tonya. I'll pay you back by bringing world peace. Sounds fair?    

     2:20pm  Moe just hooked me up with a cigarette in front of Jogger's Bar and Grill.

     3:03pm  I just went into the Hunky Dory Pipe and Tobacco Company. They were working, so they wouldn't listen.

     4:08pm  I just stopped and talked to these guys on the sidewalk. I told them my story and had a big conversation with them. They had a lot of input. Man, I'm getting hungry. Hopefully I'll find this food bank.

     4:50pm  I just went into the Jack in the Box. I had a dollar left after I bought some cigarettes. I bought me a Jumbo Jack. I hit them up with my gasoline-for-the-stomach line, but they said no. The pussy told me, "No, I could lose my job." I'm walking to the Salvation Army thrift store. They should know where the food bank is.

     4:55pm  I stopped in at the thrift store and asked them. They didn't know, but they let me look through their phone book. The address is 945 W. 7th, so I passed it up.

     5:16pm  Damnit, they closed at 4pm. Argh.

     5:35pm  Joe just hooked me up with a burrito.

     7:00pm  I hung out at the 7-11 asking for rides. I didn't get one, so I took off walking. I'm at the empty plaza right now. I was actually able to borrow a cellphone. I called Chasity, but she didn't answer and I left a message. Before I knew it, I heard the girl who's cellphone it was ask, "Anyone know a Chastity?" She called me back! I got some really bad news. My dog, Stuart, is dead! He had a brain tumor or something. God damnit. I was all hoping to get him back some day and take him traveling with me. He was a son to me. I bet you anything if he would've been with me walking everywhere, he would not have died. Damnit, I hate that shit. Chasity still seems all ignorant. Like, she sounds ignorant. She's all happier than ever, probably being her lazy self in Florida. What a damper on my day. Whaaaa, Stuart. I'm going to walk over to the Hitching-Post Plaza and see if I get smoked out. That's where I always get smoked out.

     8:18pm  I came over to the Hitching-Post Plaza and got smoked out! For the third time in a row.

     8:30pm  I just stopped and had this really interesting conversation with this lady. Like some old lady on the street. I asked her if she knew where Interstate 5 was and we just struck it up. She didn't know where the highway was, but she ended up talking my ear off. I got a couple things in, but it was really cool, nonetheless. I'm just going to walk to Interstate 5 and start walking.

     8:50pm  I stopped and talked to these chick and this guy. She told me, "Just take out the marijuana part and you've got yourself a good mission." She was telling me how marijuana gets you hooked on other drugs. I told her that you can get yourself hooked on other drugs. Marijuana is just a convenient scapegoat. I told her the person always has full control over what they decide to do. She was all, "No, No, No. Not when my father was giving me my first drink and having sex with me." Umm, too much info, lady. Well anyway, we had a really good conversation.

                   Man, I have to walk all the way to 6th Street. I'm on 10th right now. It's four blocks. Then I'll start walking the highway.

     9:45pm  I just had this really cool discussion with Jamal. I'm planting the seed some more. I told him to tell his friends and he went, "Yeah, yeah, man. Right on, right on."

     10:30pm  I followed Jamal for a bit. He told me he was going to score me some weed. Turns out he didn't, though. That's alright, because I just met another dude at the bus stop who's going to show me a cool squat. So, I can crash out and take off walking tomorrow.

     10:50pm  Mel was nice enough to give me a courtesy ride when the bus came. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:14am  I just walked like three miles with Whit. Whit walks fast. I wonder why he's in such a hurry. I was walking as fast as I could. He was still ahead of me. We finally got to the squat. It's among this really tall grass next to this vacant building. He's got some foam mattresses to lay on.

Next day..

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