


Salem, OR

Wednesday July 15, 2009

     7:35am  I woke up around seven with only six and a half hours of sleep. I'm thinking about leaving today. I want to have one more session at the ROCC and finish up my website, update it the best that I can and just take off. I've got three bucks.

                   Playing cards

                   Bones and DP camped in backyard

     5:29pm  I had a full day at the office today, man. Nine to five thirty. I got so much work done. I found that lost chunk of history I had lost. I am almost complete. I have less than a day to be caught up. I downloaded Angels and Demons too. To be able to copy it to my USB drives I had to use a file splitting program. So I've got a free movie to watch. I just need a computer to watch it on now. Oh yeah, I got a shitload of pizza and Toni came by to pick me up.

     8:08pm  I had an awesome presentation with these homeless couple at the transfer center. The dude was digging around for snipes and had collected a sizeable amount of tobacco, but when I asked him if I could roll a cigarette he told me no. Fuckin'a, they just sat down and listened to my whole story about generosity and marijuana and seemed to agree with all of it, but when it comes to their tobacco they got for free they couldn't spare one. Talk about greedy. You reap what you sow. Justice will be done. The girl was actually wearing a crucifix. How unlike Christ Christians are!

     8:17pm  Spencer, man, nobody was giving me a cigarette in this town. Spencer hooked me up. I appreciate it, bro. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     8:27pm  I am still stoned from a hit I got hooked up with at the park earlier. I am having great presentations right now.

     8:35pm  Tracey came up and he let me borrow his cellphone so I could call Toni. Thank you, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:44pm  I need to recap what an awesome time I had storytelling at the transit mall right now. Oh yeah, this one dumb pregnant girl got mad at me. I walked by and asked all these pregnant girls for a cigarette. Talk about stupid, smoking cigarettes while pregnant in front of their other kids. Talk about bad example. I hit them up and they said no so I walked away with my usual, "Man, nobody wants world peace! Poor kids!" One flipped out, "What did you say about my kid?!" They started talking shit and making empty threats. I yelled back, "Talk is cheap!" Then I saw this pretty girl sitting down afterwards and she just loved my story. Beautiful girl. I forgot to get her name, but I took her picture. Then this dude sitting waiting for the bus saw me and my shirt and gave me the peace sign. I walked up and he asked me what I was doing. I gave him the usual, "Same 'ol shit, saving the world." He asked me how and I told him with the internet. I started telling him my story and his two other friends came by and listened too. I didn't tell them the whole odyssey, just the important part and the note from the rich. They actually clapped in the end. I am loving Salem. I am so glad I came back here. After getting all those guestbook signatures for being here for a couple hours, I had to come back. Gotta follow the signs.

                   A couple days ago I emailed Marilyn with an apology:

From: "victor antonio" <>

Hi Marilyn,
I think about you all the time. It really troubles me that you think I lied to you. I have been documenting my life honestly for the past seven years. I try to only do good. I refuse to compromise my mission intentionally. I know it all comes back.
Any rationale I gave you at the time would've seemed like an excuse, I know, but I had absolutely no ulterior motives in mind when I took off with your car. I apologize for assuming such a liberty. I thought you still had some stuff to do inside the jail. It really was just a big misunderstanding. I drove right to the very same spot we smoked at right before then, even parked in the same shade.
Here's the search and replace program I was telling you about. Install it and then right-click on the folder you want to search in Windows Explorer and hit I. I hope it helps.


- Victor Antonio

p.s. The update is coming along good. I've been in Salem for a little over a week. Everything is coming together for me. I hope things are looking bright for you too. I've missed ya.

Her reply:

From: "Marilyn Trevino" <>

I miss you too Victor. I think we could have shortened the path in just as few years
together as we are both EXACTLY in the same work. Just like you said. It is a long
road but worth the hike...saving the world, the best you are eqipped to.

I bolt very easily. When I saw the antenna ball on the car gone after all these years
I thought, gee, he may have taken that off the other day so the car wouldn't be
spotted so easily, and brought my car back only because I notified the flops less
than two minutes after he left, to look for him. Indeed, I said to myself less than
half hour before you left, he may even have been told by the flops themselves,
cause they are all ways trying to get to me through the folks I know so I better
not take any chances as far as I've come; I'm almost there. THEN, a day later I
told myself, "But dang he and I could have cranked out some powerful earth changing
work together."

I'm sorry times are SO hard now, for me. I hope I see you again soon. Do you have
my number? 459-1839?

I have attached one of more than 100 similar reports the court has ignored or, in the
case of the Grand Jury's Report, allowed County Counsel to claim in the record, falsely,
when I was not in court the record YET uncorrected by the court reflects, "Doesn't
have anything to do with Ms. Trevino's case;" to give you an idea what I have here... BULLSHIRT PUBLIC SERPENTS!!!

Marilyn Trevino.

PS: Court in the morning.

                   I need to go to health department in Portland and get a blood screening. I've been having sex every single night with Toni. I used all the condoms that I had. It's really cool how I got hosted in this house. Mark, who along with everyone else in this house is mentally unstable and get checks and stuff. Toni gets unemployment. This is a huge tweaker town. But, it all happens for a reason, you know. Today Toni was getting on my nerves blasting the radio. I hate the radio. They don't call it programming for nothing! It's a distraction from the evil that is going on right in front of our faces. I can't stand it. I like to have all my senses at my disposal as much as I can.

                   Oh yeah, what made this day cool. Today at the ROCC I was digging through my backpack and I found my glass pipe. I had a good scraping session. I thought I was going to go to the park and ask around for weed, but this resin will suffice nicely. I couldn't believe I got so much more out of the pipe. I even broke it into pieces. I had such a great day at the ROCC. I got so much work done on the computer.

                   Today I brought home a shitload of pizza.

     11:04pm  Going to bed. Oh yeah, while I was telling that one pretty girl my story at the transit mall, right in the middle of it these two guys walked up and told me, "Hey, we saw you on 4th of July. We checked out your website. You are legit." Hell yeah! I got recognized right in the middle of the story. I am famous.

Next day..

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