

Hippie house

Friday July 18, 2003

     10:04am  I woke up this morning on the couch again. I got up and did their dishes. They appreciated it. I had a big bowl of cereal. The Johns, Corey, Carey and John are going back to Eugene today, but I'm going to keep going to the coast, Florence. I'll hit 101 South to Arcata eventually.

     10:40am  We're leaving. They're dropping me off at the end of the road(Swamp Creek Road). They told me to just keep going West and I'll get all the way to the coast. That it's like forty miles. Hopefully somebody will pick me up.

     11:19am  I didn't walk that far and I passed by that overturned car by Carol's house. I passed her house and saw that her car was there. I just planned to keep walking, I didn't know her well enough to go knock on her door. As I walked a little past the house, I saw her in her yard watching her laundry dry. She waved at me and I came over and decided to smoke one of the three cigarettes I had rolled at Karen's before I left. I came over here to smoke cigarettes and Carol smoked some weed with me. That's awesome.

                    What prompted me to make this entry are these really neat sculptures Carol has in her lawn. It's just the weeds and grass, but she goes through it with a weed-whacker and randomly trims different shapes into her lawn. That's really cool. I wish I had a camera.

                     In the front yard she's got a big four leaf clover.

     12:25pm  Carol is being extra generous and giving me two cigarettes.

     2:59pm  I'm leaving Carol's finally. I can't believe I stayed here so long. Man, Carol's really attractive. She's over 50, but ageless to me. She's got a great body and she thinks just like me. She's funny, she's quirky, she's awesome. She was born in Oregon and has always lived here. Before I left, I felt like telling her, "Hey, I just wanted to tell you before I left that I think you are a very attractive woman. Not just physically, but your whole person. You think like me and it turns me on. I just wanted to let you know that if I wasn't on this mission, I would totally want to get to know you better." I was going to tell her that, but I didn't. Before I left Karen's I asked if they could spare some traveling food and they gave me cans of stuff. I was able to fit it all in my bag. It's stuffed to the max. It's heavy, too. I got my Adidas bag loaded, too.

                  Oh, I thought I was getting some signs from Carol. Like one time when I tried to go, she said, "You said you would stay with me until the laundry dried." I told her ok. She wanted me to hang out and listen to her. She had some stories of her own. Oh yeah, another thing is that Carol found some jeans that fit me, barely. They are like size 30 waist. I was able to cut them and now I have swim trunks.

     3:29pm  I'm walking West and I just ran into Penpe and they were gracious enough to give me two cigarettes and told me I'm not that far from the Rockslides. Cool, Cool.

     3:51pm  I walked up to Lake View Grocery store, ate a bagel and smoked a cigarette. All of a sudden, this guy Russ tells me, "Hey man, do you need a ride?" I tell him sure and he's hooking me up with a ride to the Rockslides. That's very generous of you man, thanks.

                   I was talking to Russ about weed and he tells me, "An estimated 40 million people who smoke pot in the US spend an estimated $50/week on an eighth, if $30 of that went to tax, we would have the national deficit paid off in six years. Over four trillion dollars."

     4:00pm  Russ just hooked me up with a little bud, without me even asking. If that doesn't prove it, I don't know what does. Looks like I'll be ready for 4:20 at the Rockslides. Looks like I'll have enough to share.

     4:10pm  Badass, Russ dropped me off and gave me two other cigarettes. Man, I'm going to be able to celebrate 4:20. Great. Maybe I'll find a cute girl to celebrate it with.

     4:17pm  I'm waiting for 4:20. I've got my pipe loaded and everything. Russ gave me some top-grade stuff and a lighter. I needed a lighter, too. Waiting for 4:20. Any minute now.

     4:20pm  Let me celebrate.

     4:50pm  This guy just climbed all the way to the top of this cliff where I haven't seen anyone jump from. Oh shit, there's a big branch jutting out and he's climbing out on it. I wonder how deep the water is right there. He's balancing himself on the branch. Holy shit! He jumped off it. Fucking daredevil, I swear.

     5:35pm  I'm walking back towards Carol's. I'm bored here. This place is all sold out and trendy. I'm going to camp out in her backyard. Before I left she had told me that if I wanted to stick around for another day, that I could return back to her place and that she had a big sleeping bag in the garage. I thought that might be a sign, so I'm going to find out and go back.

     5:41pm  I'm picking up pennies again. Pennies make cents.

     5:46pm  Another penny.

     5:50pm  I'm passing the Memorial Community Church. I'm going to go in there and see if there's a pastor. I'm going to tell him my ideas.

     5:52pm  I went to the church and asked for a pastor. They directed me to his house next door.

     5:53pm  Some kids answered the door at the pastor's house. They told me he was over at the church right now. I told them I just came from the church and they directed me here. I'm just going to take this as a sign and not talk to the guy. He can just wait to read it when the rest of the world does, hehe.

     5:57pm  Cool, I scored a Winston on the ground. Half a cigarette. Groundscore.

                   Okay, I'm passing this place called Fort Diddock 19348.

                   I have this annoying rattling in my pocket. I'm going to go buy some food.

     6:15pm  The store was closed. Too bad, so sad.

     6:17pm  I'm up and walking.

     6:37pm  I finally found out what road I'm on. I'm on Highway 3 by Triangle Lake.

     6:53pm  I am finally back at Carol's. She's not home, but I'm going to hang out in the back yard on the chair she was sitting on earlier. I'm going to eat an orange and read my Future Shock book. It'll be interesting. I've got some time to kill. Oh yeah, I smoked some weed.

     9:30pm  Ahh, screw it. I'm going to eat this can of chili, even though I should be conserving my food for moving. I don't even know if she's going to come home tonight. I'm just going to camp out here, like she said I could. I've been here since like 7pm.

Next day..

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