


Albuquerque to Santa Fe, NM

Tuesday July 19, 2005

     6:34am  I woke up about ten minutes ago. This is an awesome little loft I have up here.

     6:39am  I am up from my loft. Please Love, protect my bag.

     6:50am  Gold and Union Square. Next to the Sheffelbarger building. 111 Gold Avenue Southeast. Please use west entrance.

     7:04am  I just got out of the transit station. I went in there and took a shit. I wrote Victor the Liberator in the grout. That'll be there forever. They can't clean that off.

     7:07am  Right now I just came out of taking a shit. Right off the bat this dude asks me, "Want to buy some bud?" I guess he noticed my marijuana necklace. Or my Make It Happen shirt. I said, "Yeah, sure. Will you sell me a two dollar joint?" He said sure.

     7:32am  The Albuquerque homebums are all ignorant. One guy was wearing a big cross and he told me, "No thanks, no thanks." You hypocrite. Have you always been that ignorant?

     8:06am  I just told Nicholas my story at the big concrete plaza here. I even gave him a CD. Nicholas, "I'm representing Albuquerque. This is my hometown."

                   Found me an Albuquerque native. I even gave him a CD. He was a total believer. He told me, "I can't doubt you."

     8:18am  I walked to St. Martins for breakfast.

     8:19am  Genevieve, at St. Martins is giving me the last donut. I appreciate it, Genevieve. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:08am  Sheldon gave me a cigarette at St. Martins. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:47am  At long-last I am leaving St. Martins. None of these street people would listen to me one bit.

     10:10am  My bag is safe and sound. Thank you spirits, for protecting it while I was gone. I'm going to go back out to Fourth Street and hang out with my backpack. I'll catch the bus at 2:45.

     10:30am  I was walking down the street and Chuck gave me a cigarette.

     10:50am  I tried talking to these Belgian girls, but they couldn't understand me. And I just asked this black guy and he told me, "I'm not willing to listen." I thanked him for proving me right and asked him to do me the two favors.

     11:44am  Larry hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza here on Fourth Street. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:52am  I kind of crashed out real fast in the outdoor mall here. Then this cool guy who works there who I talked to yesterday says, "Victor..." He woke me up. "I can't let you sleep here." Hehe, that's so cool that he knew my name.

     11:58am  Hmm, I walked over to the church where there's supposed to be lunch at noon. One I have been to before. I walked up to it and there was no line or nothing. It's weird. I'm hungry. Well, I'm not too hungry, but I know I will be. I still have over two hours to wait for the bus to Santa Fe.

     12:17pm  I just walked all the way to the plaza on Fourth Street. Not the concrete plaza, but the plaza with shade. I bought me some cookies for fifty cents. I have like $1.80 towards bus fare. I hope that's enough and the driver is cool. I am still waiting for 2:45 to leave to Santa Fe.

     12:39pm  Michael gave me two cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     1:57am  I'm over here waiting for the bus now. I sat down and told these kids a couple of my stories. I asked the girl if she had a quarter I could have for bus fare. Since I bought cookies. She gave me a whole dollar. I appreciate it.

     2:48pm  I'm taking off on the bus to Santa Fe. The girl in the back told me, "I would rather read."

     3:14pm  Page 330 of Powershift The Indiana Jones Code.

     3:58pm  Just got dropped off at the D.O.T.

     4:06pm  I am walking down Cerrillos Road. I passed by the school for the deaf I remember from last time(6-30-03, 5:00am, second paragraph).

     4:26pm  Just hit the plaza. I'm going to go find a cigarette somewhere.

     4:30pm  Doc hooked me up with a little cigar in the plaza. I appreciate it, bro.

     4:31pm  Rudy traded me my cigar for a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     5:20pm  I just had a marvelous presentation with Brianne, I think her name is. I gave her a CD.

     5:30pm  I walked to the ditch on Alameda. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed.

     5:51pm  I wanted to scrape some resin real bad. I was searching everywhere for a paper clip. I asked this one dude sitting down with a backpack, "You wouldn't happen to have a paper clip in your backpack, would you?" He told me no. I asked a bus driver. I was scanning the pavement. There's always usually a safety pin on the ground. I paced back and forth on Alameda like three or four times then, oh my god, I manifested it. I found a small safety pin which did the job just fine. But now, I was packing all my stuff up and I just chunked it. I'm dumb. It was all full of resin and I just threw it. I am looking for it right now. I should've put it straight in my wallet.

     6:15pm  I just talked to this kid who works at Eddie Griffiths, some art studio. He listened to me at first, but he got a couple phone calls and he had to go.

     6:48pm  Doug, Patrick asked him for change and Doug told him to help himself. Then he came back and handed Patrick a dollar. He appreciates it, brother. Everybody gets credit.


     7:19pm  Not only did Christopher and his friends listen to my story, but he hooked me up with a cigarette too. I appreciate it, brother.

     7:49pm  I just went to the bathroom at the Walgreen's and tagged Victor the Liberator on the wall inside. Perfectly.

     8:48pm  I'm talking to Brittany and her friend Shilah. What was your email, Brittany?

                   I just had a great presentation. Handed out a CD and everything.

     9:25pm  David just hooked me up with a chicken breast. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Yon hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

     10:28pm  I had a little fun tonight. Oh yeah, I got recognized. This guy Horse. When he saw me he went, "Is that Victor?" I've just been here telling my story in the plaza. To these hippie kids. A lot of ignorance in Santa Fe. This is a really ignorant town.

                     This one guy said he'd show me a place to camp tonight.

     12:15am  I walked with this guy to where he was going to squat, but where he went there wasn't that much room at all. I walked back to Alameda Street and I'm going to crash under one of these bridges. I'll tell you what street it is in the morning.

                     This squat is way too easy. There must be a catch. I hope the cops don't check under the bridges in the morning.

Next day..

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