


     Gold Beach, walking South, OR

Monday July 20, 2003

     6:46am  Okay, it's time for a huge update. I got off the Greyhound at Gold Beach, OR. I'm in Gold Beach now. I went to this restaurant called Frank's, used the bathroom and took a shit. I changed out of my army pants and I noticed there was a coast nearby. I walked to the coast and saw that there was a long fence along the beach. I went up to this gate in the fence and noticed there was a padlock on it. The lock was unlocked, so I opened the gate and here I am, on the sand. I'm sitting on the beach right now. I'm going to smoke a cigarette. I ate the very last of my MuscleBlast 2000. I have like one more scoop of the other chocolate flavored powder I have.
                   I'm going to do some chores. I have to reorganize my bag a bit. I thought I could get a resin hit out of my little pipe, but I lost my little scraper. Then I'm going to walk East, towards Williams, I hope.

                   At the Frank's place I had hit them up for free food. The lady all lied to me and told me, "Oh, we're not the owners." Like that matters.

                   Oh yeah, when the Greyhound came in Florence, the driver had called and checked on the fare(supposedely) and they told him it was $23 to get to Gold Beach. I told him I had $23, but he only charged me $20. Dude, I couldn't believe I pulled that off. I just asked him and he let me on. I lucked out getting on the bus without an actual ticket. I wonder if he's going to pocket that money.

                   Wow, the water's beautiful.

     7:45am  I got bored on the beach, so I made my way back through that gate. I walked up to 101 and to this gas station. I asked the lady at the gas station and I have to go South 35 miles to 199. Then I can shoot over to O'Brien and Williams. Man, I'm far. I didn't quite realize that.

     7:56am  Berkin, 25 miles. Crescent City, 52 miles.

     8:04am  I have now hereby eaten all of my food.

     8:13am  I just came up to this big boulder by the highway. Hehe, somebody spraypainted, "GOLD BEACH SUCKS DICK" on the rock. There's tons of old people. It's all about money here.

     8:29am  I found a place over by the junction here pointing to the State Police station. It's behind these bushes. I'm going to lie down and take a nap. I'm tired.

     12:57pm  Man, I just took me a long-ass nap. I am really. I feel great.

     1:30pm  I'm sitting here on the side of the highway at the base of this big hill. I'm just going to rest and stick my thumb out for a while. Man, I'm hungry.

     1:34pm  Screw this, I'm leaving.

     1:35pm  Mile marker 332.

     1:38pm  Another penny.

     1:45pm  I just remembered I had that thing of Ramen. I'm going to eat it raw. I'm hungry.

     2:04pm  I ate that Ramen. 190 calories. I smoked a cigarette even though I shouldn't have.

     2:15pm  Mile marker 333.

     2:29pm  Stopped and rested. It's an uphill battle.

     2:41pm  Mile marker 334.

     2:49pm  Another penny.

     2:52pm  Oregon State Park, Cape Sebastian Viewpoint and historical marker ahead.

     3:00pm  Mile marker 335. Resting.

     3:10pm  Leaving 335.

     3:19pm  Just found a bottle of RainX. This stuff you put on the outside of your windshield that keeps it visible while it's raining hard. I'm going to keep it, so whoever gives me a ride gets a present.

     3:31pm  Mile marker 336.

     3:36pm  Leaving 336. What a coinkidink.

     3:43pm  I'm coming up to this big beach. There's a lot of people windsurfing and stuff. There's lots of cars.

     4:36pm  I'm leaving the beach. I got some food from Daniel. These really good almonds.

     4:45pm  Mile marker 337.

     5:05pm  Mile marker 338.

     5:31pm  Mile marker 339.

     5:36pm  Crossing Pistol River.

     5:50pm  Berking 17 miles.

     5:55pm  Mile marker 340. going to rest before this big hill.

     6:20pm  Mile marker 341. I flew up that hill. I am really glad I have this stick.

     6:37pm  Leaving 341.

     6:55pm  Mile marker 342.

     7:05pm  Whoa, somebody pulled over, an RV. I was just walking. Didn't have my thumb out or nothing. This guy is waving at me.

     7:10pm  Jim picked me up. He turned out to be somebody I had asked if he was going South at a viewpoint earlier. He just got finished windsurfing. He just drove by, saw me, pulled over and waved me down. Hey, whatta ya know. Awesome.

     7:44pm  Crossing California state line. I told Jim I wanted to hit 199 to go back North to O'Brien or Williams Oregon. We overshot it by like three miles.

     8:08pm  I just got dropped off in Crescent City, CA. Awesome. I've been warned about this town.

     8:15pm  No-go at the Pizza Hut. The dude was all scripted. I asked him if he had any mistakes he could spare and he tells me, "I am sorry, we do not have any mistakes at this time, I apologize."

                   No-go at the Subway either. I guess whoever warned me about this town was right.

                   Okay, I am three miles away from 199. I guess I should start walking.

                   Man, I just went into a Patriot Gas Station. I went inside and it was all empty. No one was in there. Not even the cashier. The cashier must've been in the bathroom or something. Right before I walked in I noticed two state troopers outside talking. I thought about it for a minute, then I decided I was going to steal a pack of cigarettes since the store was empty. The angle the cigarettes were at was just out of view of the pigs outside. I reached under the thing they keep the cigarettes in, right above the register and snagged me a box of Marlboro Reds. Right under the cops' noses. Fuck the police. I have the biggest balls of them all, hehe.

     8:45pm  I just took a break and ate some peanuts. I'm all paranoid the state police are going to come looking for me. I am sure they have a camera in that gas station. Oh well.

     9:45pm  I made it to 199. Three miles, no rest. I'm tired. I was hauling ass, too.

     10:40pm  I found a place in the forest to crash. See you tomorrow.

Next day..

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