


Silver City, NM

Tuesday July 20, 2004

     9:32am  I woke up at Jamie's house. I slept on their couch. Man, this house is cool. It has all these different levels to it. I don't know, three or four people live here, I'm guessing. They had a big party last night. Alcohol and lots of weed. It's all clean and spotless, surprisingly. They barbequed like crazy last night. They had all these porkchops. It was awesome. But, I didn't get to tell my story too much last night. I told Jamie a couple of my stories before anyone got there. There were all these people watching TV and drinking alcohol. I thought, "I'm going to hold off and these guys can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." At least I got a place to sleep last night. I just got dropped off at CTS Cleaners by Jamie. She has to go to work. She's running late. Umm, I don't know what to do. Oh yeah! Jamie is going to Albuquerque this Friday. She said I could score a ride there. I have like three days to wait. I changed my mind about Lordsburg. Fuck going South. Fuck Interstate 10. Fuck LA. I'm going North to Albuquerque. Just like I did last year. Today is Tuesday, I think.

                   I'm hungry. I have two dollars. I'm going to go buy me a Sonic burger or something.

     9:38am  Man, this is bullshit. I came up to Sonic. I told them, "Hey, I have two dollars and five cents. It's like $2.20something for a number two burger. Can I get a #2 burger anyway? It's only fifteen cents. Could you let that slide?" The bitch said, "Oh no, we are not allowed to give people money." God-damn. I can't believe this greedy bitch. I have like 99% of it and she isn't going to hook me up. Screw this Sonic. She brought me out some coupons. Big whoop.

     10:09am  Terry here at the Diamond Shamrock gave me a cigarette. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:29am  Terry gave me another cigarette! Thank you so much.

     10:32am  I am at the Diamond Shamrock here and the lady who gave me the cigarettes, Terry is agreeing with every single thing I say. Perfect.

     11:23am  I've been hanging out in Gough Park. I saw these people come and start unloading food. I went up to him and asked, "Are you guys selling this food? Giving it away?" They told me that they sold them for two dollars to anybody over eighteen.

                     Man, that is so much bullshit. I don't get lunch because I don't have two dollars.

                     It's recording now. I was having some problems with it earlier. I came to the mission to eat lunch. Jesse and Mike showed up. They crashed out behind the Snappy Mart last night. Damnit, my thing is still not recording all the way. Now it's recording.

     12:09pm  I walked up to the mission. I'm going to eat.

     12:37pm  I ate and I'm going to walk to the college to type my stuff up.

     12:53pm  I had a great presentation with this girl walking down the street. I hit her up for a story and she listened to me.

     1:05pm  I am at the library at the school. I'm going to type my stuff up and try and get caught up again.

     5:27pm  I am taking a smokebreak outside the library.


                   The Miller Library. I'll take a picture of it. Oh yeah, I never told you. The college I am at is WNMU. Western New Mexico University in Silver City.

                    Ahh, I don't need to take a picture of the Miller Library. I need to conserve pictures.

     7:42pm  I am leaving the library. I had a good, productive day on the computer. I sent my stuff out to so many people. I was just doing Google searches for peace, revolution, etc. and sending my story to random email addresses. I got like five days typed up. I'm hungry. I'm going to go get hooked up at a Mexican Restaurant.

                   I sent my stuff out to so many people. Both of my stories. I hope they don't think it's spam. The first one was titled Victor Antonio from San Antonio and the second one was Victor's Odyssey. Hopefully people will read it.

     7:53pm  Alvin is hooking me up with some gasoline for the stomach. Everybody gets credit.

                    I called that shit. I walked by this Mexican Restaurant on the way to school. I thought, "After school, I'm going to walk by here and get hooked up. Just you watch." Sure enough. The universe provided. Now I'm going to tell this guy my story.

     8:32pm  I had a badass presentation with this girl and guy in the park. They were staring at me the whole time. I asked them, "Hey, do you guys know where the stoners hang out?" They directed me to this house where they have a big American flag and a peace sign. I'm going to go tell them my story. I'll see if they smoke me out.

     9:24pm  I just finished telling Allie and Skip my story. Their friend walked off. I asked Allie if she could spare a cigarette. She said sure and handed me a whole pack of American Spirits.

     10:48pm  I came to the house with the flag and peace sign on it. I had noticed it before and always wondered. I just walked in and said hello. I asked them if I could tell them my story and they said sure. We came to the backyard, where some guy sleeps in the back. I told this one beautiful girl my story. She listened to me. She really listened to me. At first she didn't listen to me outside in the back yard, but now she's listening. She seems really interested in my story. Amani, I think her name is. Amani came up to me and said, "I've got a question for you, Victor. Can I videotape you while you tell the story?" Elated, I told her of course.

     1:25am  Dude, I am having the best night. I was directed to the hippie house and I met this beautiful girl Amani. Her email is She's mixed with all these different races. I think she's really hot. We walked over to Penny Park to swing on the swings. It sucked. I was swinging fast on the swing and I was going to dismount and jump off. When I did, my Nalgene got stuck and the thing that attaches to my belt tore off. What a bummer. Surprisingly though, Amani told me she could fix it.  

Next day..

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