

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Friday June 20, 2007

     10:44am  This morning it was kind of weird. Waking up and going back to sleep. I got a bit distracted. I'm on the seventh of July in my typing. I'm almost caught up. I really should be typing more. I've gotten distracted. I organized my pack, just to do it. Maybe it's time for me to take off traveling soon. Oh yeah, I was scrounging in my sister's room, where I sleep because the blowers are going in my room to dry out the attic from the leaky roof. Anyway, I found a ten dollar bill in the pocket of one of my sister's jeans. She's not going to notice it missing because she as unorganized, if not more than my mom. So I got some weed money, hehe. I'm going to go to Katt's and see if somebody there can get me some marijuana. I'm going to go out on the back porch and smoke a cigarette first though. I'm hungry. I should really eat.
     11:30am I took a good resin hit in the backyard. I can't believe I was able to scrape that. I'm quite proud of myself. I'm going to do a little typing before I go look for weed.

     2:11pm  I've done a lot of typing today. Actually, I played a lot of Tetrinet today. I did do some typing though. I'm almost done on a tape.

     3:09pm  What's up? Turn the TV down. It was weird. Just like yesterday I had gone and knocked on Katt's door and nobody answered. I start walking off and somebody pulls up. It was Humplick, Katt's brother. He told me, "Katt's not here right now." I asked him if he could score me a ten-sack and he said sure. Did I tell you? I stole ten dollars from my sister going through her pockets. I doubt she'll even realize it, but if she tells me shit I'll tell her, "I clean more than ten dollars worth every single day. You told me the other day to keep doing what I was doing, that I was so loving and that you were going to miss me when I left. I told you what I was doing was smoking marijuana and you told me not to stop. If these ten dollars are going to be a big wedge in our new-found relationship, then that will just be my sign to leave. I mean, I've already typed up enough stuff to where it's a good update. I can leave tomorrow. Thanks for giving me my sign to go. East Coast, here I come." I wonder how she would react to that, hehe. I really don't think she would make that big a deal over ten dollars even if she realizes it, but she's not going to. Her room is a mess. I just kicked ass cleaning the house, for brownie points, hehe. I cleaned the house perfectly. I didn't just sweep one room. I swept the whole damn house.
                     Anyway, me and Humplick went and hung out in his room and he called his dude. Then his sister Amy showed up with some of her friends and came upstairs to smoke weed with us. Amy's back. She's living there again. Humplick was playing this awesome video game on the PS2 called God of War II. I ran home to see if the moisture guy had come about drying out the moisture. I told the Mexicans working that if he showed up to tell him I'd be back at three thirty. I ran back to Katt's and went upstairs again. The girls were gone so I asked Humplick where they went. He told me that his parents had just gone grocery shopping and bought all this food. I discreetly asked him, "Can I go get in on that?" Humplick, not mad or nothing goes, "No. We can't be feeding the whole neighborhood. There are already four heads down there. But, I do have a banana nut muffin up here you can have." Take it from here, Hump. Humplick: "Well uh, you can't feed the neighborhood. I already have like four extra heads down there. We've got to feed the rest of our family. I'll give you a muffin. Go for it." That's exactly why I asked. Thanks anyway. And thanks for the muffin. Everybody gets credit, Humplick.

     5:14pm  I've got an update to make. Humplick eventually scored me a dimebag. He gave me a muffin too. I logged his generosity. Anyway, I walked back home. I got weed. I just picked out all the seeds and stems. There weren't that many. I stuffed it all into my little nug-jar.

     5:30pm  I'm nice and baked. I'm going to get to work typing.

     7:50pm  I'm taking another break. I'm going to make some oatmeal. I'm already on 7-12-07 in my typing. I've got seven days to catch up. I've got like two other cassettes I need to sort out that I haven't typed up yet. From like last year.

Next day..


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