


Portland, OR

Tuesday July 21, 2009

     5:20pm  I just woke up.

     6:54am  I just went in a complete circle. I went on a big walk this morning. I ended up over by the Safeway. I'm going to walk all the way over to Pioneer Plaza and find the Quizno's and refill my ice.

     7:21am  I found me a Subway instead over here on Alders Street and Park Avenue. I'm going to stand in front of the Subway and ask people for spare change for breakfast.
     7:28am  The greedy ass girl in the Subway won't give me any food. Damn, don't you know we are all connected?

                   I came to Pioneer Plaza and I'm sitting down holding my GOOGLE IT sign.

                   I came to the plaza and made a sniperat out of butts. This stupid security guard walked by and barked at me saying I couldn't smoke on the sidewalk. So I just stepped off the sidewalk and puffed away on the street. The guard told me to be sure I didn't smoke on the plaza. Oh yeah, because the smoke stays off, right? I told him, "I'll just smoke where all the cars are allowed to smoke."

     7:52am  I am having fun standing in front of the Pioneer Courthouse giving my site away and yelling at people, calling them ignorant when they ignore me. This chump walked out of the courthouse and bitched at me to move from in front of the courthouse. I casually moved like ten feet away and continued to yell at people. The idiot guard walked back and I could see him and two other guys at the window watching me yell at people. I really want to find a listener so they can see me tell my story to someone.

     9:58am  I just had an awesome presentation, Odyssey and everything with Hasna from Warms Spring, OR. She's originally from Canada. She's half native American and half Irish. Beautiful girl, no?

     10:45am  I went to the library to check my email and I just got a friend request on MySpace from Victor Gruber! Some guy from Venezuela who has my same name! He says his dad's name is Antonio Gruber. That's out of this world.

                     Girl at library who let me borrow her marker

                     Look up Letters to the Earth by Mark Twain

     12:34pm  Mike hooked me up with a cigarette in front of the library. I appreciate it, Mike. Everybody gets credit.

     12:43pm  Ha, I asked this girl in front of the library if she had a marker and she let me borrow it. I needed a piece of cardboard so I went in this store and asked if they had any empty boxes. This lady gave me a perfect panel to make a sign with. My new sign says, FREE HUGS AND/OR BREAST EXAMS. Hell yeah! This sign is going to be a hit!

                     Haha, some guy just came up to me and said, "In our time of bad health you are providing a great service." Ha, I yell at people, "Before it's too late!"

     1:29pm  Gabrielle was nice enough to volunteer me her vegetarian lunch. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Robbie just volunteered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:22pm  Tiffany walked up and wanted to take a picture of me and my sign. She gave me two dollars so I could get more printouts. I am almost out of havethisbook.coms.

     2:29pm  Sidney gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, sister. Everybody gets credit.

                   FREE HUGS AND/OR BREAST EXAMS


     4:04pm  Whoa, I just met another guy from San Antonio! He listened to my story great. He told me about some naked cowboy guy.

     5:11pm  Something weird happened. This guy named Riyad. He let me borrow his phone in front of the library earlier. I called some dude Michael who had emailed me:

> From: Michael Walsh <>
> Subject: Hey
> To:
> Date: Sunday, July 19, 2009, 7:07 PM
> Hello.
> I met you last saturday and I was intrigued. You
> bummed a cig from me.
> No, I am not gay, but what difference would it make
> anyway?
> Let me be blunt, I believe in your cause, so can I
> hang with you for awhile?
> Let me travel with you and see where it takes
> us.
> More people the better. let me join the cause
> for it is important to me.
> What do you think?
> Michael

my reply:

From: victor antonio <>
Subject: Re: Hey
To: "Michael Walsh" <>
Date: Monday, July 20, 2009, 11:13 PM

Do you think you could keep up? I try and tell my story every chance I get, to absolutely anyone who will listen. My story is my bread and butter and the more I tell it the better it gets. It evolves. I eat, breath and sleep world peace through marijuana. It is my obsession. A necessary one, if you ask me. What do you mean by hang with me? How free are you? Ever been hitchhiking without money? For instance, last Saturday I was playing the undercover-bum role hardcore on 82nd and Powell. It was a full day of work for me. From like 8am to 3pm. This morning I did it again, but from like 7am. My stuff is getting out there the way I do it. I even yell at each person who ignores my site, "Well damn, have you always been that ignorant? Nobody wants world peace! Good little slave! I guess you like war! If you're not part of the cure you're part of the disease. Then I turn around and let them see my website on the back of my shirt. Hehe, I
have fun with it. Anyway, I have to go. Only got fifteen minutes on the computer.. Peace.

- Victor Antonio

his reply:

dude i have plenty of time to hang-I thought you would want more people-the more the merrier-if not just let me know-I have a laptop we can always use-I have what it takes because I feel the same as you dude.

Been on the street preaching the same-we just haven't hung. I am in Portland right around 82nd ave and powell. Doing the same as you-let me know because we could be better as a team.

Let me know. goota smoke a bone dude. later/.

This is no BS. hitchhiking I have done way more dude.

Let me know.....

Michael (503) 560-0273

                    Homeless lady

                   When Riyad saw me again he was all, "Victor Antonio, just who I was looking for." Surprised I said, "Have I met you before?" He told me he had let me borrow his phone in front of the library. When I tried calling Michael earlier nobody answered, but I guess he called back and told Riyad about some deal and something about five hundred dollars and marijuana. That's weird. I'm supposed to meet this Riyad guy at 6:45pm in front of the courthouse. We'll see what happens.
     7:22pm  Holy shit, somebody said I was a fed, a snitch. See, I told this street kid my story earlier in the plaza. He listened to me great and agreed with me. He even let me take his picture. He just came up to me and called me a fed. Some guy named Trouble who I had met in San Luis Obispo said I was. He's in prison now, because I supposedly ratted him out. I told the street kid, "You should check my website, bro. I have been documenting my life honestly for the past seven years and I try to do only good. I'm not going to compromise my mission. You can think what you want."

     7:36pm  Holy shit, there's all this drama going down. I walked up to these street kids and it seems word is getting around that I am a fed. Haha. I walked up to the street kids and this stupid bum girl told me, "Get away from us. You're the guy with the blue backpack. You should go. My friend doesn't like you." Dude, they actually think I'm a fed. Oh yeah, I am working for the government, guys. They're paying me money. Haha.

                   Ha, I got all these bum kids all riled up. They are all talking shit about me. What a good chapter today is! Everybody gets credit! I am conducting a study on ignorance. I was just testing all you bums. Get a job! Hahaha. That stupid girl was all, "You're too clean to be a homeless person." I told her, "You don't have to seem homeless to be homeless. You have to be lazy to seem homeles..and you seem homeless."

     8:02pm  Carl was nice enough to give me a cigarette in front of the courthouse. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   That street kid who listened to my story great earlier, when I was over there yelling at all the bums he tells me, "Your story is too scripted." I told him, "It's a story. I have to stay consistent."

                   Listener wearing T-shirt with the old Contra code.

     9:40pm  I had yet another awesome presentation with Spirit Monkey. Oddysey and all. I told him most of my stuff. Afterwards he told me his story. He worked for Clear Channel and stuff.

     10:15pm  I've decided I'm going to walk home now. Ha, home. It was cool, Spirit Monkey volunteered me five bucks in the end. I found this necklace on the  ground when I started walking home. Right afterwards I was able to score a dimebag for five bucks and the necklace, from this dude with frizzy hair. How perfect.

                     I was almost to camp, but I didn't have a cigarette. I saw some brothers sitting down on a park bench and I walked up and hit them up. Dale was nice enough to give me a Single Stick. At first I thought it was a cigar because it was in a little plastic tube.

     10:33pm  I already got to camp and made my bed. I got some weed, hell yeah. It was awesome how I found that chain necklace on the ground and it was good for five bucks.

                     That Spirit Monkey dude, I totally moved him tonight. He gave me like three big hugs. He told me that it was perfect timing for him to hear my story. He was so grateful I told him my story. What a great feeling that is. What more do I need to motivate me and keep telling it?

                     I totally exposed myself in front of the courthouse today too. I know they read my shirt. They all told me to move away from the fence and I'm sure they kept their eyes on me. They were staring at me. I had an audience as I was calling people ignorant and yelling at people. They were all standing at the window staring. I had so much fun today. Just another day at the office.

                     I was ultra-productive today. I got so much publicity. I'm sure tons of people are going to Google my shit. Holding a sign that says Google It helps get people to accept my website when I offer it.

Next day..

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