


Santa Fe, NM

Friday July 22, 2005

     6:10am  I just woke up.

     7:35am  I'm about to leave my squat here. This is a cool little bridge. It's perfect. I got hooked up with so much weed last night. I have my little film canister full with some high-grade marijuana.

     7:59am  I had a shitty presentation with one guy. He wouldn't listen to me. I'm going to walk to breakfast.

     8:03am  I forgot to tell you I'm at Sally's already.

     8:57am  I'm having a good productive time out here waiting at Sally's to do my laundry at nine. I have been smoking everybody out. I am going to do that until it's gone. I didn't pay for it. It ain't mine to keep. I smoked everybody out at Sally's. I talked to one guy and he told me, "I think I saw you last year."

     9:08am  I am sitting here waiting to do laundry. Waiting until it opens. I talked to this one guy. He was cool. He seemed Native American. He told me he had fought in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He wouldn't listen to me one bit. He said, "There's no such thing as world peace." He just walked by. I thanked him for proving me right and told him ignorance was bliss. I want to do laundry already.

     9:12am  I changed my mind. I'm going to walk into town and tell my stories. I'm going to go see if I can go buy some socks somewhere. I have twenty bucks. I need to do a supply-run. I think I'll go to Walmart and buy some tennis balls and some socks. I need to go to the college of Santa Fe and check the tennis courts there. Scavenge for tennis balls.

     9:15am  I was walking down the street and I see this lady riding a bike. She looked at me and gave her a really big smile. She smiled back and I yelled, "Hey, can I tell you a free story?" She rode around and I told her my mission objectives. She was all smiles. Awesome. I flagged her down and told her my stuff. She didn't have a computer, or else I would have given her a CD. I told her it would be everywhere pretty soon.

     9:25am  Lauri gave me a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Lauri. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:10am  Haha, I had this funny presentation with this one guy. He didn't agree with me one bit. He was all pissed off.

                     Andrea is hooking me up with a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Andrea. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     12:00pm  Oh yeah, I told this girl Andrea my story and she invited me to eat at the plaza restaurant. She even asked me if I got laid a lot.

     1:18pm  I just parted from Andrea. She said she had to go do something. She told me she would come back. She told me there was a ninety percent chance that she would come back. She told me that if she wasn't she would at least stop by and touch bases and let me know. I'm just going to sit here and read my Powershift book. I'm all stoned. I was having a good time with Andrea. We had some great conversations. She took me out to eat and everything. She's cool as hell. She lives in Berkeley. When I go there I can visit her.

     3:48pm  I just woke up from my nap in the park. Andrea never came back.

     5:27pm  I ran into Sarah in the plaza. I walked with her and told her my whole odyssey story. What was your email?

     5:34pm  The weirdest shit. I just ran into John, Ghost from Durango last year(9-2-04, 9:40am). Whoa, what a small world. I'll look it up.

     6:24pm  I met Wayne Richardson. Wayne, "I am the inventor of the turbine generator. I am more interested in getting myself into a history book, rather than making money."

     7:19pm  I'm talking to Owen. What's your email, brother?

                   I'm at my story telling spot and I just asked this girl. She told me, "You told me yesterday."

     7:47pm  I am talking to Natalie and Brisa. What's your email?

     8:09pm  Haha, I just told these two girls my story like crazy.

                   It's funny everybody here talks so much shit about the cops, but they have left me alone. I think I've told them my story last time. One cop just pulled up to me in his car and said, "You're always talking to the girls."

     8:32pm  I had this excellent presentation with this girl Jenny Lee right now. This Asian girl who just walked by. I blew her mind. I gave her a CD. I've got another believer.

     8:46pm  I walked out of the plaza with my marijuana strobe flashing. Everyone was seeing it and I was turning heads. I came back to my storytelling spot in front of the Starbucks.

     9:24pm  I'm talking to Hunter on Galisteo. Email?

     9:34pm  I had a great presentation with this one dude. He listened to me a lot. In the end he passed out and fell down! He was all about it. He believes me.

     9:45pm  Juaquin walked by and gave me a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:58pm  I'm talking to Ivana and Catherine.

     10:04pm  Manny hooked me up with a cookie and some ice cream.


     10:24pm  Emily and her friends just walked by. I hit them up for some food and they hooked us up. Enchiladas.

     10:33pm  Sean hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza. I appreciate it, Sean. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:43pm  I'm talking to Maggie Whitacomb.

     12:35am  That girl Maggie was all, "I want to help you do this."

     1:08am  I had a damn good presentation with Tim, some other guy with a walking stick. At first he told me, "I'm going to join you!" I told him I didn't think I would be leaving Santa Fe for a while.

     1:34am  I hit this one couple up for my story at my spot. The girl said, "I don't think I have the energy."

     2:56am  I am walking to the bridge to go to sleep.

Next day..

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