


Vancouver to Olympia, WA

I am missing a big six-day chunk of recordings.  My entire time in Olympia.  I don't know what happened to them.  I might have taped over them on accident.  But, I do have pictures and they speak a thousand words, don't they?  Use your imaginations.  Don't be afraid to ask me questions either.

Friday July 24, 2009

     6:06am  120camp.JPG  Last night I crashed close to the onramp.  There were all these cardboard signs with swastikas and stupid racist shit.  Luckily, where I camped was right across the street from the bus terminal. 

     6:30am  121camp.JPG, 122camp.JPG

     6:42am  123camp.JPG, 124camp.JPG

     11:25am  125street.JPG    I can't remember what town this street is in.

     11:59am  126dudes.JPG   Told my story to them at the bus terminal.

     1:13pm  127dude.JPG  I was waiting at the bus terminal and this old dude asked me if I was hungry and let me make a sandwich.  He listened great to my story. 

     4:04pm  128olympia.JPG  I rode the bus to Olympia and got off in front of this plaza.  The second I got off the bus street kids were hounding me spare a cigarette. 

     4:15pm  129sidewalk.JPG  Pretty chalk drawing in plaza.

     5:47pm  130dudes.JPG  Dudes I told my story to.  I think they eventually came back and gave me a nugget of weed.

     5:50pm  131natives.JPG  Funny sticker on pole

     6:11pm  132dude.JPG  Great listener.  He ended up living at Media Island.

     6:27pm  133freehugs.JPG

     6:38pm  134dudes.JPG  Listeners

     7:30pm  135egyhop.JPG  EGYHOP is a community service that gives out food every night around seven.  They also have random other stuff homeless and travelers need.  Great people.

     8:43pm  136mediaisland.JPG  I was shown Media Island.  This hip house where they have all these computers and broadcast a radio show from a studio in the back.  Possible typing resource, for sure.

     10:03pm  137betdollar.JPG  Some guy wearing a stupid hat

Next day..

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