


Santa Fe, NM

Monday July 25, 2005

     6:30am  I'm sitting here where I crashed last night at my little camp. That pisses me off that I got 86'ed from Santa Fe. Nobody wants to hear the truth. That makes me mad. I had told the kid that I forgave him. Damnit, I'm going to walk back into town and try to get a courtesy ride to Española.

                   I'm going to. I don't give a damn. I am fearless, remember. I'm going back to catch the bus. All it is, is a sign to leave. It's okay, I have much work to do. I can work anywhere.

     6:55am  I just got all resinated. I'm not sure where I should walk. How about you give me another sign, Love? I'm not sure what to do. Screw it, I'll just walk all the way to the bus stop downtown.

     6:57pm  Yeah, I'm going to walk back into town.

                    I crashed off of Bishop Lodge Road. Bishop Lodge was the street I walked North on and found a place to crash last night. The thousand block. 

                    There's a sign here that says, "I can get from the house to here in ten seconds. How fast can you run?" Beware of dog.

     7:47am  I have an update to make. I was hanging out in front of the statue of Saint Francisco de Assisi. The patron saint of Santa Fe. I told my story heartily in front of the statue. I'm fearless. I don't have to leave if I don't want to. Come get me, I dare you.

                   I'm going to go to the bus stop and see if I can get a courtesy ride to Española.

     7:53am  I didn't tell you. I'm at the bus stop already. I've been here for like five or ten minutes. It's two dollars to get to Española. I'm going to see if I can get a courtesy ride.

     7:57am  The bus driver wouldn't give me a courtesy ride. I called him a greedy ass

     8:02am  Bill hooked me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     8:27am  John helped me out with some busfare at the bus stop. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                   Screw it, I'm going to Los Alamos. That Rosemary lady told me I should go there. The bus just came. I have seventy five cents.

     9:09am  Daniel Vanfleet, he hooked me up with a cigarette at the buses. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:38am  I've just been hanging out at the bus station. The bus stop. I told my story to this one guy and he told me to go to Saint John's Church at noon. They have food there. I'm going to smoke some weed. The bus doesn't come until twelve, so I've got two hours. I'm not going to skip town. They don't scare me.

     10:20am  I was thinking about waiting until noon to eat at Saint John's. Chris showed up, who I told me story to the other day. He's going to Saint John's, so I'm going to follow him.

     10:42am  I came over to Saint E's. Saint Elizabeth's Resource Center. Nancy, F. McDonald and Annette are helping everybody out here. We appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

                     I had a good time at Saint E's. I told my story like crazy. Everybody is looking at me. All the old ladies.

                     I talked to John and some other guys about the threat I got last night and they said they've got my back. I've got protection. I was in the plaza for a while telling my story and nobody told me shit. Like I said, I am fearless.

     11:07am  I am telling Kendra my story here in the plaza. What was your email?

     11:25am  Kendra offered me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Kendra.

     12:13pm  I was at the library. I just got out. I spotted this hip kid outside and he ended up smoking a brother out.

     1:01pm  I just walked to the plaza. At the library I got my 2004 list written out again.

     1:13pm  I just walked all the way to the Salvation Army.

                   I forgot to make an update. I walked to the plaza and I ran into John, Rosemary and Wayne. The people I camped with the other night. They're going to go to Taos tomorrow morning. I don't want to go to Taos. I'll have to ride in the back of Hidalgo, Rosemary's truck, but I don't mind. I'm not going to Taos, though. I want to go to Los Alamos. They'll drop me off at the highway to Los Alamos. I want to go to the nuclear site there. Go spread my word there. They tell me there's lots of stoner kids out there. Cool, cool. We're back at the camp and I'll crash here tonight. Rosemary is going to write a hot check so we can get some weed.

                   Fuck the system.

     2:27pm  Wayne Richardson and I are having a joke. Wayne, "This truck driver, he's got a load of bowling balls. He's riding in his truck and he sees these two black guys on the side of the road. One of them has a bike with a flat tire. They're hitchhiking. So he pulls over, but tells them regulations say they can't ride in the cab, but he says he can let them ride in the back. But he warns them, "I have a load of bowling balls back there." They said okay, so he throws their bike in the back with them. He's driving and he notices, "Oh shit, I'm behind schedule." So he puts the hammer down and he's truckin'. A state trooper pulls him over. This young rookie. He asks for his license and registration and all this other crap. Then he tells the truck driver, "Let me see what you're carrying." He was writing up the ticket for speeding. They go around to the back of the truck and the guy opens the door. The trooper looks at him and says, "Get the fuck out of my state, now!" The guy says, "Okay, no problem." He jumps in his truck and takes off. The cop goes back to his squadcar and his partner tells him, "I've been with you for years and I have never seen you let anybody go. What's going on?" He tells him, "That motherfucker was carrying nigger eggs. Two of them hatched and they had already stolen a bike!"

                   Hardee har, har Wayne. You should be a Canadian.

                   Wayne: "Okay, the FBI, the CIA and the LAPD are having an argument as to who is the best law enforcement group in the country. So, President Bush, in his infinite wisdom said, "What we're going to do is we're going to take this little white bunny rabbit. We'll put the bunny rabbit in the woods. We'll give each of you a shot and whoever can get the rabbit out first is obviously the best at catching criminals." So the CIA guy goes in and they set up their animal surveillance network. Fucking spies and stool pigeons and shit. They put fucking cameras in all the trees and shit. They come back about six months later saying, "We have conclusively proved there is no such thing as bunny rabbits." The FBI goes in and burns down half the woods, because the damned bunny rabbit deserves it anyway. The LAPD goes in and come back in like an hour and a half with a racoon screaming, "Okay, Okay, I'm a bunny rabbit!" I think the LAPD won."

                   But seriously, folks. Wayne had some other jokes, but they were stupid(too).

                   I'm not sure what time it is, but I should make another update already. I can't find the camp again. I'm walking up and down the road here looking for a familiar entrance.

                   Cool, I found it eventually. Oh yeah, I'm having a good night. We got some weed! Rosemary wrote a hot check to get weed.

     9:53pm  Rosemary and I wandered upon this random trail walking not that far from camp. Right after we crossed a road, we ran into all these kids out here drinking. Turns out they recognized me from my story-telling in the plaza. We just took these random turns and here we are.

                   Oh yeah, and one of them gave me a cigarette! Thank you, Rachel.

                   Rosemary just started laughing and said, "Haha, you're going to save the world by being stoned!"

                   I didn't tell you. I lost Rosemary. Damnit, she disappeared. This sucks.

                   I was looking for the hill we climbed before we ran into those kids. I found it. She just walked off and disappeared! I want to find her, because she's my ride to Los Alamos tomorrow.

     12:05am  I have an update to make. I finally located Rosemary and we miraculously found our way back to camp. We got lost wandering around in the woods. Oh yeah, we ended up at some party. I thought these girls were going to strip.

Next day..

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