

                                                                                                       San Antonio, TX

Wednesday July 25, 2007

     6:52am  I woke up like maybe ten minutes ago. I'm not wearing any special shirt. I'm wearing this plain white Hanes t-shirt that I found cleaning my sister's room. It fits me nice and tight and shows off my muscle tone. Anyway, I am going to try and walk back today too. I might not walk back because I am wearing my sandals. My boots aren't dry from being ShoeGoo'd yet.
     7:41am  I just switched out to a brand new tape. I'm using a ninety-minute one because the last one was thirty. I am walking away from home. I woke up around six thirty this morning. Before I left I got the idea that I was going to make my shirt more than a regular white t-shirt for this walk. I made a badass shirt! I shortened my phrase. I wrote out all big PEACE THROUGH WEED. The word PEACE is in blue marker, THROUGH is in red and WEED I wrote with this green glitter marker I found in the closet in the kitchen. It looks so awesome. I have no doubt cars driving by will be able to read it. I want to take a picture of it, because I got twenty bucks from my sister yesterday. She still owes me thirty for cleaning her room awesome. I did a great job on that room. I'm going to go buy me a disposable camera now. Plus, I brought some more cameras to develop. I'm not going to be able to do it all with the twenty dollars. I'm going to go see my friend Heather at Walmart and get some film developed and get a camera.

                   And I just might walk downtown. I was supposed to walk downtown and back today, but I don't think I will because I'm wearing my sandals. I have socks on though, so it will be more comfortable. My boots are still ShoeGooing. I'm walking down Old Tezel. I'm going to buy a pack of Buglers at the Citgo.

     8:01am  I had a little smokebreak at the Citgo. I bought some Buglers and smoked some weed. I'm going to keep walking now. Hmm, there's thunder in the sky. Hmm, if it start raining I don't want to ruin my new shirt. It'll get all soaked and streaked, because I just made it this morning and didn't let it try very well. If it starts raining I will put my raincoat on and ride the bus. I should've really let the shirt dry. I should've worn my RELAX - I'M A PROFFESIONAL shirt. Hell yeah, peace through weed. I didn't have time to put on the back. I have my little flyers to hand out.
                   Oh yeah, last night my sister brought me home three chicken sandwiches from Church's. I ate two last night and I saved one for breakfast. I warmed up the patty in the microwave. So I'm not hungry right now. I have money if I want to buy something else. Eighteen dollars after cigarettes. Let's see, I want to develop at least two cameras. I should have enough for that and food later on. Hmm, I might need to buy Triple A batteries.

     8:46am  I hiked all the way to the Walmart on Mainland. Oh, did I tell you? It's pouring down rain. It started raining right after I walked past Tezel. I quickly took my socks off and put them in my bag and donned my raincoat. My shirt is ruined, man, even though I have my raincoat on. I am hiking downtown. At least to the other Walmart to get my film developed and shit. I could've done it at this Walmart, but I want to go say hi to my friend Heather. My favorite photo-girl. It's funny. Right now I'm under the smoking cabana here at the Walmart. It's pouring outside, so there's a lot of employees in here smoking. I just took a hit of weed right in front of them, ha. They didn't even notice.

     9:11am  The rain is letting up a little so I'm able to record now without my recorder getting soaked. It's pouring hard as hell! I'm walking the whole thing, fuck yeah! I've been walking down Bandera giving every single car the peace sign. Everybody's going to think I am friggin' nuts for walking in this downpour. Hell yeah, this is awesome. I much rather walk downtown in the rain than in the blazing heat. I am going to walk to the other Walmart and then I'm going to walk all the way downtown. For real. My persistent-consistency, man. Third time in a row I walk downtown, every other day.

                   I'm going to turn left here on Huebner and walk down Evers to Glenridge to the other Walmart. Over by the dollar movies. I'm really going to do this today. I can do eet!

     9:25am  Walking down Evers. Coming up on Raymond Rimkus Park.

     9:54am  Turning left on Glenridge.

     10:02am  I just walked all the way to the other Walmart. The one over by the dollar movies. My recorder is getting a little wet. I hope it doesn't mess up. Anyway, I'm going to go see if Heather is working.

     10:23am  I am freezing. I just came out of Walmart. I dropped off my film, like four cameras total. I'm going to get prints on one of them. My favorite photo-girl Heather was working. I'm going to pick them up tomorrow. I'm going to smoke a cigarette, smoke some weed and take off walking downtown. I need to get walking so I can warm up. Needless to say I am pretty damp and the Walmart was seriously cold. I thought I would buy a hotdog, but I said screw it, I can eat somewhere else. Somewhere warmer.

     10:36am  I am leaving the Walmart. My good friend Heather was here. I came outside and took a badass smokebreak. I took two big hits right there in front of the store. I bummed a cigarette off a lady smoking because I had the shivers and couldn't roll one. Anyway, I'm going to keep walking downtown. I'm going to walk Evers downtown.

     10:49am  I just got stuck in the mud underneath Loop 410. There's some bum lying down in a dry spot. Now I need to find a puddle to clean out my sandals. I'm going to keep walking now.

     10:52am  Walking in front of Pat Neff Middle School. My older sister Diana went here.

     11:07am  I just hit Bandera.

     11:35am  I'm over close to the Speedy Stop. The place I stopped at before. There's a Mexican Restaurant here. I'm going to go hit them up. I'm hungry.

     11:38am  Maria en Taqueria Jalisco en Bandera me esta dando gasolina para el estomago. Te lo agradezco, señora. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     11:47am  Dude, I got so blessed at the taqueria. I had even stopped at the Fred's Fish Fry right before. I had money. I was going to buy something to eat. I stepped inside and it was really cold. I was shivering because I was wet. I said screw it, being sure there was a taqueria somewhere closeby on Bandera. I walked past the Speedy Stop and I see this big old covered drive-through. It was a taqueria! I walked in the door and it wasn't nearly as cold. I gave them my line and they hooked me up with two big tacos. Carne guisada. They were so delicious. I'm going to come out here and take a smokebreak. In the dryness, hell yeah. It's perfect how the universe provided for me. I was hungry. I'm full now and it didn't cost me a damn thing. It's so good to be free.

     11:57am  I am leaving the taqueria. I'm going to keep walking downtown. I've got a full stomach. They were delicious tacos. I handed them my webpage and said, "My books ready," in Spanish. I said, "Victor Antonio de San Antonio. Yo soy San Antonio."

                   Maria even volunteered me a coffee. I was grateful and told her I was cold too.

     11:59am  I just passed Cheryl. The sun's coming out. It's beautiful.

                   And it was Taqueria Jalisco #6. Right next to Bandera Jalisco. Right next to it.

                   Remember to add in my Odyssey, when I say how I gave away all my stuff on my mom's lawn, when I say, "If I gave all my stuff away I would have nothing to lose and I could walk to California." After that start singing the Grateful Dead song that goes, "Freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. Nothing ain't worth nothing, but it's free."

     12:08am  Oh yeah, I never told you. My t-shirt is awesome now! It totally looks custom made. It's just awesome how the markers smeared. It looks all rainbow. It says, "Peace Through," That's it, because WEED disappeared and the green ink got smeared around on the shirt. I just have to write in the word WEED and it'll be awesome.

                   Hmm, I bought me a new disposable camera, so I should be taking pictures. I've got it in my bag. I should stop sometime and take it out and take some pictures. The sun's coming up and the rain is letting down. I've been giving people the peace sign all day long. What a crazy-fun morning. Everybody's going to know me.

     12:14pm  Turning left on Ashby for no reason whatsoever.

     12:18pm  Walking by the Mexican American Cultural Center. 3115 W Ashby.

     12:23pm  I'm about to pass Wilson on Ashby. I think there's barely no traffic, I'm walking through a neighborhood. Nobody can see me. I'm going to hop over to Bandera, which this run parallel to. I'll walk down there. More people will see down there. Remember, all my walking is a simple publicity stunt.

                   Hmm Cincinnati looks like it has a lot of traffic. There's a stoplight. Turning left on Cincinnati.

                   I stopped and put my raincoat in my bag. Hell yeah, I need somebody to take a picture of me. When I hit downtown. My feet are alright. Let me give you a status report on my feet. I am wearing sandals with no socks. Once it dries out I can put my socks back on. They feel alright. It's awesome. I am having so much fun playing in the rain like a little kid splashing through the puddles and everything. The water is soothing to the blisters that are forming. Hmm, now that I look down I see blood leaking down the sides. I'm going to keep walking though. I'll stop. I think I have bandaid in my wallet. If I don't I can go to the NIX hospital by Travis Park and borrow some supplies. I might be able to get more tape. I lost the tape I had that Cheryl gave me the day before yesterday. Then I can patch that up and walk all the way back. I'm walking back today, guys. I feel great!

     12:30pm  I'm walking in front of the house across the street from 1615. This dog ran up to me and I bent over and cooed him, "Hey, come here and give me some lovin'!" At first he barked at me then he came over and sniffed me and let me pet him. The owner was all trying to call him over. After I stopped and pet his dog he said, "Wow, I wish more people would do that." I'm just giving him some lovin', hehe. Passing Neff Street.

                   Hey, there's another dog over there by the stop sign.

                   Wow, Woodlawn Lake is coming up. I'm going to take a picture of that. What a great walk I am having today. I feel just great. I am the happiest man in the world.

                   Cincinnati hits Josephine Tobin over at Woodlawn Lake. The sun is coming out. It's just beautiful. I'm happy right now. Not feeling sad. I got sunshine in a bag. I'm useless but not for long. The future is coming on.

                   I'm going to smoke some more weed, hehe.

     12:40pm  I'm about to walk underneath the big green Josephine Tobin Drive sign.

                     These kids just drove by in a car and one yelled, "Marijuana!" My shirt doesn't even say anything about weed! The WEED disappeared in the rain. It just says Peace Through. I'm going to write in WEED as soon as I get home.

     12:42pm  Passing Elmendorf.

     12:46pm  I passed by some card reader. I'm going to go tell my story.

     12:50pm  The house was 827 Cincinnati Street, I think. I went in there and there was this couple of Mexican ladies. One agreed to listen and I gave her my introduction and mission objectives. She was willing to listen and I sat down, but I offered her my website immediately, because the TV was on loud and it just didn't feel like a good time for my story. I'm going to keep walking. Hey, puppy.

     12:53pm  Passing by the Zion Lutheran Church. It's a beautiful building.

                      I crossed over some creek. It didn't have a name It might be the Alazan Creek which I walked past a couple days ago. I'm still on Cincinnati. Oh yeah, and I took a couple pictures of Woodlawn Lake. The first one I took I regretted taking it because I just walked a little further and there was a much better shot. The second one is better in front of the dam. I didn't take a picture of the big green Josephine Tobin Drive sign, because I told you what it's like and you can imagine it, hehe. And I had just wasted a picture at the lake anyway. I'm going to keep walking. I just passed N Sabina Street.

     12:57pm  I'm about to walk underneath some highway, I don't know what it is. There's no onramp right here.

                      North Trinity is the street light.

                      It's the Mcdermitt Freeway. It's I10.

                      Holy shit! I left my bag somewhere. I was just walking and noticed I didn't have anything on me. Oh shit, I have to backtrack. I wonder where I left it.

                      All it has in it is my raincoat. I have to find it. I'm walking back.

                      I can't believe I forgot my bag. I could've sworn I had it on my back. I don't remember where I could've left it. I remember I took off my raincoat on Cincinnati. I'm walking back.

                      Oh yeah! I left it at the card reader's place. Shweet, I remembered.
     1:23pm  I came back over to the card reader's place, the Botanica. 827 Cincinnati. Pauline was nice enough to give me some stuff for my feet. Bandaids and stuff. I feel much better now.

     1:27pm  Do you see how I forgot my bag on purpose now? My feet feel great now. She gave me some Bandaids, I got to clean up my feet. I got to dry off my sandals a little with toilet paper before I put my socks on. My feet feel so great. I'm glad I brought that pair of socks. I knew this would happen. I'm going to keep walking downtown, and walk back! It's still not raining, so I have to be careful not to step in puddles because I've got my socks on.

     1:29pm  Crossing over that creek again and passing the Zion Lutheran Church again. They were all nice to me at the card reader's place. They even offered me food. I told them, "It's okay, I got hooked up at the Taqueria Jalisco #6 on Bandera not too long ago." They were all treating me nice. They gave me a lot of stuff to take with me too. Like a triple antibiotic, the rest of the Bandaids and some cotton-balls. Guess what else they gave me. They gave me a new roll of medical tape! I totally manifested that. Do you remember earlier how I told you I had lost my tape that Cheryl had given me? What a great manifest. The blessings are aplenty today. It's because I am doing some good work.

     1:35pm  Passing underneath I10 again. I'm done backtracking. Still on Cincinnati passing Kensington Street.

     1:40pm  Just hit Fredericksburg, turning left. Right, I mean. I'm all disoriented, hehe.

     1:45pm  I just re-donned my raincoat because it's raining again. I heard at the card reader's place that it was going to be raining all day.

     1:48pm  Passing Culebra.

                   I walked Fredericksburg to Cypress to San Pedro.

     2:11pm  I am already downtown. I'm almost to Travis Park. Oh yeah, I wanted to mention. Wasn't it cool how the sun was out when I lost my raincoat and right when I got it back it started raining again?

                   See, when I had first passed the card reader's house I just dismissed stopping. Then I took a couple more steps and asked myself why not. It's not like I have a hot date waiting downtown. I went and tried to tell my story, but I changed my mind and gave them my webpage. I ended up leaving my bag there, on purpose, it seems. When I noticed it missing I went back and was able to get my feet all cleaned up and treated for the rest of my walk. I'm walking right now with my socks on and I don't care if they're getting wet. I mean, I'm avoiding puddles and stuff, but it's raining. I don't care. My feet feel great! I'm going to walk back too! I'm going to leave like at three 'o clock from Travis Park. I'm going to get something to eat too. I'm kind of hungry. I've walked off those two tacos from Jalisco #6. They were delicious carne guisada.

     2:43pm  I walked all the way to Travis Park, like twenty miles, again. I've done it twice already every other day. This is my walking day. Tomorrow will be my typing day. I'm going to keep doing that. Anyway, I walked all the way downtown and I am having a beautiful listener named BJ. Can I take your picture?

     3:23pm  I went to Travis Park and had a great presentation with beautiful BJ. This pretty black lady. I'm going to start walking back now. I was already past the important part in my story and she had to leave to go get some weed. I told her I would wait for her at the park so I could finish, but I'm going to walk back home now. I'll walk back up to Bandera.

                   Oh yeah, it started raining hard again. I'm loving it, I'm loving it.

     3:39pm  I'm having fun in the pouring down rain. Right now I just walked up to the Valero on Euclid. I wanted to make sure I had my camera and couldn't feel it through my bag. I have to take my raincoat off to get to my bag. This guy just pulled up and asked me, "Hey, do you want a brand new pair of socks?" I've been splashing through the puddles in my socks so I told him yeah sure. Kickass, now I have some dry socks so when I get home I'll have some dry socks to put on. Umm, I shouldn't have accepted them. He probably assumed I was homeless and got caught out in the rain. I should have told him, "Keep them. I just did my laundry at home. I've got plenty of socks(which I do)."

     3:56pm  About five minutes ago I turned left on Culebra. I'm going to walk to Bandera.

     4:31pm  I am coming up on Bandera. It's still pouring hard.

     4:33pm  Now hitting Bandera.

     4:45pm  Passing W Ashby. Deja vu.

     4:51pm  About to pass Woodlawn.

     5:00pm  I am stopping at the Taqueria Jalisco #6 again to use the restroom.

     5:16pm  I went inside the taqueria and asked the pretty girl inside if she would take my picture for my website. She took it for me. I had asked these two Mexican guys before while I was outside smoking but they refused to. In Spanish I was all, "Come on, just take a picture of me. Just real quick. You can't do me that favor?" They just walked inside.

     5:18pm  I am leaving the taqueria. I smoked some weed. I'm all stoned. The rain is letting up, cool. I'm a little cold. I'm shivering while I walk. Actually, that happens right after I smoke weed sometimes.

     5:25pm  Walking by the Speedy Stop.

     5:34pm  I stopped, bent over and had a good stretch. Right by Hillcrest.

     5:57pm  I just passed Callaghan.

     6:13pm  Did I tell you I walked under Loop 410? I'm coming up on Wurzbach now. In front of Schlotsky's. There's a fire truck coming.

     6:15pm  I'm walking almost to Wurzbach. Man, I'm stupid. I should've been wearing my rainbow beanie today. The sun wasn't out. I've been wearing my Gillagin hat. I just put my beanie on.

     6:20pm  It's weird, I just saw the 610 bus. I thought they cut that bus route.

     6:23pm  I'm walking down Bandera. The downhill part is real cool. This dude in traffic across the street, he saw me walking and honked at me after seeing me give people the peace sign. He gave me the peace sign. I yelled HAVETHISBOOK.COM. It's free! It's all about the marijuana!

                   I yelled, "I just waked downtown. I'm walking back now."

     6:37pm  It stopped raining. I took my raincoat off. I feel so free today.

                   Just now I am starting to feel tired. Not tired so much but just achy. I have these serious chafe scars on my legs from my cargo shorts. My feet still feel great. They have had a soft wet cushion all this time.

     6:44pm  Crossing Huebner. I'm going to go get hooked up at this taqueria. That's what I'm going to do. Dinner.

     6:52pm  Veronica en la taqueria Jalisco #8 me esta dando comida. Te lo agradesco, señorita. Todo el mundo recibe credito, gracias.

     7:05pm  Man, what a great surprise I just got. This meal that was just laid in front of my face. It's a huge high quality burrito with a side bean-and-cheese taco. I should take a picture of it, but that would probably freak these people out, hehe.

     7:27pm  I am leaving the Taqueria Jalisco #8. Man, Taqueria Jalisco has had my back today. I got hooked up at number eight and number six! I'm walking home now. My chafes are hurting like hell.

     7:33pm  Oh yeah, in the middle of telling BJ my story these kids stopped and recognized me and said, "Hey, Victor." I quickly told them, "Hey, my webpage is up," and handed it to them. I told them, "I'm in mid-presentation right now so just check out my website." Oh yeah, and BJ was all bible thumper. She did listen to my story good though. She loved me. She said I had really nice legs. I took her picture. When I had first met her at Travis Park it was pouring rain. I went and bought a hotdog. I had asked the hotdog guy, "Hey, will you give me a hotdog?" He was all, "It's two dollars." I had my money read and I told him, "I know. What? You don't think know the rules?" He laughed. I went over to the bus shelter here and a lot of other people were underneath. That BJ girl, which I didn't know said, "Oh, you brought me something?" I told her, "Yeah, have a bite." She said no at first, but I insisted. She tried to tear a piece of with her hands and I went, "No! With your mouth. Have a bite." She took a bite. She was real happy. Then she told me, "Now if you could sell me some weed that would be perfect." I told her, "Sorry, I don't sell." I stealthily loaded up a hit in my fake cigarette and told her, "But, I'll give you a hit off my special cigarette." I hooked her up good. Then I asked her if she was a good listener and she said sure. I told her I had a good story that I told people. We went across the street and stood dry in front of a building. I told her my story and she just adored it. She reacted greatly to all of it. She was following me great. She was still Jesus this and Jesus that. I told her my whole LOVE explanation. I told her praise love, it's all we need. She didn't disagree with that. Anyway, I am walking home.

                   Oh shit, I'm going to make it home before the sun comes down! I walked downtown and back before the sun came down! Hell yeah, I didn't even leave that early. I left like at eight.

     7:48pm  Walking in front of the Walmart on Mainland.

     7:59pm  I stopped at the bus stop across the street from the Cabo Tropica Grill, where Peter Piper Pizza used to be a long time ago. I'm going to take a smokebreak before I walk up the Guilbeau hill.

     8:04pm  I am walking.

     8:29pm  I am really liking my training regimen lately. Alternating typing days and walking days. I am going to evolve eventually to where I'm going to walk around one of the loops. That would be some awesome publicity. Maybe when I get back from my East Coast trip.

                   And I won't walk around it with my pack. I'll have my little bag which I've got right now. I'll take my raincoat and a couple shirts. It'll take me a while. Whenever the sun goes down I'll just hit people up for a place to sleep. I'll tell them, "I am walking around Loop 410. Can I crash at your house? I'll be out in the morning. I won't even eat breakfast or take a shower or nothing. I just need sleep so I can walk tomorrow."

     8:31pm  I must be zoning out. About five minutes ago I passed Tezel. I am almost home, man. I just crossed in front of the old Albertson's. Right across the street from Coke Stevenson Middle School. My alma mater.

                   The sky looks beautiful right now. I'm going to take a picture.

                   Damnit, I didn't have the flash on. I hope there was enough light.

                   I'm going to walk to the Church's and tell them, "Hey, I just walked all the way downtown. I'm walking back home now. I don't suppose that's worth a free chicken sandwich is it?"

     8:38pm  I didn't hit up the Church's after all. I'm walking down Old Tezel now. This is the last stretch.

     8:48pm  The eagle has landed. Victor's back home.

     9:36pm  I just got out of the hot shower and I'm going to crash out now. I'm tired.

Next day..


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