


San Antonio, TX

Friday July 25, 2008

     5:48am  I got 4.38 hours of sleep. That's not that much, but I can take a nap later. I want to get some weed today.

     1:43pm  I am leaving for a walk. Earlier this morning I went to the Perry house and Joey was only there. I asked him if he knew where I could get any weed. I have money. I'm going to go back now and see if anybody else is there.
     2:17pm  Whenever I get a chance on the computer, because my mom's on it all the time. The cord to her laptop broke and she's waiting for them to send her another one. Next time I get on look for the quote from Matt Damon from Dogma, that whole quote about God and religion.

                   210-815-9098, Erica

     2:54pm  Hell yeah, Humplick was home and I got all stoned at the Perry house. Welcome back, Victor. He was playing Call of Duty 4 online. I saw Nemo again and I tried telling him my story, but his eyes were locked on the game Humplic was playing. He was actually able to listen some and had good reactions to key points I made. I didn't tell him my Odyssey though. I just gave him my website. I'm all stoned. I've got money too, so I'm going to get me some weed too. I'm going to walk to Church's and get something to eat and look at my sidewalk they're building. I'm going to walk to the Walmart and buy some batteries so I can take pictures of my new sidewalk.

                   Man, I shouldn't spend money on batteries. I should go back to my mom's and plug in my rechargeables. my moms computer is all messed up. It's because she's running that bad copy of Window's XP. The one that I found out was bad when I tried using it on Nat's computer in Montgomery. I need to format it and install a fresh copy.

     4:03pm  I just walked up and they are indeed building a sidewalk! I can't wait to take pictures of it. I don't want to wait for my batteries to charge. I'm going to go to the Walmart and come back. I am so glad they're building this sidewalk. I am really happy.

                   Haha, somebody else has already tagged the sidewalk! Somebody wrote, "Thnx 4 The SIDEWALK, BITCH." How awesome is that?! That's hilarious. Oh yeah, they cleaned my tag on the fence. You can still see it kind of.

     4:22pm  What a majestic feeling. My tag worked. They had to build it after that. It was just too blatantly obvious a sidewalk needed to be there. And to top it off somebody else wrote thanks for the sidewalk, bitch! Hell yeah, that's probably directed at me. My pleasure.

                   I'm fuckin' famous. People have already been honking at me. Right now some guy just drove by in a white van and yelled, "Victor! It's me, Mario. Remember?" I yelled, "Give me a ride!"

                   Mario just came back around and he picked me up. I had seen the bus coming in the other direction and I hopped across the street to try and get a courtesy ride to Ingram. It ended up heading towards my mom's, so I said forget it. Right when I get off the bus Mario had come back around for me. Courtesy ride either way. When I walked up he asked me what I was doing and I told him I was looking for some weed. He said he sold, but only chronic. I only wanted to spend like ten bucks.

     5:57pm  Man, I am having the best welcome back to San Antonio. Mario and I went to his house and I told him my story. I've known Mario for years. He used to work with me at Albertstons and knows Carlos. We were all reminiscing about the old days.

     6:10pm  Mario just dropped me off at University Hospital.

     6:12pm  David is the security guard at the transfer center here again. That's awesome! I missed David.

     6:19pm  I forgot to tell you. I jumped on the 92. Man, I got smoked out rowdy by Mario. We went to his house and I got to tell him my story. He had never heard it. After my great presentation I showed him the leaf blower video. We were all talking about life back in the Albertson's days. I am really happy right now. Oh yeah, and right when I got on the bus I found like five random transfers on the seat. All different letters. That's a great start to my transfer-stash, perfect. Welcome back to San Antonio, Victor. I never want to leave again.

     7:05pm  I was almost downtown on the 92, but I got off close to the Pizza Hut on San Pedro. I'm going to go hit them up for mistakes.

                   They told me no at Pizza Hut. I started walking down San Pedro and a bus pulled up at Euclid. I asked the driver if he could give me a courtesy-hop downtown and he told me, "No, you gotta pay fare." I told him I was just testing him. Good little slave.

                   I'm going to go to Jack in the Box. Cristan's Taco's isn't open. I'm going to go buy a burger.

                   I just found out today was Friday. My watch has been wrong all day.

     8:11pm  The greedy ass at the Paloma Riverwalk wouldn't let me use the restroom. I had asked one of the downtown Centro people where the nearest restroom was and this guy directed me into the restaurant. I walked towards the bathroom door and this asshole who works there yells at me customers only. I told him the Centro guy had just directed me there. I called him a greedy ass to his face.

                   Man, I just realized I lost my sack of weed Mario had given me. That really sucks. It was some high-grade. All he had to put it in was a huge gallon-size Ziploc. I had taken a hit at Travis Park and I guess it came out of my pocket since it was in that big baggy.

                   Hmm, maybe that's a sign to go walk around on the Riverwalk. It's packed with tourists right now. Now if I get hassled by the cops I won't have any weed on me.

                   I've been passing out my website to tourists. I even went over by the Five and Dime and rolled a cigarette right in front of these two Park Policeman. I made sure they saw my shirt. Maybe I'll walk to Commerce and stand there.

     10:01pm  Megan hooked me up with a cigarette at Travis Park. I appreciate it.

     10:38pm  I jumped on the 88 Lineup. It will only go as far as Bandera and 410. I'll walk home from there.

     10:54pm  I just had a great presentation with this beautiful girl with a baby on the bus. I got on the bus and she smiled at me. So I eventually stood up and approached her with my story. I had to yell it over the bus noise, but she really enjoyed it. She wouldn't let me take her picture though.

                     I only have twenty bucks left. It sucks that I lost that badass weed that Mario gave me. Before I realized I lost it I was scurrying around looking for a drugstore to buy a mint container for my weed. I finally settled for a TicTac container. I dumped all the TicTacs in the trash. I gave this homeless guy a couple. Then I walked around looking for a restroom so I could put my weed in it. Oh yeah, the building the Walgreen's was in got demolished. It's not there anymore. I finally found a drugstore over by Rivercenter Mall. I bought some TicTacs and then I went to a restroom only to discover I had lost my weed. It got kind of boring downtown tonight. Not that many people reacted to my shirt.  Some dude I told my story to.

     11:03pm  I just got off the bus at Bandera and 410. Oh yeah, I think I'm going to walk around 1604 soon. I shouldn't leave San Antonio for a while. I should start training for my 1604 walk. I'll walk with my pack.

     11:17pm  I walked to Wurbach and Evers. I'm going to go hit up the Dominos for mistakes.

     11:21pm  Chris at Dominos is hooking me up with a pizza.

                     Man, that was just perfect. I went to the Dominos only to find the door locked. Just then a delivery driver pulled up. When he got out of his car I asked him, "Hey, do you think you guys have any mistakes inside you could hook me up with?" He said he didn't know. I asked him, "Can you go in there and check for me?" He said sure. He went inside and shortly after came out with a pizza for me. I'm going to walk over to Planet K and share it. I want to see if they have acrylic one-hitters.

                      I went to Planet K and they didn't sell acrylic one-hitters.  I gave them half of my pizza and when I walked out I saw this young couple outside and hit them up for my story.  They listened great and let me use their phone to call Laura.

     12:15am  Oh yeah, I forgot. I called Laura and she's going to come pick me up. I'm going to help her with her garage sale tomorrow.

     1:19am  I am going to bed. I'm going to crash in the living room on top of these couch cushions.

Next day..

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