


     Santa Fe, NM

Tuesday July 27, 2004

     7:10am  The next morning. Last night was cool. I finally found that wall I took a picture of. I ran into the street kids again. Mo and Two-Guns(a guy named Victor), Bruce and all the other people. I crashed under this bridge next to Alameda. I had a good night's rest and now I'm going to walk to Sally's and take a shower. The Salvation Army.

     8:44am  I forgot to mention I had come to The Salvation Army and had breakfast. I am on the shower list now.

     9:15am  I just got out of the Allsup's. I took a shit at the Allsup's.

     10:07am  Jacko hooked me up with a cigarette outside The Salvation Army. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:14am  I am leaving The Salvation Army. I scored me breakfast, a shower, I shaved, and all the good stuff.

                     I'm going to walk to the plaza. There is supposed to be a big farmer's market there, or something. Good publicity for me.

     11:17am  Savannah hooked me up with cigarette in the plaza. Thank you so much.

     11:29am  I went over to some smoke shop and told this guy Eric my story. We are waiting for it to open. He gave me a light. I appreciate it, brother.

                     Sweet, the head-shop opened up and Eric hooked me up with three cigarettes. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:17pm  I came to the library. I am in line to wait for a computer at 12:30pm.

     1:00pm  I just got off the computer in the library. I didn't have any new emails in any of my addresses. I popped in one of my CD's and read last year's Santa Fe experience. I got hooked up last year at Villa Linda Mall by some guy named Jack at the Ritz Camera place. I'm going to see if I can do a re-run of that. I'm going to go to the plaza and try to get smoked out first.

     1:02pm  I am at the plaza now. I hope something cool happens.

                   I got bored in the plaza real quick. I went up to the street kids and asked them what bus I take to get to the Villa Linda Mall. Horse hooked me up with a bus pass.

                   I am meant to go there today.

                   Let me see if I can get hooked up with a camera. I hope Jack still works there.

     1:49pm  It was awesome. I got hooked up with a bus pass at the plaza. Right when I walk up to where the buses line up I see the #2 that says, "Villa Linda," on it. Like I said, I am meant to go there.

     2:00pm  I am at the Villa Linda Mall. I'm going to go try my luck.

     2:08pm  I came to the bathroom at the mall and put on my blue shirt and my rainbow beanie. I am going to look just like I did last year.

     2:22pm  I found the Ritz Camera place. Jack wasn't working anymore. I asked the guy working, Ari, if I could tell him my story and he listened attentively. Ari hooked me up with a camera after hearing my story too! I appreciate it, brother.

                    Ari gave me a destination for tonight. He had to work so I couldn't keep talking to him, but he said he would love to get together and listen to more of my stuff, over a fat bowl of weed. He told me to meet him at The Punk Rock. Some sculpture in front of The Atomic Grill. Be there at 10:30 tonight.

                    I scored a camera. Callin' the shots. Callin' the shots. Once again, it is my persistent consistency which will ensure the success of this mission. I came here last year and did the same thing(6-29-03:5:21pm). Now, guess where I'm going to go. I'm going to the Cici's and get hooked up again. Just you watch.

     2:30pm  I am calling the shots. I'm getting hooked up again at Cici's. It's not even the same guy. I'm going to eat. I am hungry.

     2:52pm  Philip was the manager at Cici's. I got hooked up again just like I did last year.

     3:14pm  I went to the bathroom and put my thermal on and I got my rain poncho ready. Man, it's pouring outside. Just like that. It started raining. Oh yeah, the guy from Cici's gave me two cigarettes. I'm so full. I had two full plates of pizza. Callin' the shots. Callin' the shots.

     3:17pm  I am back on the #2 bus going back downtown.

                   Oh yeah, Ira from the Ritz Camera place told me to meet him by the Atomic Grill and he's going to smoke me out.

     3:32pm  I am on the bus going back downtown. That guy's name at the Cici's was Philip Mark Vigil. He's a DJ/producer. He gave me his card. His email is

     3:52pm  I met this Mexican guy on the bus, who I had met at The Salvation Army. He speaks Spanish. We are going to walk somewhere and smoke some weed.

     4:09pm  Juan, the guy I met on the bus is smoking me out and he gave me a cigarette. Te lo agradezco, hermano. Todo el mundo recibe crédito en mi juego.

     4:57pm  I came back to The Salvation Army to eat at five.

     5:32pm  I had this badass presentation with this one guy. He listened to my whole story. He came up to me and asked me, "Hey, do you want to get George Bush out of office?" He was handing out flyers and stuff. I told him, "I am going to murder the government. We can govern ourselves." Then I went into my story from there. He listened to me.

     5:33pm  Karen is hooking me up with a cigarette here at the plaza. I appreciate it, Karen. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:41pm  I had a badass presentation with the lady I got the cigarette from. I got her email address and everything.

     6:02pm  I found The Atomic Grill place. I staked that out. Where the rocks are that Ari told me to meet him at at 10:30.

     6:45pm  I have the biggest balls of them all. I went and told the cop in the plaza my story. Officer Wheeler was all into my story.

     6:48pm  Kendra hooked me up with a cigarette here at the plaza. I appreciate it, Kendra. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:12pm  Paul hooked me up with a snipe. I appreciate it, Paul. I met him at that wall awhile back.

     8:45pm  Kendra invited me to the coffee shop and I told her my story. She listened so well. She got me a coffee too. Her friend Nick showed up and he gave me a cigarette. We're out smoking right now.

     8:57pm  Eli hooked me up with a cigarette over by the plaza. I appreciate it. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     9:00pm  Dude, I am having an awesome night. Hell, the whole day has been awesome. I came over to The Punk Rock in front of the grill. I am supposed to meet that guy Ari tonight. This really pretty girl who I had bummed a cigarette off earlier walked by. Beautiful girl, actually. I hit her up for my story and she listened to all of it. When I finished one part I told her I could talk her ear off. She told me she didn't have anything better to do. She asked me if I wanted to go to a warmer place. We went over to The Atomic Grill and she bought me a coffee. Then her friend showed up and he hooked me up with a cigarette. Dude, that's so awesome. I am already where I wanted to be to meet Ari. After they took off, I got bored so I went back to the plaza to bum a cigarette. This Mexican guy Eli gave me one. I had gotten a to-go cup at the coffee place and now I'm going to smoke a cigarette to my coffee. Wait, I have to find a light now.

     10:40pm  Ari sure enough showed up. Ari, Dustin and I came over to The Cross to smoke some weed.

     10:45pm  I have to give Dustin credit for the burn. He's smoking us out at The Cross. Thanks a lot. Everybody gets credit.

     11:15pm  Adam is hooking me up with a cigarette at The Cross. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     11:21pm  I took a picture of the beautiful moon here at The Cross(picture didn't come out).

     11:55pm  The craziest shit happened. They brought me over to The Cross. I've been here before. This is the place I recorded all those dates last year(6-28-03, 5:53pm). I had some really good presentations tonight. I had some good listeners at first, individually. This one guy was telling me all this shit. He was ignorant as hell. Like I say, I just want them talking about me. I don't care if they don't agree with me. My righteousness will come through in the end. I impregnated their minds with me. I am infecting them with truth.

                     Whether they believe me or not.

     12:05am  I just got dropped off in front of some Desert Inn. The shops at 315 Old San Pedro. Oh yeah, back to that ignorant guy at The Cross. He only wanted to hear what I had to say about cars. He said he didn't care about marijuana. I should've told him, "Man, this isn't just for you. If only you would listen." He said, "I'll listen about cars." I told him to forget it. That he could just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does. I am over here on Alameda.

                     Isn't that just crazy how this Ari dude I met at the mall, this random dude, he invited me to Punk Rock and from there that turned into my meeting at The Cross? I got smoked out too.

Next day..

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