


Chimayo to Española to Taos, NM

Wednesday July 27, 2005

     7:19am  I just woke up in my little sandbox. I'll take a picture of it. It was awesome how I found it. It was raining hardcore. I thought there would be a covering in front of the church, but there wasn't. I walked around hoping there would be somewhere dry. Sure enough, I found this sandbox and I heard the water falling on the metal roof. Perfection. I put down my rain poncho in the sand and made my bed. I slept great.

     8:00am  I'm right here at the bench 

                   I was at last year. I was hoping that guy Juan would show up again. That guy who helped me out last year. Ahh, I guess I'll walk back to Espanola.

                   Cool, I've got some leftover Crazybread for breakfast.

                   I just dropped off Rosemary's shoes. She had given me this pair of baby shoes. She told me that if I ended up going to the Santuario, to drop them off there for her. For some reason she wanted me to do that.

     8:18am  I'm still sitting at the bench. Nobody has pulled up.

     8:27am  I saw this guy walking around. I had seen him go to the back where all the shrines are. I walked up to him and hit him up for my story. He told me, "Oh, let me finish my walk. I'll only be a minute and then I'll listen to your story." I guess his walk is more important than world peace.

                   Page 364


                   We now face the ultimate political power shift. We can re-design democracy for the 21st century—or descend into a new Dark Age.
                   One path moves power from the state toward the individual. The other threatens to shrink the individual to zero.
                   Nothing in the foreseeable future is about to take the gun out of the hands of the state. Nothing will prevent the state from siphoning wealth into its hands and disposing of it for its own power-enhancing purposes. What is likely to change, as we've already begun to see, is the state's ability to control knowledge.
                   The new economy thrives on freer expression, better feedback between rulers and ruled, more popular participation in decision-making. It can produce a less bureaucratic, more decentralized and responsive government. It can create a greater independence for the individual, a power shift away from the state—not its "withering away" but its humanization.
                   Yet any new alliance of democratic groups will face three giant forces now racing toward convergence in a worldwide crusade that could, if we are not careful, sweep us into a new Dark Age."

                   Page 370

                   "The eco-theologues insist that there can be no technological relief, and that we are therefore destined to slide back into preindustrial poverty, a prospect they regard as a blessing rather than a curse."

     9:26am  I am having a presentation with the Father, Julio Gonzales here at the Santuario. Right before I got to the marijuana part, he was called off for a phone call.

     9:42am  I have all my stuff packed up and I'm going to leave the Santuario. I'm going to walk to the soup kitchen a mile away. I am wearing my boots because it's cold.

                   I'm walking to the soup kitchen. I never mentioned I lost my pocket atlas.

     10:05am  I got to Hwy 76. I'm going to turn left and stay in this town. I want to find someone to tell my story to. Pretty close to where the soup kitchen is. They feed at eleven.

                     I came to Trujillos Weaving Shop to ask them exactly where the soup kitchen is. I think I passed it up.

     10:09am  The guy in the shop told me I wasn't that far from the Senior Center, the soup kitchen. They don't open until eleven. I'm going to sit down and read my book, smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed.

     10:15am  I can't find the soup kitchen still. I'm going to go back to Trujillos and ask that guy exactly where it is.

                     I found the Senior Center.

     10:50am  I am sitting in front of the Community Center here and Andrew came out here and gave me some donuts. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     10:59am  Holy shit! These greedy asses at the soup kitchen want to charge me money for food! Screw that. They told me it was $4.25. Community Center, my ass. In a community of plenty, none should go hungry. At least I had a couple donuts this morning.
                      I had seen this guy who pulled up and started unloading his van. When I was walking away, he yells at me, "Hold on!" He came up to me and said, "Wait by my truck and I'll bring you a meal." He's going to hook me up. Awesome.

     11:05am  Felipe is the guy I was telling you about. He bought me some food. I appreciate it, brother.

     11:45am  I have to make an update. I came to the general store I passed last night. I'm going to ask the guys inside if they'll run me out for asking for rides.

     12:15pm  I had a great presentation with Allison in front of the general store.

     12:20pm  I'm taking off. I'm not going to ask for rides. I got to tell this one girl my story. I'm going to walk to Española now. I'll try and get to Taos today. Maybe I'll run into John and Rosemary.

     12:37pm  I stopped to rest in front of 1439 whatever road this is. I'm going to smoke the last of my weed.

     1:15pm  Sweet, I just scored me a ride from Larry and his friend. They're giving me a ride back to Española. I appreciate it, guys. It was awesome. I was just sitting there resting and they pulled over for me.


                   It was awesome. I had just stopped to rest in the shade and took my last hit of weed. Before I know it these guys pull over for me. I wasn't there that long at all. Perfect. I am back in Española.

     1:24pm  Haha, I just had me a great presentation with this cop. I was just walking by and I saw this cop sitting in his car doing some paperwork. I told him my mission-objectives and everything and he started laughing. He told me he didn't think I was crazy.

                    Before I said it, the cop told me, "Yeah, money's the root of all evil."

     1:29pm  I'm walking in front of the Rock Christian Academy. I'm going to try and tell my story in there.

     1:42pm  I went in there and this one guy was all a big bible thumper. He was all Jesus Saves this and that. He invited me to something that night, but I told him, "I have my own campaign to work on." I'm going to try and get to Taos now.

                   I'm going to stop at the Conoco here next to the Walmart and ask if they'll run me out for asking for rides.

                   Permission granted at the Conoco.

     1:54pm  I asked this brother Joe inside the Conoco if he was going to Taos and he's hooking me up with a ride. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:04pm  I am talking to Joe, telling him my story. What was your email, brother?

     3:53pm  I am already in Taos! I had just been sitting at the Conoco airing my shoes out, since they got wet last night. I saw Joe and he hooked me up with a ride to Taos. I'm going to the plaza now.

     3:59pm  I am in the plaza 

                    now. Everybody's ignorant in this town so far. Nobody wants to hear my story.

     4:20pm  Wish I could celebrate. John hooked me up with a cigarette in the plaza.

     4:32pm  I am talking to Alex. What was your email, Alex?

     4:45pm  Right when I got to the plaza, right off the bat, these kids from last year recognized me.

     5:15pm  Just walked to Kit Carson Park. I'm going to see if there are any non-ignorant kids anywhere.

                   Wesley hooked me up with a cigarette in the park. I appreciate it, Wesley. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     5:33pm  I came in the bathroom at the park and tagged it with Victor the Liberator with a peace sign with my silver marker.

     5:51pm  I came to the park and I'm telling Tabitha my story. We just got word the Narcotics Anonymous meeting is giving out free food. Hehe, I'm going to go tell those junkies my story about marijuana.

     6:08pm  I walked up to these two old guys. Two ignorant old farts. I asked them if I could tell them my story and they said yes. When I asked them what the world's greatest problem was and one said, "We were having a conversation."

     6:11pm  I tried telling these two ignorant guys my story, but they wouldn't listen, so I hit Brian up for my story and he asks me, "Hey, are you hungry?" He offered me some food. I appreciate it, brother.

     6:17pm  I am telling Brian my story here in the park. What was your email?

                   At the plaza I was showing this kid my Mary Jane tool. He said, "Whoa, you still have that!"

     8:18pm  I ran into Hamilton in front of Smith's and he told me he crashes near there. He showed me this top floor of this vacant building where other people crash. It's basically the Taos homeless shelter. I ran into Alex again, some kid I told my story to earlier. I'm going to crash here tonight. I stashed my backpack there. We're going to some open-mic thing tonight. I'll get to tell my story there.

     8:32pm  I am in the Smith's taking a shit in the bathroom.

     8:42pm  I am leaving Smith's. I'm going to walk to the plaza. Look around for the open-mic place.

     8:50pm  I walked around the plaza and I didn't see a bar anywhere. I asked some guy walking around and he directed me to the Cantina.

     9:10pm  I found the Alley Cantina and David hooked me up with an American Spirit, thanks.

     9:30pm  Turns out I am not going to do open-mic tonight. This dude just offered me a ride to Denver tomorrow! He lives at that temple I went to last year(7-28-04, 7:14pm).

                   It's after eleven now. Guess where I ended up. At this guy David's house. David won't listen to me, damnit. He told me, "I don't want a presentation. I want a conversation." At least I'm getting a ride tomorrow. He can just wait to hear about it when the rest if the world does. I'm going to try and put my stuff on his computer in the morning.

Next day..

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