


San Antonio, TX

Monday July 28, 2008

     6:03am  Man, I only got five hours of sleep. I even slept on a mattress last night. See, the mattress and boxspring that were in the garage room was with all the mess in the living room and I finally noticed it and put it back in the room. My sister had a garage sale and she made like two hundred dollars.

     12:54pm  I took a nap. I laid back down and fell asleep. The computer is messing up big-time. I'm going to tell my mother that I have to format. That it's not letting me do anything else. You'll lose stuff, but I gotta do it. She's asleep right now, so I'm going to go for a walk in the neighborhood.

     1:14pm  I did my laundry and am in my uniform. I'm going to go for a walk around the neighborhood. I need to format my mom's computer bad. It's all messed up. She's not going to be able to save anything.

     1:18pm  I'm walking up to the Perry house and cool, Humplick's window is open. I'm going to go smoke him out.

     2:32pm  Back at my mom's house. I wish she would wake up so I can tell her I'm going to format her computer.

     4:01pm  I never told you, I'm formatting my mom's computer. She backed up her files and I am in the middle of formatting.

     6:13pm  After I formatted I reinstalled Windows XP and started formatting HTML files and it still gave me the same problem it was giving me before I formatted! It like doesn't let you click on one item, it selects everything. Maybe it's a hardware problem. It might be the keyboard. See, my sister's 600mhz is un-operable. You can't boot it up at all. So I took the liberty to start formatting hers too. I hope she doesn't mind.

Next day..

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