


Berkeley, CA

Wednesday July 30, 2003

Email with Darryl Wong
Email with Maureen Daly
Email to myself, confirmed list

     6:12am  I just woke up at the Lutheran church. I didn't feel like crashing at the laundromat last night, so I said, "Screw it, I'm going to go see if I can crash at that church like I did five months ago. It was cool. It was all private. When I got there, there was nobody there. Kickass, I didn't have to share it with anybody. I crashed out and I woke up at 2:00am. I had to take a piss. I saw another bum had come and was asleep at the bottom of the steps. I was a little peeved because they left the light on all night. I had a good night's sleep. I went to bed around 10:30pm or 11:00pm. I got plenty of sleep. I'm going to have a great day. I have shit to do. I gotta go to Eastmont Mall in Oakland, I have a dollar in my pocket Munga gave me. I have to wait until 8am for breakfast. Then I'll catch the bus to Eastmont mall, get my important text files off of a CD I burned them to and email them to myself. The computers at the library don't have a CD-rom, so I can't do it there. Awesome.

     6:29am  I just finished taking a shit at the People's Park bathroom. Hehe, I'm doing my old routine. Woke up at the church, walked to the bathroom at the park, lined the toilet seat with paper a took a shit. I just saw writing on the wall that I remembered seeing last time. It says, "There's no government like no government." I like that.

     6:55am  I walked all the way over to the MLK building. I was hoping they would be open so I could check my email, but it opens at 7:30am. So, to kill time I'm going to walk all the way down to the Willard Pool and see if there's something on the front window that tells what time showers are. Then, I'll walk all the way back. It should be 7:30am by the time I get back. I've got nothing else to do. It sucks. It's early in the morning. Nobody's out here to bum cigarettes off of. I'm bored.

     7:03am  I walked over to the 7-11 across the street from Bing Wong Wash Center. I went up to these homeless guys and asked them if they had any tobacco. One offered me the roach left of his cigarette. I told him thanks a lot, that that was very generous of him. He goes, "Umm, I don't know about that." I said, "Know about what?" He said the whole generosity thing. I asked him for his name and he said he never gave it to me. I was going to log the occurrence.

     7:08am  I just got to the pool and asked them when showers were. They told me every night, Monday-Friday at 8pm.

     7:24am  I'm back at the MLK building. Hopefully they'll open up the email station pretty soon.

     7:26am  Just opened up.

     7:50am  I'm at the church.

     8:17am  Dum-mud has been generous enough to hook me up with a cigarette. He told me about this sticker he saw the other day that said, "We support our troops, but we don't support the fools who sent them."

                   Dum-mud just told me an interesting quote. How did it go again? "Weed will get you through times with no money better than money will get you through times with no weed." Right-on.

     9:50am  Ralph, the 40L driver just hooked me up with a courtesy ride.

     9:53am  Wow, I was telling Ralph my ideas and he ended up hooking me up with a daypass. Awesome. Without me even asking.

     12:25pm  I just got out of the ECC place in Oakland. Eastmont Computer Center. I sent all my important stuff to myself.

     12:50pm  Cleo was generous enough to hook me up with a cigarette. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:53pm  Can you say mission accomplished? I did what I set out to do today. I hit my resource, which I found out about five months ago. I rode the bus all the way to Eastmont Mall in Oakland. It's like an hour-long bus ride. I got my stuff off my CD's and I got everything in my bag organized. I might go to the Doe Library and send my stuff out to my people. Oh yeah, that guy Cleo I got the cigarette from was cool. I had walked out to the bus circle in front of the mall and saw him smoking. I asked him if he could spare one and he said, "Nah man, sorry. This was my last one." I told him, "Thanks anyway, brother. Enjoy it." I walked a little past him and he said, "Hey man, come here," and he hooked me up. I told him, "Hey brother, I'm writing a book on generosity the whole world is going to read and you're in it."

     2:05pm  Back on Telegraph.

     2:23pm  I just scored me some silk khaki shorts out of the free box in the park. My cargo shorts have holes all over them and are almost dead. I really needed some shorts.

     2:46pm  I was flying my sign and Frank was nice enough to give me two dollars without me even asking him.

     2:47pm  Fabio has agreed to give me a cigarette.

     5:05pm  Elena was gracious enough to give me a cigarette.

     5:24pm  I just got out from eating at the church. I was late again, so I didn't get that much food. I'm going back to the library now. Oh yeah, that old dude Joe who smoked me out this morning gave me a little roach. It was tobacco and weed mixed together. It wasn't that good, but it did the trick. I smoked it with my little one-hitter. Right after I hit it, I found me half a cigarette on the ground. Groundscore. American Spirit. I smoked that and then this dude asked me for a cigarette and I told him, "No, I don't have any, but if I did I would give you one." He told me thanks and shook my hand. A minute later he asks me, "You got any buds?" He had seen me hitting my one-hitter. He told me peace.

     9:07pm  I came to the library to type my stuff up. I had a very productive night. I revised my California story. I never realized how much it had changed. My mission is always evolving and I had some new scripts. I had to add so much to it. I'm through a third of it right now. But, when I finish that I'm going to send it out to my people and blow their minds.

     9:14pm  Wilbur was generous enough to give me a cigarette. I appreciate it, Wilbur."

     10:17pm  Alejandra was nice enough to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you, sister. I appreciate it.

Next day..

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