


Taos to Eagle Nest to Angelfire, back to Eagle Nest, NM

Friday July 30, 2004

     7:55am  I woke up around six thirty or something. What a magical adventure I am having. We're taking off now to the Chevron. He's supposed to meet this guy at nine.

     8:34am  I am giving Manuel a plug for his business. I took a picture of the garage door company sign he has on his truck. So, if you guys are around Taos, even if you're not and need some work. Call Manuel up. He does a great job.

     8:42am  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. We are at the Chevron now. We've been waiting here for a while now. For this guy to show up. This guy is supposed to give me a ride to Eagle Nest, I think.

                    I just realized I left my sign at Manuel's. Damn, I need to make a new one.

     9:00am  Something happened. Manuel finally got tired of waiting. He said he had to go do some stuff and that he would be back in an hour. He told me if I saw a guy with a big MT on his truck, to tell him Manuel would be back. The guy eventually pulled up, all late. I asked him, "Hey are you the guy that's supposed to meet Manuel? He told me he would be back in an hour. You're going out to Angelfire, right? Manuel told me that you would give me a ride there." He excused himself to use the restroom. When he came out I told him, "Yeah, Manuel said that if you never showed up, that he would take me out to Angelfire himself." He told me, "Okay, well then have him do that. Tell him to meet me at my house. The one he put a garage door in. No offense, but I don't even know you."

                   Well, since my plans collapsed, I'm going to walk to that 420 store and buy my pipe. I have some money. And I have a little roach we smoked this morning.

                    I had a bowl of Cornpops for breakfast and I just bought me some Little Debby snacks at the Chevron. I'm going to walk to the 420 shop. I hope it's open. They're probably not this early. Then I'll come back and wait for Manuel to show up.

     9:30am  Damnit, the 420 shop is closed. I'm going to walk all the way back to the Chevron. It's far. Hopefully, I'll get there before nine forty five to meet Manuel.

     9:50am  I am back at the Chevron. That was a long walk. Like a mile. Hopefully, Manuel will show up.

     10:12am  I went inside the Chevron to take a piss. I saw this Dodge Ram with these two old guys sitting inside. I went up to them and asked them, "Hey, can I tell you guys what I'm doing?" I got my introduction out. When I said I was going to get rid of cars in big cities, the guy started shaking his head. When I told him I was going to get marijuana legalized, he turned the keys to the truck. I told them to tell their friends. Water my seed.

                     Manuel never showed up again. I was here at 9:50. He told me a little before ten. I agreed on 9:45. I showed up at fifty and he was nowhere to be found. I have like thirty seven dollars. I can go buy a bus ticket. I'll give Manuel until ten thirty.

     10:17am  Damnit, I just talked to this lady. I asked her if 68 was that way. 68 goes to Raton. She asked me, "Are you the guy waiting for somebody. He showed up already." I freaked, "How did he show up already? I've been here the whole time." She said it was like ten minutes ago. I must've been in the restroom or something. God-damn. That sucks.

                     She said she was going to try and get his phone number for me.

                     Even if I call him, he's already taken off for Angelfire. That sucks.

     10:24am  She said he showed up and he didn't see me. I asked the lady where the Greyhound station was and she said it was just down the road. I don't have to go into town.

     10:26am  I was walking down the street and I spotted some young girl walking with her thumb out. A hitchhiker. I'm going to go tell her my story and see if I can get me a traveling-partner, hehe. Right before I walked up to her, somebody stopped and picked her up. Oh well, screw it. That's a sign. I am going to follow it. That's how I'm getting to Raton. I'm going to hitchhike.

     10:39am  The guy at the Greyhound wouldn't listen to me. I told him thanks for proving my right. Oh yeah, he told me the place to go to hitchhike to Raton.

     10:48am  I walked to Sonic. I'm going to get me a burger. For my walk, for hitchhiking.

     11:03am  I am leaving Sonic. I'm all fueled up.

     11:08am  The city bus passed right when I walked to the bus stop. I asked him for a courtesy ride to the next traffic light, about two blocks away. He hooked me up. The guy at the Greyhound told me to walk to the light, then turn right and go to the sign pointing towards Raton. I'm going to get me a ride.

     11:17am  I've been walking East on 585.

     11:21am  Passing The Town of Taos Youth and Family Center. Over on Canon E and Camino Colores.

     11:26am  Mile marker 1.

     11:27am  Guess who just drove past me. Manuel!

     11:30am  That was so cool. Manuel picked me up. Well, he didn't pick me up, he just stopped and talked to me. Oh yeah, he had my sign! He has to go to Albuquerque now. He told me to just walk down to the four-way stop and take a right to get to Raton.

     11:52am  I got to the 64 junction. I'm going to sit down and smoke a cigarette. Oh yeah, I didn't tell you. It is so awesome that Manuel showed up with my sign. It will help tremendously getting a ride. Just you watch.

     11:55am  Dude, I wasn't there for more than ten minutes and Colin hooked me up with a ride. He's taking me to Eagle Nest. I appreciate it, brother.

     12:05am  Colin is telling me some interesting stories. About things that's happened to him. He was telling me how that when he was two years old, he had fallen out of a two story window. Luckily, he grabbed onto the edge. His mom looked out the window and he was hanging from the edge. He said his sister had told them she had seen a light around him, as if an angel caught him. I asked him if I could get the rest of the story on record. Here's Colin:

                     "My uncle is a retired director for wildlife for the state of New Mexico. My grandfather was in the Navy and was sent out to New Mexico in the 50's to reverse-engineer German technology left over from WWII. It was right around the time of Roswell. He came home and told my dad and his brother that he could not let his family go on in ignorance and that they had in fact, a spaceship and aliens. It seems like all my life I have experienced seeing UFO's. One time I had a glowing ball of light come right outside my window. I used to live in Georgia. I was paralyzed and couldn't move. Up until that time I have been kind of timid and fearful. Scared of things. My brother used to terrorize me. My brother had also been in the room when it happened. I can always look beyond it. I was never scared of it again. Eventually, I had a dream where I saw God. In part of that dream, God told me to take two gallons of water and walk off into the desert. I lived in Los Vegas up until a few weeks ago where I took two gallons of water and walked off into the desert. Because God tells you to. If you believe in God you have to do what he tells he to. I don't think Christianity is right. So, I ended up being out in the desert. Many, many miles. The springs were dried up. I was out of water. I had nothing else left. Somehow I managed to hike out of the desert to Lake Mead, find water and survive. I had to jump in the Colorado River and float. I went from suffering from heat exhaustion and almost dying, hiking to the water a whole other day. Then I got hypothermia in the Colorado River because it was really cold. I ended up getting out and getting on some rocks on the side. They were sizzling and I warming up. I prayed that someone was going to come down the river and help me. Sure-enough, right then here comes this monster commercial raft. They gave me a lift. My birth name is Colin Hubbard. The name of my soul is HanDeGa(probably messed up the spelling) and I am a spiritual master. I feel like my entire life has been about learning how to communicate with humans because they are very, very difficult at some times. They don't learn from their mistakes. They repeatedly do ignorant things. I know that thing in the bible that says you're supposed to give 10% back. I think that's a man-made percentage. God says give it all. And if everyone was giving everything they had, no one would want. No one would be so possessive over things. I have come here to this beautiful mountain to build a place to teach people to truly be spiritual leaders by learning about all things that man does to find pathways to God. I think to say, "Here's the past and you gotta do my path and it's the only way." I think it's ignorant. If you really want to see the center of the circle, you could go all the way around it 360 degrees, and if you don't know where the center is you just gotta keep looking at all the different paths and they all point to the same place. God is within all of us. Some of us choose to ignore that. God's one expression is love. Everything else comes from that. Peace comes from love. Generosity, virtue, everything."

                     That's Colin's story. It was a great story. The whole world is going to read that. Thank you for helping me educate the masses, Colin.

     12:36pm  I just took a picture of the mountains here in Eagle Nest. It's beautiful. There's a big lake.

     12:37pm  Eagle Nest Village Limits. Elevation 8258.

     1:20pm  We pulled up to Colin's cabin. I asked him if there was any way I could crash at his house tonight, that way I could walk around the little town, make friends and tell people my story. He said sure. I'm going to go sow my seed now.

     2:08pm  I didn't walk that far when I see some guy about my age with his thumb out. I start talking to him and give him my introduction. I asked him where he was going and he said to Angelfire, about nine miles away. I didn't have anything else to do so I asked him if I could tag along. He said sure. Before I knew it, Elizabeth pulled over and is giving us a ride. We appreciate it, Elizabeth. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     2:32pm  We got dropped off at the light on the road to Angelfire. We've been walking for about fifteen minutes.

     2:40pm  We are still walking into Angelfire. I forgot to mention that I am in the Enchanted Circle. Angelfire, Taos, Eagle Nest, Red River and Questa.

     3:00pm  About five minutes ago we walked up to Zebediah's bar. We got some beers.

     3:20pm  Nate told me I should listen to Blackilicious. I'll download it. Everybody else download it too.

     3:24pm  We're leaving the bar. It's drizzling.

     3:54pm  Nate and I stopped into this outdoor store where they sell bikes and stuff. We're going to the grocery store now.

     4:15pm  Steve, Nate's friend wouldn't give me a ride. He told Nate, "I get bad vibes from him." What the hell? Nate apologized, but said that if I can get back to Eagle Nest to go to cabin 16 at the Shoe, the bar he works at and that he'd smoke me out. What the hell? I didn't do shit. Steve doesn't know what I am doing. Queer.

     4:18pm  That guy Steve said he wouldn't give me a ride because he got a bad vibe from me. Right when I got on the road, the first guy who drove by me picked me up. I didn't get his name, but he said he had seen me at Zebediah's earlier. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     4:32pm  That was so awesome! Right after that faggot told me he got a bad vibe from me and wouldn't give me a ride, I walk to the street and the first guy driving by pulls over for me. I actually beat them back to Eagle Nest, haha! Nate got out of the car and I just stood there smiling. Nate went, "Holy shit! You beat us!" The universe provides.

     4:57pm  I'm hanging out in Nate's cabin drinking a beer and smoking cigarettes. I took a picture of him.

     6:03pm  Nate has a recommendation for a book. The Education of Oversoul Seven by Jane Roberts. She wrote the Seth Said Series.

     6:32pm  I am walking back to Colin's. I wonder if he got some weed.

                   After eight, Nate said he might know a place I could score, so I can walk over there and check.

     6:48pm  Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you that I walked all the way back to Colin's house. I'm kind of tired so I'm going to take a nap on his front porch. I put my poncho down and crashed for a little bit. It's because I drank at Nate's. Oh yeah, Colin told me he was going to Raton tomorrow!

Next day..

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