


San Antonio, TX

Friday August 1, 2008

     7:10am  My mom's going to take me to get a bank account so I can set up my PayPal account for my t-shirts.

     3:53pm  We came to Capitol One at Bandera and Tezel/Prue. It turns out we came too late and didn't have enough time to open the account. My mom has to get my sister Laura at West Telamarketing at four thirty. To open the checking account we need fifty dollars, not twenty five. My mom gave me five dollars and I got a footlong at Subway at West. Her and my sister weren't going straight home, so I said I would ride the bus from West. I want to try and manifest some weed somehow.

     5:26pm  University Hospital.

     5:46pm  Sarah let me borrow her cellphone at the hospital. I appreciate it, Sarah. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     6:25pm  I just had an awesome presentation with Sarah who I met at the hospital. I took her picture. Pretty girl. I told her my whole Odyssey and she was nodding her head up and down the whole way through. She had let me borrow her cellphone and I finally got a hold of Mario. He told me to call him around eight or nine.

     6:39pm  We just got to Mainland. All the buses are here. I am going home. I'm going to get on the 606 and walk from Church's.

     7:37pm  I've had a good night so far. My friend Mr. Wilson was driving the bus. He calls me Johnny Appleseed. I started walking down Old Tezel and I saw these two kids walking. I caught up with them and told them, "Hey, I got my sidewalk." They were all, "You wrote that?" I told them yeah, on February third. Check out my website. I asked them if they had any weed and they got scared. I went to my mom's house and my sister was on the computer. I walked to the Perry house and the Amies smoked me out. I'm all stoned.

     7:55pm  I'm stoned and happy. My day got so much better. I gave Amy like four dollars in change and she gave me some weed to-go. Awesome. Right now I'm walking back and these two little girls are walking their dog without a leash. Just holding it by it's collar. They tell me, "We're practicing walking the dog without a leash." I smiled and said, "Whoever said you can't teach an old dog new tricks?" I don't think they understood me. Anyway, I'm walking back home. I'm all stoned. There's no place like home.

     9:03pm  I came home and the computer was free, surprisingly. Oh yeah, my mom got her laptop cord, so she's on her computer right now. I had downloaded an antivirus program and was scanning. See, my sister deleted my Frontpage off my USB drive, so I downloaded another copy off a random server. I had noticed it was messing up, like it didn't have Word anymore. Well, the antivirus just told me it was dirty, so I deleted it. Right now I am on the tape I'm taping on, so I have to rewinding and research where I am in my typing and then be sure to remember to advance it back. Let me set the tape counter.

Next day..

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