

                                                                                                             Seattle, WA

Saturday August 1, 2009
     6:20am  I woke up. I got a whopping lot of sleep. I went to bed around ten or eleven, so ten thirty to six twenty is what? Eight hours of sleep. That's good. I am all rested up.

                   It's awesome how I have my own private squat in Seattle too.

                   Oh yeah, last night at around four in the morning this guy walked up and woke me up. Some security guard. He told me, "You're cool. I just need to walk around and touch the sensors on the building." Hell yeah, he told me I was cool. I've got permission now!

                   Also last night I looked over and on the other side of the concrete blocks I saw like five raccoons. I tried to scare them away with my stick and hoped they wouldn't come back while I was sleeping. I should've taken their picture. I'm going to pack up and get out of here. I have to go do my laundry at 8:00am at this place. I hope I don't get lost. See, when I got here yesterday, riding the bus from Olympia to Tacoma I cut out a schedule that had a map of Seattle. I used it to walk here last night.

     6:29am  Up and at 'em. All packed up and leaving. I forgot to take a picture before I packed up camp. I'm trying to get to the Urban Rest Stop by eight.

                   Hempfest poster

     6:54am  Shay hooked me up with a cigarette on Mercer and Westlake. Everybody gets credit.

     7:24am  This bouncer Forest dude I just told my story to told me to meet him at the NocNoc Room on 2nd and Pike tomorrow. He said he'd hook me up with a nugget. For the cause.

     7:29am  I met Forest and had an awesome presentation with him. The greedy ass punk kids wouldn't sell me a nickel sack, so Forest gave me another five so I could score. I really appreciate it, Forest. Everybody gets credit.

     7:49am  Whoa, Forest just volunteered me a twenty dollar bill! I really appreciate it, brother. I'm going to go buy another one hitter now. Do you know where the headshop is?

                   I got me a twenty spot. That means I'm going to buy me a new one-hitter. I'm going to go take a shower real quick first at the Urban Rest Stop.

     7:53am  I have a magical update to make. See, I went to the Urban Rest Stop to take a shower. I was outside smoking and this brother came up to me and told me he wanted to look at my pack. He even complimented my calves. Johnathen. I gave him my website and he looked it up on his Ipod and everything. He even signed my guestbook. Then we met this other brother Darrel. I had five dollars from last night. Oh yeah, and that cool Forest guy, I told him how the gutter punks won't sell me a nickel sack and he gave me another five dollars, so I got some weed. But, I lost my one-hitter last night. It must've fallen through the hole in my left pocket that I had been meaning to sew up. Darrel and Johnathen, we rode the tunnel bus, umm, somewhere where we could have walked fast. Back to 4th and Pine. We went to the McDonalds and I got some ice in my bag and then next door to the tobacco shop to buy a new pipe. Johnathen has some money, I don't know how, nor do I care, but he bought a one-hitter too, but the Camel Wide guage with the wooden dugout box. We came and sat down on a bench and I'm going to try and tell these guys my story. Those beers you guys got, I don't want you to open them until after my story.

     8:17am  I just came out of The Urban Rest Stop. I scored a shower. I didn't do my laundry. I am wearing my white shirt which could use a wash, but it's still good for another day. I'm going to go back to my spot on 4th and Pine in front of the Starbucks and spread the word. It was cool, at first Michael told me that he wanted to join me and come with me. I had a good presentation with him. He did interrupt a lot at first, but I had him hypnotized towards the end. I didn't tell him the whole Odyssey. Just the spirit's part and the note from the rich, which he was cracking up at. I'm going to walk to 4th and Pine now.


     8:59am  Carrie and Mike, they just volunteered me a sandwich at the end of my story. What did you guys think? Mike: "I think you're the good kind of crazy. The kind that the world can actually benefit from." Don't you have to be crazy to make a difference? Ever realize how similar the words sane and same are?


                     Christian puppet show


     12:10pm  This guy named Craig just came up to me. He met me in San Francisco and we smoked some resin. I'll look that up. I'll put a link to it. I told you that you would see me again. I am everywhere. Thanks for making

     12:11pm  There's a preacher across the street yelling lies at people with a microphone. I'm heckling him yelling across the street, "Talk is cheap! That's an old story! Time's change! We need an update! Do something already!"

     12:54pm  I took pictures of the security camera up on top of Macy's overlooking my corner. I bet it's been trained on me since I got here. I'm not skeered.

     1:02pm  James just volunteered me some change for no reason. I appreciate it, brother. Nobody is paying me to do this. Every little bit helps.

     2:01pm  Efrain just volunteered me a dollar, just out of the blue. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.


     3:12pm  Mike hooked me up with a dollar, but he walked off scared when I tried to give him my website.

                   This kid just walked up to me and asked me, "Hey, do you need an apprentice?" I told him, "No, I walk alone. Check out my website."

                   I should be documenting every time somebody takes a picture of me. Shitloads have today. Like over ten so far.

     4:14pm  These four girls walked up to me and asked me if they could take my picture. I told them, "Why sure. Document me, please. That's what I am here for."

     5:01pm  Nick came over and he volunteered me a dollar. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.

                   This guy just walked by and said, "I must say. You're persistent." I told him that's how you win.

                   Another person took a picture of me, this black dude with a camera. I think somebody else took my picture too that I forgot to mention.

     5:13pm  Anthony and Heather from Olympia.

                   These two guys and a girl just took my picture. They were all impressed with me. What an awesome day I'm having. I like Seattle a lot.

                   It took me like a whole hour to find my squat yesterday. I just realized that Westlake goes straight to it. Westlake is real close to my corner on 4th and Pine. I just walked it right now and it's not that far at all to Mercer. I'm psyched out about getting to go to bed early tonight. I'll fall asleep quick. I only got five hours of sleep last night.

                   On my corner while I'm working I was sneaking hits left and right in the middle of this Babylon. I don't give a figgity-fuck though. My brand new pipe looks exactly like a cigarette. It's a great illusion. Fuck the system. And I don't care about that camera up on top of Macy's. I hope they're recording me. They should have had it recording the minute I got into town.

                   Pretty listener

     5:45pm  I needed to find a piece of cardboard to make a new sign. Oh yeah, that couple who bought my HOOK A BROTHER UP sign for seven bucks last night came back with a brand new marker in tow. I still needed a panel of cardboard. I told them to watch my bags and walked in the mall. I asked like four or five stores for am empty box. Nobody wanted to give me one, except at Talbots nice Susie went upstairs and came back down with the perfect panel. I told her somebody wanted to pay me for making them a FREE HUGS sign. Thank you so much, Susie. Way to support the cause. I was sure to log her generosity and give her my website. Then I went outside and as per our agreement I wrote Ray and his wife out another sign for them and they gave me a twenty dollar bill!

                   This beautiful black girl I met in Olympia that had beautiful tattoos on her neck recognized me and made contact.

     6:26pm  I am clocking out for the day. I had a full day of work. Ha, and people don't think I work. I am in better working condition than them.

     6:27pm  I came to the Noc-Noc, the bar where Forest is a bouncer at. He told me to be here at seven, so here I am.

                   "More like humanity's problem. The world can shake us off(and it might in a couple years)."

                   Street kidsdudes who listened

     9:12pm  Josh, who works at McDonald's, he smoked a brother out. He came up to me while I was flying my sign. We walked over to the bus stop at 6th and Westlake. He was all paranoid about the guys at the Westin across the street seeing us smoke. I told him I didn't give a shit, that I am daring them to pay me attention. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit. Thanks a lot.

     9:22pm  What an awesome day I've had today.

     10:07am  I have to tell you about the magic that just happened right now. I ran into Pepe downtown. He asked me how long I had been doing this. He invited me over to his friends house and I tried telling him my story. I got a little frustrated because I couldn't get it out, the whole alcohol factor, and stopped telling my story. As I was walking out here volunteered me some money. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit.
     10:12pm  Holy shit! That guy just gave me twenty dollars! I've got so much money. I've got a full-time job. I don't get days off. I love Seattle so far.

                     I spent ten dollars at McDonald's before it closed. I got a country grilled chicken sandwich and a Big and Tasty, a couple ranches and some fries. I totally splurged. I got so much money today. I counted and I still have like forty bucks. I have some stuff I should buy like mouthwash. I'll go shopping tomorrow.

     10:54pm  I just walked to my camp.

Next day..

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