


Denver, CO

Monday August 2, 2004

     6:10am  I woke up around six in my room. I'm going to smoke a cigarette and smoke some weed.

                   Man, it's so awesome how I ended up at this place last night. This is Downtown Denver, dude. The convention center! It was so perfect. I went to that head-shop and told Q my story. Q invited me back at 6:15pm. He introduced me to his brother-in-law. Remember, I was considering blowing off the whole meeting so I could go get my Nalgene. That's what I get for losing my Nalgene. That was perfect.

     6:55am  I just took a picture of one, where I slept. Two, my room. It has a cathedral ceiling and everything. I took a picture from outside and I took a picture of the thing you gotta crawl under where all the rocks are.

     7:06am  I just came out. This parking garage is here at Speer and Champa. In front of that big sculpture I took a picture of yesterday. I'll never forgot where this squat it. Perfect, perfect, perfect.

     7:11am  Damn, my feet are all tender from walking yesterday. I walked a hell of a lot.

     7:15am  I just took a picture of this mural that says, "GROW," on it. On Champa and 15th.

                   The Davis and Shaw building.

     7:25am  I rode the Free Mall Ride to the Civic Center Station. I see a Subway. I got off the bus.

     7:27am  Frank at Subway is hooking me up with some cookies. I appreciate it, brother. Everybody gets credit, thanks.

     7:54am  I had a great presentation with this girl Sarah. She walked by and saw my On My Way to Save the World sign. She listened to me. She didn't have time to listen to my odyssey story.

     8:12am  Another good presentation at the bus stop. I gave away a lot of cigarettes. I'm going to go find me a school. I have some food in my stomach from those three cookies. I remember seeing a Denver Community College over by the convention center. I'm going to go back there. Champa.

     8:19am  I'm walking down Champa. Hopefully the right way.

     8:40am  I was walking down the wrong way on Champa. I got directions. I turned around.

     8:49am  I'm back over by the big sculpture. Over by my squat.

     9:07am  I'm at the Community College of Denver. I just walked in this place. I took pictures of the library. The Auroria Libary. I'm going to smoke a cigarette out here and take a hit of weed. I'm going to see if they'll let me use the computers here.

     9:24am  No-go at the library. You have to be a student. But, I told the librarian my story.

     9:44am  This kid out in front of the library listened to my story. And Peter gave me a cigarette.

     9:49am  I had a great presentation with these kids in front of the library. Sweet. One girl even gave me an apple! She was all, "Wow, thanks for telling my your story."

     10:10am  Leah not only listened to my story, she also gave me a pen. My pen stopped working. I appreciate it, Leah.

                     She's going to take a picture of me. She's a photojournalist, badass. Water my seed. Water my seed.

     10:11am  Man, I had a great presentation with this girl as I was walking out of the community college. She was just sitting down listening to headphones and I told her, "Excuse me, can I tell you a really interesting story?" She said sure. She didn't have time to listen to my odyssey story. She had to go. She told me, "I am glad you're doing this." She even took a picture of me.

     10:15am  I went up to some girl reading a book across the street from the community college. I hit her up for a story. She's listening to me.

     10:37am  Kayla not only gave me a good ear and listened to my whole story, but she also gave me a cigarette.

     11:17am  I just took a picture of where I squat. The parking garage. The little corner right behind the stairs.

     11:35am  Andres, here at the burrito stand is giving me some gasoline for my stomach. I appreciate it, brother. Todo el mundo recibe crédito, gracias.

     11:37am  I just scored me a free tamale at the hotdog stand. I knew I would score. Callin' the shots, callin' the shots.

     11:55am  I just had a damn good presentation. I'm sitting here in 16th Street Mall. I just sat down with my sign. This guy sitting next to me, after I ate my tamale he asked me how I was going to do it. I told him I would tell him if he listened to me. He listened to a lot of it. I didn't have time to tell him my odyssey story, but he agreed with everything I said. When I asked what he thought would happen if all the world leaders got together and smoked some weed he said, "I think that would be a good thing."

     12:21pm  I have been sitting here for a while now. About an hour now. I am flying my sign. Nobody has stopped and asked me how, but at least they're reading my sign. I see them looking at it.

     1:07pm  I just had an awesome presentation at the mall. I forgot her name. She gave me her email address. I'm going to look at it.


     1:36pm  I walked by the Mrs. Fields cookies stand. I told Chris my story and he hooked me up with two cookies. Thanks for proving me right, man. Everybody gets credit.

     1:37pm  Sweet, I scored me free cookies. That guy listened to my whole story, man. Good 'ol Denver.

     2:05pm  I walked back by the cookie stand and Chris tells me, "Hey man, here, take my number if you ever need a place to stay or something." He said his mom wouldn't care. And, he gave me two more cookies!

                   Man, I just had yet another good presentation with this one girl. She had to go back to work, though. Robin Johnson.

     3:04pm  I'm just sitting here on the bench holding my sign. Everybody is reading it as they walk by.

     3:14pm  I rode the Free Mall Ride to Champa.

     3:40pm  Just had a badass presentation with three Asian guys from Houston. 

                   One said, "It was really nice meeting you."

     3:55pm  I reeled some guy in for my story. At fist he was all, "I don't have any money." I told him I wasn't asking for money and he came back and listened to me. He had to go somewhere. I got his email address.

     4:20pm  This lady with a messed up face came up to me and I started telling her my stuff. As soon as I said the marijuana part she goes, "I don't want to hear it." She turned around and walked off. I yelled out, "Have you always been that ignorant?"

                   She said the world's greatest problem was homelessness. I told her, "I don't know. It seems to me the less you have the less you have to worry about."

     5:50pm  I am trying to doze off here on the benches over by Claire's and Barnes and Noble. I noticed my sign was missing! I randomly spot some guy walking by carrying my sign. I went up to him and asked for it. He was all, "Yeah, it went over there." I got it back. That's the second time it's been magically returned to me. That's so cool. First time was when Manuel drove by when I was walking out of Taos.

     6:02pm  This ignorant lady wouldn't listen to me.

     7:55pm  Oh yeah, these kids came up to me and asked me if I would buy them some alcohol. I did, I went and bought them some alcohol and they gave me six dollars. That's cool

                    I walked all the way on Colfax. I have to go all the way back now.

     8:32pm  I haven't done anything interesting lately. I have $3.25. I hope that's enough to get me a Supersonic Cheeseburger. I'm looking for 16th Street.

     8:42pm  I came to Sonic and I got a Supersonic double cheeseburger.

     9:23pm  I just had this one presentation with this kid. He agreed with most of what I said and at the end he said, "Just one thing. Make sure Jesus is involved."

     10:15pm  I am going to retire now. I'm going to walk to my room and crash out for the night.

     10:57pm Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I'm at my room at the convention center. It was weird. This morning I left a pair of dirty socks and that blue jacket I scored from Gail in T or C in a corner. When I got here tonight they were both outside of the room. Somebody must have come in here and moved it outside. The candle is still there. I don't know what happened. Alright, I'm just going to go to sleep.

Next day..

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