


Berkeley, CA

Sunday August 3, 2003

     8:30am  Adrianna has agreed to give me a cigarette. That's very generous of you. Thanks a lot.

     9:32am  I've got a major update. I barely recorded at all. Last night I was in front of Blake's on Telegraph. After they gave pizza at Hate Camp at Sproul Hall, I walked down Telegraph to go bum an after-meal smoke. I was just walking down the street and I noticed all these people hanging out in front of Blake's. It's a nightclub or a pool hall or something. I thought, "Hey, this is the perfect place to fly my sign. Most of these people are intoxicated and uninhibited." I came to the front and just stood up my sign. After a while this one guy read it and came up to me saying, "Hey man, I have some resources that might help you. I want to help you out." This guy turns out to be some hacker! So he says. He told me he was busted by the Feds when he was fifteen for deleting some FBI files, or something. He told me that he had just recently been allowed to use a computer again. I was thinking, "Hey, this might be the break I need." And, he listens to Operation Ivy, NOFX and Propagandhi. Anyway, we were just talking and went and smoked a bowl in the park. He told me to just send him an email. But now that I am thinking more about it, I am a bit wary. He was telling me how he got busted before. I always get paranoid about that stuff. I talked to him about my paranoia and he said, "They haven't busted you because it's not time to bust you yet." I said, "Yeah, it's like they want to see what I'll do next." I may just be flattering myself. Oh yeah, he was telling me about some guy he knew about that invented a way to get cars to run on water. This guy supposedly got killed.

                 I'm really paranoid about the feds reading every email I send, so I don't want them to know that I have come in contact with this "hacker." This guy has already been through the system and it's only legal for him now to use a computer again. Like before he wasn't even allowed to be near a touch-tone phone. So you see, I'm not so sure I want to be talking to this guy from my hotmail account. If the feds are looking at my mails and they see I'm hooked up with this hacker who they know about, then they're going to crash me. He says he was already going to email me. I should've told him this last night. Man, that sucks. I'm all paranoid.

                 Oh yeah, this morning I woke up kind of late at the laundromat. I woke up at 8am. The owner had pulled up honking. It's like all the bums have an alarm clock. I walked to People's Park and took a piss in the bathroom. I thought for sure they would be feeding, but the Catholic Workers were already gone. They come at 7:30am on Sundays. After the Park, they go down to Center Street by Shattuck in Downtown Berkeley. So I took off on a hike to Downtown Berkeley, which I really don't like too much. It's Babylon. I got there right in time and I ate. I smoked some weed too. I'm walking back to Telegraph right now.

     10:35pm  I'm out on Telegraph flying my sign and Sherry was generous enough to give me a dollar. I didn't even ask her for it. Thanks for proving me right, Sherry.

                     11:10am  I'm still on Telegraph and Ishmael just gave me two dollars, just like that. I appreciate it, brother. It'll come back to you.

     11:12am  Man, that shit was cool. When I first asked Ishmael to read my sign, he ignored me and just stood there facing the other way. But, when I asked him, "Have you always been this ignorant?" he turned around, grabbed his wallet and gave me two dollars. I told him, "I wasn't asking you for money. I just want you to read it. It's really important." He read it and insisted I keep the money. I pulled out my tape recorder and logged this instance of generosity and Ishmael told me, "Thank you."

     11:37am  I just spent all my money. I can't believe I did that. Like four or five bucks. I bought a pack of American Spirits cigarettes for $5.40, damnit.

     11:56am  I'm talking to Froggy. I asked him to read my sign. He's walking around in bare feet. He told me he had a piece of glass stuck in his foot. Some fat dude drove by in a car and told Froggy off. They're friends, I think. Oh yeah, Froggy wants to sing a song. Here it is: "You got all the money, you have my shoes. They have my backpack, all I was left with was the blues. I've been walking all night, my feet are bruised. I can't shake the feeling that I've been abused." That's Froggy's song.

     12:05pm  This old dude stopped and read my sign. He tells me, "Hey, I've seen you walking around." I was smoking a cigarette and he started preaching to me about how dangerous tobacco was. I told him that I compensated for my bad habits. I walk and drink water. I added, "And, shouldn't we be enjoying everything life has to offer?"

                     Haha, this guy just walked by and didn't read my sign when I asked him to. I went, "Have you always been this ignorant?" He comes up to me and tells me, "Just because I don't want to read your sign I'm ignorant?" I tell him, "That's right, It's more important than anything else you have to do, but you can just wait to hear about it when the rest of the world does." He goes, "Man, fuck you." I smile and tell him, "Peace, brother," and he just walk off. Hehe, I should've kicked his ass, but he probably would've liked it. He was this gay dude.

     12:23pm  Nicole just came back. She had walked by earlier and said, "Man, I wish I had time to ask you how." I told her to come back and she just did. She listened to me a lot. I asked her if she had an email address and she told me she did. I said, "Can I get it from you? I'll send you some harmless text. Nothing but the truth." She told me sure and wrote it down in my little book. Then she asks me, "Hey, can I give you a hug?" I tell her sure and she says, "That's just an awesome sign you have."

                      This guy just walked by and said, "That's a good mission." I told him, "Thanks, somebody's gotta do it."

     12:50pm  I'm going to walk to the school and check my email and type my stuff up.

     4:24pm  I'm giving up on the library today. Well, I'm not giving up, I'm just hungry. Lemme see if I can go find something to eat and come back because the library closes at 9pm. But, today is my very last day at the library. I've been typing up my stuff for the last 3 hours. I've got a whole other cassette I can record over now. I am all the way to Santa Fe in my typing.

     9:09pm  I squeezed in every last minute of computer time I could. I typed up so much shit. I love typing my stuff up. It just refreshes my memory with all this cool stuff that's happened to me. My story is so awesome. With every turn I take I am getting hooked up with something. My webpage is going to kick so much ass. Anyway, I was so surprised they weren't running us out of the library. It was already 8:57pm and shit. Just then I decided I had to check my email on

                   So I did and this girl who read my sign yesterday on Telegraph mailed me. I remembered the conversation because she suggested I get a lot of girls to help get people to read my sign and I told her, "Yeah, I need a harem." She just wrote me right now and told me she wanted to interview me. I wrote her back with, "Yes, yes, yes. Interview me, please. I can't talk right now. Gotta go, library's closing." Kickass.

                   Okay, now I had to check and make sure I was recording on the right tape. I forgot I had left my sign in my little smoke-break hideout on the side of the library. I know I spent around eight hours at the library today. Halfway through I came out here to smoke a cigarette and I left my sign out here. I just got out right now and remembered I had left my sign. I had to backtrack a little and go get it. Man, I've had such a great day. I got cigarettes and I'm going to have a good night. I'm still wondering about that hacker guy. He said he was going to email me and never did. I've looked through my pocket calendar and I can't find his. Maybe it's for the best. Maybe the feds intercepted the email and didn't let me read it. I don't know. Let's see what happens.

     9:21pm  I finished up in the library and walked out to Sproul Hall. I'm out here with Kiko and Lisa, my friends here at Sproul Hall who I always wait for pizza with. When I walked up I asked them, "Hey, did the pizza already come(it usually doesn't come until 8pm)? They told me it was early today. Damn, I missed it. I didn't eat all day at the library. Lisa offered me some brownies, but she can't find them. So, Kiko gives me a sandwich! Badass, brother. I haven't eaten all day.

     10:05pm  I've just been hanging out here at Sproul Hall being lazy. I'm out here talking to Charlie. Charlie had stopped by and asked, "Hey, anybody got any bud?" I told her, "I got a couple hits left. I can give you one." We smoked and I told her my California story. We're just hanging out conversating. Charlie's email is

Next day..

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